2019-2020 Purchasing Guide Volume 6


Water Heaters


ADVANTAGE Our Professional line is part of our 360°+1 design philosophy, featuring 360° Performance ™ , 360° Installability ™ , and 360° Serviceability ™ . PROFESSI NAL Complete line of Rheem Professional ™ Water Heaters Available Now Maintenance Supply Headquarters proudly offers the Rheem Professional ™ series—a full line of pro-quality residential water heaters with product tiers, exclusive 360°+1 features and contractor-friendly benefits designed to give you the advantage—meeting the needs of your customers and driving sales for your business. Three Distinct Tiers of Products The new Classic ™ , Classic Plus ™ and Prestige ™ product tiers make it easy for you to find the right fit for every customer. 360°+1 Innovation

Professional Techs and Commercial Service Express: 866-630-6747 | Rheem.com


supplyHQ.com | Phone: 866.630.6747 | Fax: 866.631.6747

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