Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 3e


Unit 3   Applying concepts from the nursing process

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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: www.ahrq.gov American Society of Addiction Medicine: www.asam.org Association of Rehabilitation Nurses: www.rehabnurse.org Australian Bureau of Statistics: www.abs.gov.au Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: www.aihw.gov.au Chronic Illness Alliance: www.chronicillness.org.au ChronicNet: www.chronicnet.org Independence Australia: www.independenceaustralia.com Independent Living Centres: ilcaustralia.org.au

New Zealand Ministry of Health, Manatu Hauora: www.health.govt.nz North Carolina Office on Disability and Health: http://ncdhhs.gov/dph/wch People with Disability, Australia: www.pwd.org.au Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues: www.med.wright.edu World Health Organization: www.who.int

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