
3 L'Oréal’s corporate social, environmental and societal responsibility* L’ORÉAL’S CORPORATE SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL POLICIES

L’Oréal Share & Care programme: an accelerator of social progress

Protect Providing employees with effective support particularly of a financial nature in the event of unexpected life events

Care Providing employees and their families with access to a high-quality healthcare system which is one of the top performers on the local market

Balance Enabling all employees to live important life moments to the full, such as maternity and paternity, while pursuing their careers

Enjoy Offering high standards of quality of life at work to all the Company’s employees.

Throughout its history, L’Oréal has set itself the target of offering its employees security and protection to enable them to work with peace of mind. L’Oréal’s Share & Care programme follows on from this long tradition of social progress and attention to the individual. L’Oréal relies on the conviction that the Company makes, and will continue to make, a difference by putting people at the centre of its concerns, its organisation and therefore its development. The Group has thus adopted the objective of creating a work environment in which all employees can thrive both at a professional and personal level. With its L'Oréal Share & Car e programme, L’Oréal has universalised its social model, in a manner that is completely consistent with its global dimension: this is a strong commitment which reflects the Company’s vision, whereby sustainable growth necessarily goes hand in hand with a global vision and a high level of social performance. The programme was launched in 2013 and put in place in collaboration with all countries, with an ambitious objective: implementing a common set of social benefits, i.e. minimum

universal social protection measures in all countries, and becoming one of the top performers in each local market, by improving the common skill set whenever local best practices offer more. In addition to these measures that are common to all the countries, the L’Oréal Share & Care programme aims to make each country a "social innovation laboratory", by encouraging them to develop initiatives that are in line with the expectations of their employees. The essential components of the L’Oréal Share & Care programme have now been deployed in all the countries in which L’Oréal has subsidiaries. The second phase of the project, initiated in January 2017, aims to add to or improve some commitments by setting global targets for 2020. This involves improving social welfare for employees in the programme's four pillars. These measures include the introduction of a minimum paternity leave of ten fully paid days, the strengthening the flexwork, telecommuting and flexible working hours schemes, wherever local practices so allow, or the expansion of employee benefit schemes.



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