6th Grade Science Guide

6.1.1: Moon & Seasons 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 1


6.1.1 Develop and use a model of the Sun-Earth-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons. Examples of models could be physical, graphical, or concept. MS-ESS1-1



● Sun-Earth-Moon System ● Lunar Phases ● Eclipse of Sun/Moon ● Seasons

● Develop a model ● Describe patterns


● Earth revolves around the Sun every 365 days ● Moon revolves around the Earth every 28 days ● Moon phases occur because of where the Moon is in relation to the Earth ● Earth Tilts on an Axis ● Amounts of direct/indirect sunlight determine seasons VOCABULARY

● Northern Hemisphere ● Southern Hemisphere ● Equator ● Polaris

● Direct/Indirect Light ● MoonPhase ● Eclipse ● Tilt ● Axis ● Solstice

● Waxing ● Waning ● Gibbous ● Crescent ● Tides ● Equinox ● Cycle

● Poles ● Lunar


● When observed from Earth over the course of a month, the moon appears to change shape. ● At times somewhere on Earth during the day it goes completely dark. ● Summer in the Southern Hemisphere is winter in the Northern Hemisphere. ● Snow melts on the south slope of a hill before it melts on the north slope. END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● I can explain how the tilt of the Earth’s axis and its yearly orbit around the sun produces seasons. ○ Language Supports: ■ verbs (ie. have, be, belong to) ■ statements (ie. the moon rotates around the earth)

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