SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

 L-A Hunt, “Art in the Wadi Naturn: An Assessment of the Earliest Wallpaintings in the Church of Abu Makar, Dayr Abu Makar.”  M. Immerzeel, “A Play of Light and Shadow: the Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and their Historical Context.”  E. Parandowska, “Results of the Recent Restoration Campaigns (1995-2000) at Dayr el- Sourian.”  Z. Skalova, “Indigo and Madder Finger Prints and Brush Strokes: Notes on Six Byzantine Great Deesis Icons of Wadi Natrun Monasteries and their Egyptian Origin.”  J. van der Vliet, “History through Inscriptions: Coptic Epigraphy in the Wadi al-Natrun.” E-mail contact is: 9. The Society on The Internet: We are still at the same address, "". During the last quarter, The site had over 43,000 hits per month on the average. Information about the new MiniConferences and the annual conference will be posted on the site. The Coptic Lessons Section will be revised soon to add limited pronunciation sounds. The Society has also reserved the internet address: . Its activation date was pushed back to early 2004 to address security concerns. It will be hosted directly from our Coptic Center in Los Angeles via a DSL high-speed line. This new site will include a listing of all the collections housed at the Center: Microfilms, Scanned images, books, off-prints, as well as our new Coptic Textile collection. 10. St. Mark Foundation for Coptic History: Dr. Fawzy Estafanous of Cleveland, Ohio is continuing his efforts of directing this new foundation for publishing the detailed study of Coptic History (Church and people). In the past period, H.H. Pope Shenouda III has given his blessing in writing to the hosting of the 2008 Coptic Congress in Cairo. He also approved in principle, the establishment of a St. Mark Library at the site of the Patriarchate in Cairo. Efforts now are underway to plan the collections to be housed in it. three new Foundation-sponsored publications were released: an Arabic and an English versions of the Annotated Bibliography of St. Mark the Evangelist, and an Arabic History of the Diocese of Aswan and its Christian monuments. Copies are available at the Foundation Address below and at the Society.

The Foundation is continuing with the preparation along with the Patriarchate and the Fayoum Diocese for the second symposium, dealing with the Christian monuments of the Fayoum Oasis, South of Cairo. Details are listed below. Both of our organization will be working together with the Patriarchate in organizing the 2006 Symposium at the St. Shenouda Monastery, as well as possibly the 2008 Coptic Congress in Egypt, if awarded by the IACS. Comments, suggestions, and lifetime membership information can be directed to the following address: Dr. F. G. Estafanous 21106 South Woodland Road Shaker Heights, OH 44122 Tel: (216) 921-4748, Fax: (216) 921-3637 e-mail: Website: 11. Christianity in al-Fayoum Symposium: Preparation is continuing for the Second Coptic Studies Symposium to be held in Egypt. It will deal with the subject of Christianity in Al-Fayoum. The time of the Symposium is set during the period of the 5 th to the 10 th of February, 2004. The preliminary list of the participants, compiled by Dr. Gawdat Gabra, was published in Volume 9 No. 1 of this Newsletter and modifications to that list is included in the Coptic Conference Report in this issue. The list includes scholars from ten different countries and it will be hosted by Bishop Abraam of al-Fayoum on behalf of the Patriarchate. Because of the venue, only a limited number of members of St. Mark Foundation and our Society will be able to attend. This will allow for more attendance by scholars, students and clergymen from Egypt. 12. Coptic References on CD: The Society is offering some titles for distribution in CD-R format of some important references in the field of Coptic Studies. These CDs contain PDF formatted files of the scanned images of these reference with an added electronic table of Contents. As of this time the following titles are available: NKCSC-SAA1, Monneret de Villard, Les Couvents Pres de Sohag, 2 vol, 1925-6, $15. NKCSC-SBO1, Budge, The Earliest Known Coptic Psalter in the Dialect of Upper Egypt , 1889, $10 NKCSC-SLG1, Coptic Agbeyia , Coptic-Arabic, Cairo 1977, $10.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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