2019-2020 Purchasing Guide Volume 6

| JANITORIAL Bathroom Cleaners


BowlBlaster Toilet Bowl Cleaner • Super clinging gel • Goes in purple and turns green when clean • Simply brush and flush • Leaves behind a fresh fragrance

Toilet Bowl Cleaner • Thick formula removes stains • Kills staph, E. coli and HIV-1 virus • Safe for plumbing and septic systems • Leaves a fresh, clean scent

Product # Description 510270 32 oz Bottle

Product # Description 510295 24 oz Bottle

Pretty Potty Bowl Cleaner • 20.3% HCL formula removes lime, mineral deposits, scale and rust • Hospital-grade bowl cleaner • Clear amber color changes to blue during use • Mint fragrance

Porcelain & Bowl Cleaner • 9.6% HCL formula hospital grade bowl cleaner

• Removes scale and hard water deposits • Clear blue color, fresh mint fragrance

Product # Description 510110

Product # Description 510201

32 oz Flip-Top Bottle

32 oz Flip-Top Bottle

Perfect Non-Acid Bathroom Cleaner • Non-acid hard surface and bowl cleaner • Clinging action for cleaning toilet bowls and vertical surfaces • Removes soap scum, mineral deposits and stains • Clear blue color, pleasant fragrance

Toilet Bowl Cleaner • Natural cleaner removes rust, mineral deposits and hard water stains • Safe for plumbing and septic systems • Contains natural ingredients, biodegradable

Product # Description 510115

Product # Description 510260 24 oz Bottle

32 oz Flip-Top Bottle

Powdered Cleanser • Non-chlorinated powdered cleanser for ceramic tile and fixtures

Powdered Cleanser • Mild abrasive chlorinated formula • Bleaches out stains and soap scum

Product # Description 514530 21 oz Can

Product # Description 514520 21 oz Can


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