Alcalá 1992

All You Ever Wanted To Know About The 1992 Alcala but were afraid to ask . • •

Colophon and Editor's Note

T he 1992 Alcala, Volume 36, is a product of the offset lithography process and was published by Jos– ten'• Printing and Publishing in Visa– ~ California. It contains 220 pages, di– ~ded into nine sections of 100-pound htho gloea paper. In an effort to be envi– ronmentally aware, the Alcala staff chose to print this book on recycled paper. The cover, endsheets and title page were deeigned by the Alcala staff and the Jos– teu artists. It is a combination of leather ~d lithograph materials and is stamped With copper foil. The yearbook utilizes 54 pages of full color and has been upgraded from a 8 ½ x 11 inch size to a full 9 x 12 inch size. The tip-in of a current events aection in between signatures 13 and 14 was to ensure complete color coverage of the year's events. ~lor and black and white film was pro– ided to the staff by Varden Studios. Varden was also responsible for the indi– vidual class photographs. Color film pro-

t I hole . he AHociated Student• Government, I or " , · r I couldn· have aked for a more supportive and concerned group of f, 11 • officers and 1 , or

cessing was provided by Clauic ReproRT phics and Couain's Warehouse. The body copy was 10 point, Times Ro– man and the captions were 8 point Times Roman. The Student l f. , , 1 t Stu– dents, Advertising, and Closing sections were designed by Heather Mineo. The Senior section was designed Cat Sum– mers and Karen Holm. The l ndercl men section was c b) Rondi Stein. Cyndi Glaze was re- r n I I f r the design of the Openin Sp, ir and Clubs and Organizations n An- drea Rael and Robert Carty ·n the Greeks section. There was a select group ot people n, cared enough about the Alcala through to the end. Those people have my eternal thanks. I would like , 1 : r1 I ~ thank my advisor, Mr. L Reuben Mitch– ell for his guidance and patience thro t out this chaotic year. I am also grateful ·, Mr. Ed Shoen for his dedication and con– stant belief in the abilities of myself and

Ti m) 1 ant editor Cyndi Glaze, lhanit \'c ome n ugh 1m th think h paid l • 'l I ire 4

Heather K. Mineo Editor-in-Chief

Colophon And Editor's Note 235

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