USD Magazine Spring 2017

served populations, signaling the university’s dedication to progres- sive degrees that address societal changes while equipping students with the means to lead the change in both their careers and lives. “Education has a critically impor- tant role to play in bridging the gap between law enforcement and the communities they serve,” says Fritsvold. “Education has been

this is not the case. We have to continue to work to be more inclusive and try to establish a level playing field for all members of our society,” says Kelso. “Movements like Black Lives Matter are a reaction to the old ways that law enforcement has done things. It’s a reemergence of the civil rights era. We want to see more accountability,

and political movements with emotional intelligence and good moral conduct, even in the toughest situations.” For Rainey, the fact that the MS-LEPSL program is at USD further signals the ability for progressive law enforcement to make a meaningful, lasting community impact. “Law enforcement is on the other end of the spectrum to the traditional faith-based programs offered at USD. This program shows the university in a pro- gressive light and sends a mes- sage of inclusion and diversity.” may help ensure success. “One of the key components is having experienced practitioners,” says Benjamin Kelso, a MS-LEPSL professor and a lieutenant with the San Diego Police Department Internal Affairs unit. “Real life events come up as part of the modules we teach in the courses.” A 27-year law enforcement veteran, Kelso (pictured, at left) is also the president of the San Diego Black Police Officers’ Asso- ciation, a position he says is key in helping his students understand police-community relations. “My role is to incorporate some of the experiences the president of the Black Police Officers’ Association has in day- to-day situations and to bring them into our discussions of law enforcement,” says Kelso. “It’s a benefit. It allows other perspectives to be brought up and discussed in scholarly set- tings, providing insights into com- munity attitudes and feelings.” For Kelso, understanding different perspectives begins with listening to and embracing all communities. “We would like to believe we’ve reached a stage in the develop- ment of our nation where race is no longer a factor, but we know W hile there are no easy answers, there are some core touchstones that

the right program was difficult. “I had wanted to go back to school for several years, but the timing seemed wrong and the degrees seemed off,” she says. “I would like to better myself and this is a good way to do it. This program presented itself as a great opportunity. It would be a shame not to take it.” For Townsend, the chance to further her education aligned with her own role in the San Diego community. “The dedication to ethical con- duct and compassionate service is what law enforcement is, or should be, all about. I believe I provide a public service every time I go to work,” she says. “We enforce fundamental ethics as a profession and we participate in continuous training to gain knowledge to help us better serve the communities we work for.” For Jazzma Rainey, the MS- LEPSL program was the opportu- nity to receive the USD educa- tion she’d always wanted. “Growing up in San Diego, I was already familiar with the prestige of a USD degree,” says Rainey (pictured, at right). “When I learned about the online pro- gram, there was no doubt in my mind that this was perfect for me.” As a Customs and Border Protection officer for the past 13 years, Rainey knew that she would gain advanced training in community policing strategies, ultimately allowing her to better serve others. “Programs like this one rein- force the emotional, academic and ethical practices of what is considered ‘good policing’ by teaching the importance of pro- fessionalism, open-mindedness and the framework of ethical community-policing,” says Rainey. “Learning about cultural and social issues that create a need for organizations like Black Lives Matter from an academic stand- point enables law enforcement personnel to engage with cultural

demonstrated to nurture more cul- turally aware officers, who are bet- ter positioned to succeed in the increasingly multicultural commu- nities of the U.S.” Creating an inclusive society that’s protected by a fair criminal justice system is a lofty goal. To reach reconciliation and to over- come the void we see in our com- munities, education must have a real-world approach that teaches leadership and emphasizes social justice. USD is offering degree programs that really can make positive change possible. For more, go to ms-lepsl. Each September, the Law Enforcement Association Leader- ship Symposium is held at USD. The event provides relevant and immediately practical information to large police and sheriff associa- tions. Go to

transparency and fairness in the criminal justice system.” Fritsvold and Lemon say the new MS-LEPSL program is the bridge between USD’s social justice teachings and community outreach efforts. It’s the link that allows forward movement towards accountability, transpar- ency and fairness and community engagement by the university. “USD is showing everyone who learns about this program that the principles of critical thinking, inquiry-focused learn- ing, intensive engagement with curricular content, community engagement, access and inclu- sion, and caring for our commu- nities are central to advanced education for the law enforce- ment and public safety commu- nities,” says Lemon. Fritsvold credits the program as further opening USD to under-

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