Alcalá 1992

he Best In Their Members

E mphasis at USD has al– ways been on academics. With the focus on gra– duate school or just an interest in the furthering of knowledge in one's major, participation in an academic organization is beneficial. The Accounting Society is a student organization promoting interaction between accounting students in academic, commu– nity and professional endeav– ors. The organization sponsors a variety of speakers through– out the year and conducts tours of local and international CPA firms. Other activities include hosting social events involving faculty, alumni and top leaders in the business community. Ad– visor for the club is Dr. Carol Bruton and president of the club is Michael Pattison.

is Marilyn Benett and club president is Lisa Gallagher.

Club Laissez Faire is a club set up to promote an understand– ing and application of economic opportunities and achieves an awareness of current economic situations. The majority of the members are economics majors, but the club is not strictly limited to them. A variety of activities are offered to mem– bers including hosting special speakers from businesses and the government. Advisor for the club is Alan Gin. Upstage Players is a club set up for USD undergraduates to pro– mote theatre. It gives interested students the opportunity to act, direct, produce and participate in all aspects of theatrical pro– ductions. The club puts on many plays and small dramas on campus. Advisor for the club

Two members of Upstage Player& take time out of acting practice and smile.

Club LaiBSeZ Faire: Charle• Ayash, Tom Barcello, Pu Bradley, Michelle Brock, Robert Carty, Jer– emy Davldaon. Eric England, Jennifer Finale, John Fitzpatrick, TereH Florid!, David Fried– man, Geoff Graham, Alisa Hale, Sean Hayea, Joyce Heald, Ramon Jacquea, Rakeah Jain. Jay Janaulce, Burton Johnaon. Kelly Konitz, Chri•· tine Lan•ing, Greg Libby, Chrla LlnHen, Antolin Matsuda, Britta Olson, Michelle Ramoua, Aimee Reinard, MeliHa Reinard, Ken Robak, Ken Schmitt, Caroline Skol, Val Smalley, Michael Stefanoudakia, Delfina Tagle, Melissa Vitale, Michael Ward, Dan Watkin•, Michael Woore, Kam Zardouzvan, and Nicole Zetouna.

Account.i111 Society: Llberllaa Abrabam, Weady Ara1011, Jeff Blaae•lel,. Mlebelle Boudreau. Elleea Bueao, Krlatla Buaker, Joleae Bur1et1. Mlebaua Caraaban, l'eraaado Carrillo, Marial Cervaateo, Erla Cbaraeld1, Betb Clay, Trulette Clayea. Debbie Cole, Jolla Coppea. Daaa Cor– ~ Stepbea Craadall, Roee Cuba, Leeaaaa Cummla1a. Ma"laret CurrlYan, Deaaaa DelCaatlllo, Lisa Demler, Kim Do, Breaaaa Dolan, TerHa Drelleban, Ted Elliott, Rblsa ErrHquln, Serirto Eapaaa, TberHa Eapana, Aadre1 l'ueatea. Leticia Galnn, Cbrlatlall Gemballa. Brad Gerbel. Martba Gomes, Yolaada Goaaalea. Heidi Gonllae, Aa1le Goa1ett, Roweaa Groape, Clari• Barria. Heidi Herauf, Breat Hod1ea. Tlaa Marie Hunt, Al Llab Hoyal,. Katbleea Huynl,. Julie lla1a11, Crua Jaime, Rollie Jobaa. Tbomaa Kee1an. Robert Kim, MellaH LaPlaate, Saadl LaRoeeo. Dawn Lea,Stena Leibold, Julie Lemery, Marla IAoa, Bonale LIiler, Mary Lvdwll, Yntte Maciel, Hytham Maaaour, DaYld Martla. Jim Martone, Jean Ma1ehal, Bill Mathauer, Kimberly Maule, Me1aa McCool, Llaaa Metcalf, Leslie Mlmno, Brllitta Molllla. Laanall M-ra. Bill Moore, Terreaee Moraa, Ann-Marie Muella, Kelly Murplly, Shannon Mutell, Lee Ann Najjar, Da•ld N-, Mareu• Norin, Randa O'Conner, Krl1lln Parsley, Kate Pano••• Mike Pattison, Melody Pellao, Jeaalfer Preelaro, Danica Quaell. Troy Releblela. Joyee Reilley, Sbaron Ritchie, Jeaalfer Romero, Patil Roeea. Aa1ela Ronnlbal, Dou1IH Rowe, Tlffaay Rufo, Mike 8a11der1, HIiiary 8a•a1e, Erik Selsulla, Daalelle Biser· maa. Gre1 Slsermaa. Brld1e1Smltll. Seotl 8porrer, 8&epls· aale 8prlatelt, Marianne Stalsl, Aa1le Slraub, Ryan Sweeney, Allen Tbarp, c.. rla TbomH, Clady Tolewlta. Rlaa Vaaquea, Janina Veraall, 8er1lo Vlllanue•a. Daa Walklna, Clsryallan Wlnlen, Kel•I• Wooda, Da•• Wrl1lst, Katherine Zamorey.


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