Alcalá 1992

Gre1 Sherman and .Jon Claboc enjoy themaelv• at the Si(ma Pi Chriatmu party.

Sigma Pi brothen Mike Shreck. Erle Fonell. Mike Davlea, Jed Davia, Tom Tleclllman, Seott Sporer, and Mike Hormaeehea are reedy to 1lr.i Parlr. City, Utah.

Sigma Pi'• "death machine" completal ill tour around the field duri111 the Homecomi111 Half-time Show.

lta party time for the brothen Mike "Romy," Jerry "Mac tllle Knife,• Boe ..Bendrht," and Mike "Dade."

Will Mike 8111reck and hia broth– ers remember this day in San Felipe, Mnico?

Sigma Pi 197

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