2019-2020 Purchasing Guide Volume 6

POOL | Water Treatment


Super BlueWater Clarifier • Produces and maintains crystal clear pool water without affecting pH balance or other chemicals • Use after shock treatment, super chlorination or algicidal treatment to remove dead algae and organic debris • 1 oz treats 5,000 gallons • Safe for use with all filter types

Natural Pool Clarifier • Contains a natural ingredient, chitosan, which attracts the organic debris that cause cloudiness in pool and spa water • Does not affect pH or chlorine levels • Biodegradable and non-toxic • 1 oz treats 6,000 gallons

Product # Description 906110 32 oz Bottle

Product # Description 906100 32 oz Bottle

Drop ‘n Vac • Settles floating debris and material the filter can’t get to the bottom of the pool • Works overnight and allows for easy debris removal by vacuum • Compatible with chlorine, bromine, salt water pools, ozone and biguanide sanitizers

Natural Clear Enzyme Clarifier • A natural, enzyme water cleaner • Eliminates organic material that causes odor, scum lines, filter clogging and cloudy water • Digests oils, lotions and other organic material • 1 oz treats 500 gallons of water

Product # Description 906115 32 oz Bottle

Product # Description 906120 32 oz Bottle

Algimycin 600 Algaecide • Non-foaming triple action 60% polymer algaecide • Compatible with chlorine, bromine and salt water systems • Destroys and prevents the regrowth of green algae • Increases water clarity all in one step • Does not require pH

Algae-X • Non-foaming multipurpose 30% polymer algaecide • Compatible with chlorine, bromine and salt water systems • Treats green and yellow algae • Does not require pH adjustment to be effective

adjustment to be effective • Ideal for winterizing pools

Product # Description 907031 32 oz Bottle

Product # Description 907061 32 oz Bottle

Super Algaecide • Compatible with chlorine, bromine and salt water systems • Prevents algae growth in pools without foaming • Controls mustard algae growth • Initial treatment uses 2 oz per 5,000 gallons • Maintenance treatment 1 oz per 5,000 gallons every 2-weeks

Prevent Plus Organic Stain Remover

• Prevents yellow, green and brown non-metallic stains and deposits and adds sparkle to the water • Compatible with bromine and chlorine • Add 3 oz per 10,000 gallons for weekly maintenance

Product # Description 907051 32 oz Bottle

Product # Description 907040 32 oz Bottle


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