Alcalá 1992

How far • away 1s home? Students come from all over the world to attend USO. Although they enjoy it here,

G o West! The sun and the beach to– gether had a definite magnetism for a lot of people, but that's not all! Attrac– tions such as Hollywood, Disneyland, and Sea World were also an contributing fac– tor. The best part was probably the great access to concerts and clubs. It also didn't hurt to be within thirty minutes of Tijua– na (tequila!!). California was definitely the place with the most active surroundings and the easiest escape and the greatest fun potential. USD students came from a wide array of states such as Georgia, New York, and Ari– zona. There are even a few from Alaska! So why did they choose San Diego? Accord– ing to Kate Denten, the reason was defi– nitely, "The weather! I'm from Chicago and the change in temperature was a defi– nite plus!" For those of us who just moved within the state, just a change of scenery was suffi– cient. In the words of Jim Morrison, "The west is the Best!"

many of them find it difficult to be so far away from home.

Southern California in the Shade.

In between c1-, students take a break to diacuaa the day's events.

Student LWe 15~

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