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Member Events

BASA Conferences At-A-Glance October 2013—June 2014

October 2013

January 2014

15 Emerging Leaders, Doubletree Worthington 16-17 How to School Finance I, BASA 17-18 OPES, BASA

8 Options for Financially Troubled Schools, BASA (B&E) 9 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA 10 BASA Regional Meeting, Harry E Eastridge PDC 13 BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton County ESC 14 BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School 15-16 OALSS Annual Conference, Doubletree Worthington 21 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Hamilton County ESC 22 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), BASA 22 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green, Levis Commons

22 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Hamilton County ESC 23 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Athens Meigs ESC 23 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA 23-24 How to School Finance I (New Superintendents), BASA 24 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green-Levis Commons

24 Employee Discipline (UpSlope) Harry E. Eastridge PDC

23 Employee Discipline (UpSlope) Harry E Eastridge PDC

29-31 OSLI—Session, Doubletree Worthington

28-29 Emerging Leaders, Doubletree Worthington

November 2013

31 The Changing Landscapes for Passing School Tax Issues (Corky O’Callaghan), BASA

3 OLAC Summit, Doubletree Worthington 5 BASA/BFK Value Added Learning Sessions, Harry Eastridge PDC 10 New Superintendents, Doubletree Worthington 10-12 OSLI—Session ,Doubletree Worthington 11 BASA/BFK Value Added Learning Sessions, Logan Hocking High School 13 BASA/BFK Value Added Learning Sessions, Hamilton County ESC 16 BASA/BFK Value Added Learning Sessions, Levis Com- mons 17-18 Mohican Forum, Hilton Polaris 19 BASA/BFK Value Added Learning Sessions, BASA 1 Legal Update for Superintendents, BASA (Bricker & Eckler) 5 BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School 6 BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton County ESC 7 BASA Regional Meeting, Harry E. Eastridge PDC 10-13 OSBA Capital Conference, Columbus Convention Center 13 BASA Breakfast at OSBA Capital Conference, Columbus Convention Center Save as a PDF with links to BASA website page where Event is listed then import into Flippingbook for the link to work. Will not work if import Publisher or Word or if print Using Flipping Book Printer

February 2014

6 Ohio School Employment Law, BASA (B&E) 13-15 AASA National Conference, Nashville, TN 19-20 How to School Finance I, BASA 25 New Superintendents, Doubletree Worthington 25-27 OSLI—Session, Doubletree Hotel 3-4 Celebrating Women in Leadership, Hilton Easton 4 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Hamilton Cty. ESC 5 Employee Discipline (UpSlope), Athens-Meigs, ESC 6 Employee Discipline (Upslope) Harry E Eastridge PDC 6 Early Literacy Conference, Doubletree Worthington 12-13 School Facilities Conference, Doubletree Worthington 25 Emerging Leaders, Doubletree Hotel Worthington 1-3 OSLI—Session ,Doubletree Worthington 4 BASA Regional Meeting, Logan Hocking High School 8 BASA Regional Meeting, Hamilton County ESC 9 Communications Conference, BASA 10 New Superintendents, Doubletree Worthington 11 BASA Regional Meeting, Harry E Eastridge PDC 23-24 How to School Finance I, BASA 9 BASA Golf Outing, Royal American 16-18 New Superintendents, Summer Conference 16-18 BASA Summer Conference, Columbus Convention Cen- ter 23 The Changing Landscapes for Passing School Tax Is- sues (Corky O’Callaghan), BASA 27 BASA Regional Meeting, BASA 28 BASA Regional Meeting, Bowling Green-Levis Commons

December 2013

March 2014

April 2014

June 2014

24-26 Employee Discipline (Upslope), BASA 26 School Facilities A-Z (Bricker & Eckler)

Revised 10/28/13

Events November 2013

BASA Emerging Leaders Institute 2013-2014

Series # 1 ~October 15, 2013~ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm “Leadership Necessary to Implement the Common Core” Judy F. Carr~ Senior Consultant and Leadership Development Coach, Center for Curriculum Renewal Judy F. Carr is an ASCD Faculty Member as well as a senior consultant and leadership development coach with the Center for Curriculum Renewal. She works with schools and districts, as well as with state agencies and other education- al organizations nationwide, to build systems to support high student performance through standards-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment design and implementation with a focus on the Common Core State Standards. Carr’s work with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) includes working with school and district leaders to build capacity for successful implementation; creating protocols, tools, and templates for district-wide design of scope and sequence documents and units of study tied directly to the CCSS. Judy’s expertise will give you great ideas and protocols to be the leader you need to be to implement the Common Core Standards.

