Alcalá 1992

A s th•>"1)..,ni,ng«b:alow-W dipt bebiiu1 tb~ l~late, we ret'leei oll ~ --iW:i*~ «u~~tt.)'• h•· &(me-~- FiMl• iootn Wot-e us. thb'·onlj 'flaw. lb ib.e- perfect~,. of &Wl\Jfler .\'&cation. ~p~ r.;stdel).t$ b,jve begun to id& t~ do~n -oil. theit wa{la~ ietl{bg teaciy U:> fll> home Io• -~:-suin~r. 7'Mif ltuden1* w~ ~ ~uoky ~ io sf&. ·too ar• re,dy_.f9t'.a b~ lote~.n- •ill ·begiJ;- ll)Olt, but~ .a little 1thi1t, the ·~ij~~Y' of San D~ ~~1'°' wilt be ~fult, ~tiM. AU toe jOOQ., t.h~ falbiliet >ioice11 loo~ of the ttudeuta wi11 l'ffllrn. Vo1 ll>JDY stude.r:tiB, -tlte- end oJ thig ~ meana we~ that atuch 'tlo-er to ~dQlri:J~. FO'f the. Senion, it ls a ie.iaparvy ·fal'ewen tQ friend& tnd peili~ A final fat.ewtH to ~i,ta ~ -• · ~) p~re to enter the Pl'.O.ftMi~ world. The 19Gl• t992 -acadelllie Yoat i1. ""<> J.ottget in. the ~– ~t. it hall bectlrne ~ ~ory. W~ ea a t;Jnlvfflit.y"' and u i~•~d~ -h,$,-e co~ .. Jona -••'Y in &u.cb • .abott i,eriod. Our- su~enta have be.ft Oia.d6 *1ld now w-e took fo,1111Ard. t.o ~xt ~al',


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