
speech pathology week 2014

SPWeek 2014 Nation for Communication 24–30 August

Communication International Project


Building an Australia where communication in all its forms is recognised and valued. SPWeek 2014 is upon us! Nation for Communication is the theme and so it's time to spread the word and celebrate communication and speech pathology! ICP2014 Pledge or take a photo with the “I communicate” bubble ).

We would love to hear from you! Please share any anecdotes, stories and photos from your SPWeek celebrations with us by emailing them to marketing@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au. Got a good story? Each year we illustrate the importance of communication and speech pathology through the media. We’re looking for clients, clinicians and family members to act as media spokespeople, to share their story of communication and why it is important that we build an Australia that is a nation for communication. If you are interested, or have someone in mind, email marketing@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au for more information. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy Speech Pathology Week 2014!

We hear there are some great Branch- driven social events in the works (some with kind support from other local organisations), as well as promotional displays going up in workplaces around the country. If you would like to put up an ICP2014/ Nation for Communication display in your place of work, you can find materials at www.nationforcommunication.org . Remember to check out the website www.nationforcommunication.org for a range of activity ideas, resources and promotional items which will help you convey to your audience the impact communication disorders have on people’s lives, as well as the difference speech pathologists make in clients’ lives.

The International Communication Project 2014 (ICP2014) is in full swing: you’ve read about the project, you’ve signed the ICP2014 Pledge and you’ve taken a picture with an “I communicate” sign – now, during SPWeek 2014, it’s time to share our aim of building a Nation for Communication with your community. Included in your August mailout is an ICP2014 badge , so even if you are unable to organise or take part in a dedicated event or activity in the next couple of weeks, please wear your badge and talk to people about the ICP2014 aims (and encourage them to sign the

There are a number of ways you can participate during SPWeek 2014 – below are a few ideas to get you thinking about how you can show your support for building a Nation for Communication, based on the amount of time you can commit: How can I get involved during Speech Pathology Week 2014?

Half a day

1–2 hours

5–15 minutes

A day or more

Create a short film about communication disorders

Research your community groups and offer to speak at one of their meetings Host a pub quiz/trivia night with

Build a paper chain of stories about communication and decorate your place of work Host a morning tea or lunch ‘without words’ Encourage interest in the technical aspects of your work

Start a conversation about communication disorders

Host an event (e.g., trivia night, morning tea, or competition) Invite your local politicians to visit your workplace and learn more about communication disorders

Ask colleagues and friends to sign the Communication Pledge and share the link on social media Put up an ICP2014/ Nation for Communication poster at work

a ‘communication’ theme Host a story time at your local library

Check out the website for more ideas! There are resources and a comprehensive 'Activities and your time' guide available for download at www.nationforcommunication.org (look under 'Campaign Resources' > 'Getting Started').

16 Speak Out August 2014

Speech Pathology Australia

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