Series #2 ~January 28 & 29, 2014~ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm “Powerful Coaching for Leaders” Karla Reiss ~ Founder, The Change Place

Karla Reiss founded The Change Place after more than 20 years working with organizations who agonized with creat- ing successful change. The majority of leaders lack the knowledge, skill and persistence to make lasting change. Karla discovered the powerful process of coaching and uncovered the key to change…..competent coaching skills. Every leader should know and understand how to adopt a coaching style of leadership. Karla will spend two days here in Ohio to help participants learn and practice the “art of coaching”. Ohio’s OTES and OPES have at their core – the coaching process to help teachers and principals improve and excel at their jobs. Karla will enable participants to streamline coaching by using her research-based strategies and processes. Participants will have the opportunity to practice coaching strategies on day two to enable them to use coaching effectively. Time is of the essence as we move forward to implement the OTES and OPES programs and this workshop can give educators the tools to steam line one aspect of the process.

Series #3 ~March 24, 2014~ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm “Soft Leadership for Hard Times Dr. George Goens, Ph.D~Author

Dr. George Goens is a prominent author, dynamic leader, recognized educator and featured speaker. George has worked with public and private sector organizations on leadership development and assessment. George served as Wis- consin Superintendent of Schools for 15 years where he was awarded the title of “Outstanding Educator”. He under- stands the real life dynamics of leading in a complex and changing environment, and can apply sound principles to the realities of practice. George will give participants innovative ways to deal with all the changes that are facing leaders as well as how to use soft leadership skills in these difficult times!


BASA Emerging Leaders Institute 2013-2014

Welcome to all superintendents & other educators who want to sharpen their knowledge about leadership.

All sessions will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, 175 Hutchinson Avenue, Columbus, OH 43235 . Please call the Doubletree directly at 614-885-3334 to make overnight room arrangements.

Complete registration form(s) & enclose a check or purchase order & mail to : BASA, 8050 N. High St., Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235; Fax to (614) 846-4081; or Register on-line at www.basa-ohio.org .

Full Name: _______________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________ Organization/School District _________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________ Phone : _________-_________-___________ Fax: _________-_________-__________ Email : ___________________________________________________________________ Conference Fees & Payment: Includes all 4 sessions or individual sessions, materials, breaks & meals. Hotel overnight rooms are NOT included.

❑ Check enclosed (payable to BASA)

❑ All 4 sessions at a reduced rate = $495.00

Purchase Order is attached

❑ October 15, 2013 - Judy Carr = $189.00

❑ January 28 & 29, 2014 - Karla Reiss = $378.00 ( 2 day training )

Please invoice me

Credit Card

❑ March 24, 2014 - Dr. George Goens = $189.00

____ Visa

____ MasterCard

Card Number ________________________________________ Expiration Date ____/_______

Name on Card _____________________________________ 3-digit Security Code ________

Cancellations & Refunds Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) & received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event date. Cancellations 5 or less days prior to the conference are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for "no-shows." s Additional Information Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). University credit is also available.

Questions? For additional information, contact BASA at 614-846-4080 .

Rural Education National Forum

Connecting Schools, Jobs & Communities for Rural Prosperity October 31—November 1, 2013 Greater Columbus Convention Center Columbus, Ohio

