Alcalá 1992

R ing! Ring! Slowly, but surely you get out of bed. There begins the life of a USO student. Intellectually stimulating days followed by long, fun filled nights. All during the day, students could be found lounging under palm trees or studying rigorousry for that next exam. The scenery left nothing to be desired and there was always something to do. Lynn Randall, Freshman, said, "It's just fun! I can't believe how easy it was to get involved with campus life!" Sororities and fraternities were as ac– tive as ever and social events were abundant. Planned parties such as Mash Bash and Club Dead were sure– fire crowd pleasers. In the words of Peggy Colgan, Freshman, "Missing it would have been a total buzz kill!" The greatest part of the lifestyle here at USO had to be the people you met. In between studies it was hard to ignore the shouts in the halls, the telephone calls, the Tram driving by and the over– all feeling that "Hey, life is pretty good!"



Some people think transportation is a fashion state– ment. Thia student, like many others, find that mo– torcycles are a convenient way around campus with– out the major h888le of parking.

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