USD President's Report 1990

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Xfactor Nearly every successful organ- ization can point to some attribute which propels it to a level of success unattainable by its competitors. At USD, that

factor is the character of the people who commit their lives to ensuring the success of the university. Time and time again dut·ing the past 20 years, an individual or group of individuals has stepped for- ward in a time of need to supply an idea, a plan or financial resources. That strength of character represents invaluable treasure to the university.

Youthful1tedd In 1947 the university's Alcala Park campus was nothing more than a barren mesa overlooking Mission Bay. By 1972, enroll- ment topped 2,500 and a newly

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merged University of San Diego was operating. By the fall of 1990, enrollment ·was more than 6,000, several modern new facilities were constructed and U.S. NewJ an'iJ Worl'iJ Report had rated USD the fourth best regional college in the ,vest. How many institutions of similar youth can point to such remarkable progress? Very few. That fact alone portends a university future filled with great expectations.

11/a11ehe,1fer Famil.11 Chil,J Del'elopme11t Ce11ter Pro110.,t a,uJ J 'i,·e P,-e,,iJe11t S,-. Sall.I/ 1"111·11.11, RSC.I, re,·e1.·,,e., the A.,.,o,·iatlo11 ,~f Catholfr College., a,uJ l l11i,,er.,itie.,' Theo,Jo,-e ,II. lle,,b111:9l, Aw"'·,J, ho11ori119 her ,·1111tril,11tio11,, to h(9he,- e,J,watio11. 11,e Ce11te,-_fo,- 1V11r.,i119 Re,,earcb awar,J,, a $170,000 .1J•·a11t to ll,-, ,1/11,-.11 ,,,,,.,,,.,,_IJ, to.f1111,J ii ,,t11,J.'I "" the e_f.fed., of a .famil.1rba,1e,J pt•O.IJl'illll t,.f ,·0_1711iti,,e .,tl11udatlo11 i11 Ahhei111e1·.fa111ilie,1. Q11a.11ha,1Je11, pr,ife,,,,or o.f


Zeal Unbridled zeal for USD's edu- cational mission among faculty, students, alumni and other sup- porters has provided much impetus for the university's

S r. llele11 Lorch, RSCJ A ,1JiJta11t Profe,Mor o.flli.1tory With .faith i11 GoiJ a11iJ a deep co111111.l/.. n1e11t to Jl11iJe11t.,, the R eli9io1t,1 o.f the Sacr eJ Heart have alway.1 .1triveiJ to e11rich the e,J11ca-- tio11al e11viro1111te11t at USD. We tha11k GoJ Jaily .for the ble.1._1i119,, we have reaped over the year,,.

achievements of the past two decades. That kind of continued devotion will play a critical role in shap- ing the university's future- a future grounded in the traditions that have proven so fruitful to date.

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