2018 Section 6 - Laryngology, Voice Disorders, and Bronchoesophalogy

Chandrasekhar et al

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225. Paniello RC, Edgar JD, Kallogjeri D, Piccirillo JF. Medial- ization versus reinnervation for unilateral vocal fold paraly- sis: a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Laryngoscope . 2011;121(10):2172-2179. 226. Isshiki N, Okamura H, Ishikawa T. Thyroplasty type I (lateral compression) for dysphonia due to vocal cord paralysis or atro- phy. Acta Otolaryngol . 1975;80(5-6):465-473. 227. Isshiki N, TanabeM, SawadaM.Arytenoid adduction for unilat- eral vocal cord paralysis. Arch Otolaryngol . 1978;104(10):555- 558. 228. Kraus DH, Orlikoff RF, Rizk SS, Rosenberg DB. Arytenoid adduction as an adjunct to type I thyroplasty for unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Head Neck . 1999;21(1):52-59. 229. Zeitels SM, Mauri M, Dailey SH. Adduction arytenopexy for vocal fold paralysis: indications and technique. J Laryngol Otol . 2004;118(7):508-516. 230. Mortensen M, Carroll L, Woo P. Arytenoid adduction with medialization laryngoplasty versus injection or medialization laryngoplasty: the role of the arytenoidopexy. Laryngoscope . 2009;119(4):827-831. 231. Aynehchi BB, McCoul ED, Sundaram K. Systematic review of laryngeal reinnervation techniques. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2010;143(6):749-759. 232. Smith ME, Roy N, Stoddard K. Ansa-RLN reinnervation for unilateral vocal fold paralysis in adolescents and young adults. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol . 2008;72(9):1311-1316. 233. Netterville JL, Stone RE, Luken ES, Civantos FJ, Ossoff RH. Silastic medialization and arytenoid adduction: the Vanderbilt experience. A review of 116 phonosurgical procedures. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 1993;102(6):413-424. 234. Bielamowicz S. Perspectives on medialization laryngoplasty. Otolaryngol Clin North Am . 2004;37(1):139-160, vii. 235. Young VN, Zullo TG, Rosen CA. Analysis of laryngeal frame- work surgery: 10-year follow-up to a national survey. Laryngo- scope . 2010;120(8):1602-1608. 236. Blumin JH, Merati AL. Laryngeal reinnervation with nerve- nerve anastomosis versus laryngeal framework surgery alone: a comparison of safety. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2008;138(2):217-220. 237. Rosenthal LH, Benninger MS, Deeb RH. Vocal fold immobil- ity: a longitudinal analysis of etiology over 20 years. Laryngo- scope . 2007;117(10):1864-1870. 238. Lichtenberger G. Reversible lateralization of the paralyzed vocal cord without tracheostomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 2002;111(1):21-26. 239. Bosley B, Rosen CA, Simpson CB, McMullin BT, Gartner- Schmidt JL. Medial arytenoidectomy versus transverse cordot- omy as a treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 2005;114(12):922-926. 240. Sulica L. The superior laryngeal nerve: function and dysfunc- tion. Otolaryngol Clin North Am . 2004;37(1):183-201.


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