USD Magazine Spring 2017
USD’s annual Alumni Honors event, scheduled for April 22, recognizes those who embody the university’s mission and values.
H o n o r i n g U S D ’ s a l u m n i w h o a r e l e a d i n g c h a n g e [ o u t s t a n d i n g ] E X T RAORD I NAR Y L I V E S
T he University of San Diego’s Alumni Honors event recognizes 10 dis- tinguished alumni, honoring them for their volunteer service, their contributions to humanitar- ian causes, their athletic excel- lence, their outstanding career achievement or the promise they show as emerging leaders. Shannon Smith ’86 (BA, BBA) will receive the Mother by Krystn Shrieve
is dedicated to alleviating human suffering worldwide. Ali Troost ’11 (BA) is the 2017 inductee in the Chet and Marguerite Pagni Family Athletic Hall of Fame. Troost left a tremen- dous mark on the women’s vol- leyball program. During her career, she guided the Toreros to three WCC Championships and to four NCAA Tournament appear- ances. Following her senior sea-
Rosalie Clifton Hill Award, which is given to alumni who embody USD’s mission and values. Participating on the national Alumni Board of Direc- tors and alumni committees in San Francisco and New York over the years has allowed Smith to collaborate with alum- ni from every era. Her efforts helped to establish the Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund.
A. Barry La Forgia ’76 (JD) will be honored with the Bishop Charles Francis Buddy Award, given to alumni exhibit- ing extraordinary contributions and commitment to humanitari- an causes. He is a former United States Air Force pilot, attorney and business owner. After partici- pating in a mission trip to Peru, he started his own nonprofit, International Relief Teams, which
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