SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

were deprived of the knowledge of even the existence of such Origen-like figure in our midst. The third and final paper in this category was delivered by Mr. Mark Moussa, titled: Communal Characterization In Abba Shenoute's Treatise "I Have Been Reading the Holy Gospels." . The subject matter is part of Mr. Moussa's dissertation on this important work of our St. Shenouda the Archimandrite. It dealt with our saint views on clergy and the question of their celibacy or their marriage. The arguments made were simply to adhere to whatever course initially chosen and not to change at a later date. This may address events that have been occurring in the Coptic Church in recent years. Coptic Liturgy: The Coptic liturgy session was held morning session of Friday. It included two papers. The first was by Dr. Youhanna N. Youssef of Melbourne, which was read by Hany Takla, due to Dr. Youssef inability to attend. It was titled, The Popes of Rome and the Patriarchs of Constantinople-commemorated in the Coptic Antiphonarion . It primarily dealt with texts found in the Coptic Difnar which mentioned only three Pope and two patriarchs of Constantinople. He introduced extensive textual and translation of the hymns found for each of these persons. He also analyzed briefly the features discussed there, while comparing them to those found in the Synaxarium of the Coptic Church, when applicable. He concluded his paper with a call for a new and more accurate edition of this book than the nearly 75-year old edition of Dr. De Lacy O'Leary. The audience were blessed by the presence of Dr. Gawdat Gabra who elaborated, through his recent work on the subject, on the history and significance as well as lack of use of this book in the Coptic Church. The second paper was by Hany N. Takla, titled: The celebration of the Coptic Liturgy on Wednesdays and Fridays according to a 14 th Century Manuscript. It dealt with a very interesting manuscript found in the Society's CML library of the Oxford Coptic Manuscripts. This was a complete lectionary manuscript for

use in liturgies, celebrated on Wednesdays and Fridays during the first six weeks of the Coptic Year. The paper introduced the audience to the significance of the manuscript and its contents as well as some of the early history found in the literature about possible celebration of the liturgy on those two days. He concluded with the assertion that such practice probably did not survive beyond the 15 th century in the Church and was exclusively found either in Wadi 'N Natrun at its earliest stages and Cairo churches only in its later stages. This would make the current 20 th century practice, which significantly differs from what is seen in this manuscript, to be an independent phenomenon. Award Presentation: The Society instituted this year the St. Shenouda Conference Achievement Award . This award is designed to honor the achievements of scholars who have contributed to Coptic Studies and particularly to the St. Shenouda Coptic Conferences and Symposia. It was decided that the first one to be awarded to Prof. Boulos Ayad Ayad, of Colorado, for his lifetime work and his participation in these Conferences. The presentation was made by Dr. Saad Michael Saad and Mr. Hany Takla to Prof. Ayad, prior to the beginning of the Saturday afternoon session and it was accompanied by a gift of a Coptic Icon reproduction by the famed Coptic Iconographer, Dr. Isaac Fanous. Business Meeting of the Society: At the conclusion of the Conference, we conducted our second annual business meeting for the members. The meeting was presided over by Hany. N. Takla, the Society's President, assisted by Mr. Ramses N. Wassif, the Treasurer of the Society. The following items were discussed and/or agreed upon: 1. The financial Report of the Society: A graphical report of main income and expenses was distributed, showing comparison between this year numbers and the past six years. The income of the Society showed a notable decrease in this fiscal year which was accompanied by reduction of expenses.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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