Hosted by:

hio Department of Education

Register online at: www.BattelleforKids.org/Go/RuralForum by October 18, 2013

Making Education Work for Rural America

Nearly a quarter of our nation’s public school students attend rural schools . Often financially challenged and separated by geography, rural school districts need opportunities to share and leverage ideas, strategies, and effective practices to accelerate college- and career-readiness for every student. Because educational attainment and economic development outcomes are closely linked, it is important for rural Americans to see the value of advanced education beyond high school, and the role it plays in creating jobs and improving local communities. The Rural Education National Forum is a unique opportunity to advance conversations around rural education and prosperity through collaborative action. The Forum is Designed to: • Connect and strengthen collaborative rural education and prosperity efforts across the country; • Highlight powerful instructional and leadership practices in rural districts; • Focus strategic conversations around rural opportunities and challenges with national and local experts; and • Build a network for collaborative action. • Rural district, building, and teacher leaders • Board of education, business, and civic and community leaders • State department of education leaders • Established collaboratives/networks of education, business, and/or community organizations • Economic development leaders and venture capitalists • Rural and non-rural education associations • Philanthropic foundations • Others interested in strengthening rural education, economic/workforce development, and civic/community engagement efforts Who Should Attend?

Teams are encouraged to attend.

Regist er online at www.BattelleforKids.org/Go/RuralForum

Keynote Speakers

Patrick Carr , Author & Associate Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University Patrick Carr is co-author, along with Maria J. Kefalas, of Hollowing Out the Middle: The Rural Brain Drain and What it Means for America . Carr and Kefalas moved to Iowa to understand the rural brain drain and the exodus of young people from America’s countryside. They met and followed working-class “stayers,” ambitious and college-bound “achievers,” “seekers,” who head off to war to see what the world beyond offers, and “returners,” who eventually circle back to their hometowns. The stories of civic engagement will inspire and encourage those struggling to defend their communities. Carr lectures across the country about the rural brain drain and strategies to arrest it. His work has been featured in numerous media outlets, from Newsweek to NPR.

Jeff Charbonneau, 2013 National Teacher of the Year Jeff Charbonneau is a 12-year chemistry, physics, and engineering teacher at Zillah High School in Zillah, Washington, a rural community of around 3,000 people. He is a National Board Certified teacher. He has received numerous awards, among them being various business donations and grants totaling more than $25,000 to support the ZHS Robot Challenge, of which he is founder and director.

Dr. James W. Mahoney, Executive Director, Battelle for Kids Since 2001, Dr. Jim Mahoney has served as the Executive Director of Battelle for Kids, a national, education non-profit organization working with school district leaders and teachers to improve student achievement. He is passionate about improving educational opportunities for all students in order for them to make better lives for themselves. With more than 35 years of experience in rural education, including superintendent for 15 years, principal, teacher, coach, professor, and author, Jim speaks throughout the United States, Canada, and China. Emily Pilloton, Founder & Director, Project H Design Emily is the founder and direct or of Project H Design, a non-profit design and architecture agency that uses the power of design and hands-on building to catalyze communities and public education from within. Project H has a core focus on using design and full-scale building projects to activate public education systems in the U.S. and to provide a more engaged learning framework for K-12 students, particularly in rural communities. For nearly three years, Emily and her partner were based in rural Bertie County, North Carolina, one of the most resource-poor counties in the nation. There, they taught Project H’s cornerstone program, Studio H, a high school design/build curriculum that results in student-built architecture projects for community benefit.

Regist er online at www.BattelleforKids.org/Go/RuralForum

Connecting Schools, Jobs & Communities for Rural Prosperity October 31—November 1, 2013 Greater Columbus Convention Center

Rural Education National Forum

Schedule at a Glance

Thursday, October 31

8–9 a.m.

Registration/Continental Breakfast

9–9:30 a.m.


9:30–10:45 a.m.

Keynote: Jim Mahoney

11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Learning Sessions

12–1:15 p.m.

Lunch/Speaker: Jeff Charbonneau

1:15–2:30 p.m.

Keynote: Patrick Carr

2:45–3:45 p.m.

Learning Sessions

4–5 p.m.

Connect & Collaborate Sessions

Friday, November 1

7:30–8:30 a.m.

Coffee/Connect & Collaborate Sessions

7:30–8:30 a.m.

Registration/Continental Breakfast

8:30–8:45 a.m.


8:45–10:15 a.m.

Keynote: Emily Pilloton

10:30–11:30 a.m.

Learning Sessions

11:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m.


12:45–1:45 p.m.

Connect & Collaborate Town Hall Meeting

1:45–2 p.m.

Closing Remarks

Schedule subject to change.

