6th Grade Science Guide

6.1.2/3: Solar System 3 Dimensions & Progressions

Unit 2

● Compare the sizes of the planets. ● Relate the presence of an atmosphere to the size of a planet.

Activity: Weight and Mass Gizmo




● Use a balance to measure mass and a spring scale to

● Defne mass as the amount of matter in an object. ● Defne weight as the force of gravity on an object. ● Use a balance to measure mass. ● Use a spring scale to measure weight. ● Discover that the weight of an object changes when it is moved to another planet. ● Discover that the mass of an object is constant regardless of where it is located.

● Gizmo - Weight & Mass

measure the weight of objects. Compare the masses and weights of objects on Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and the Moon.

Activity: Scale Model




● Various sphere objects (orange, marbles, sand, small pebbles, peppercorns, cereal) ● Sample

● I can create a scale model of the solar system.

● Using the spheres for the items in the solar system. Have students create a scale size model. Drawing the orbits (see picture). Go around to ask groups

why they created their model the way they did.

Activity: Scale Activity




● I can create a scale model of the solar system.

● With your students

● Designated area for running. Ex. track or outdoor space.

calculate AU units for the planets. They will fll in a form of each planet with the number of AU units. Each group will make a

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