Register online at: www.BattelleforKids.org/Go/RuralForum by October 18, 2013

Learning Session Topics Unlike traditional conferences where attendees come and listen to speakers and experts, this Forum is designed to encourage two-way conversations. Learning sessions will provide attendees the opportunity to hear from educational leaders and practitioners from around the country on critical rural education issues, then participate in discussions with presenters and other attendees.

Learning sessions will focus on timely, relevant topics, including:

Local Roots, Global Perspective—Finding Mutual Benefit Rural schools need to be globally competitive and locally relevant in terms of increasing student outcomes. These sessions will explore how rural districts can leverage new ideas and strategies to respond to a global reality and better prepare students for college, careers, and life. • Dual enrollment • Personalized learning • Re-inventing the high school • Career-pathway programs and career-tech • Engaging students through STEM • Preserving culture while inspiring change • New standards and assessments • Place-based learning Educator Effectiveness—What’s Working for Rural Schools & Students? Effective educators increase student achievement by encouraging students to discover their unique strengths and limitless potential. These sessions will investigate how to advance rural-oriented innovations that expand educator effectiveness, extend the reach of the most effective educators, strengthen principal/teacher/team leadership capacity, and support greater student ownership.

• Highly effective teacher research • Outside the box leadership • Strategic compensation and educator evaluations • Policy implications of educator effectiveness initiatives

• Developing and supporting teachers for a competitive tomorrow • Leading through coaching • The connection between leadership and learning

Rural Prosperity—Connecting Schools, Jobs & Communities Research suggests that a strategic, well-designed, and supported local education and economic development framework correlates to lower unemployment and poverty rates, and higher graduation rates. These sessions will look at how to design and sustain local/regional collaborative leadership around college- and career-readiness to improve education and economic outcomes for rural communities.

• Students as leaders • Collaborative networking — stories of inter- and intra-district collaboration • Agri-business, energy, and health care impact on rural communities • Encouraging entrepreneurship in K-12 and higher education

• Education, community, and business partnerships • Innovation and education • Responding to diverse student populations • College- and career-readiness • Policy implications of reform efforts

Hosted by:

Register online at: www.BattelleforKids.org/Go/RuralForum by October 18, 2013

Registration Fees • 2-Day Registration: $475, includes continental breakfast and lunch • Early Bird Rate: $450 (register by August 15) Payment options include credit card, check, or purchase order. Please include a note that indicates your payment is for the Rural Forum. Make purchase orders and checks payable to: Battelle for Kids 1160 Dublin Road, Suite 500 Columbus, OH 43215 Cancellation & Refund Policy

Questions? Battelle for Kids’ Customer Support 1-866-543-7555 Support@BattelleForKids.org

Graduate Credit Graduate credit will be available to attendees who participate in both days of the Forum. Details coming soon.

Refunds or credits will only be offered for cancellations submitted via the registration website at least 10 days prior to the event. Cancellations received less than 10 days prior to the event will be eligible for a refund equal to 50 percent of your registration fee to cover meal and administrative costs. “No-shows” are not eligible for a refund. Accommodations Hyatt Regency Columbus

Red Roof Inn Columbus Downtown 111 East Nationwide Boulevard Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 224-6539 www.redroof-columbus-downtown.com Event Rate: $75/night (plus tax) Rate Deadline: September 30, 2013 Reservation Code: Battelle-Rural

350 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215

(614) 463-1234 www.hyatt.com

Event Rate: $124/night (plus tax) Rate Deadline: October 9, 2013 Reservation Code: Rural Education National Forum

Limited rooms are available.

About Battelle for Kids Battelle for Kids is a national, not-for-profit organization that provides strategic counsel and innovative solutions for today’s complex educational improvement challenges. Our mission-driven team of education, technology, communications, and business professionals specializes in creating strategies that advance the development of human capital, the use of strategic measures, the implementation of effective practices, and communication with all stakeholders in schools. About ODE The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) oversees the state’s public education system, which includes public school districts, joint vocational school districts and charter schools. The department also monitors educational service centers, other regional education providers, early learning and childcare programs, and private schools.

© 2013, Battelle for Kids, All Rights Reserved.


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Columbus, Ohio 43235

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