
Little Sebago Water Quality Report

The days of effortless great water quality in Maine lakes are gone. Today our lakes, including Little Sebago, are facing threats to their ongoing health. There are more people, more dwellings, more boats and more impacts on the lake than ever. Here’s how our lake stands now. The waters of Little Sebago have been studied since 1985 thanks to Bruce Micucci who handed it over to Rick Sullivan in 2013. For years, each of these men faithfully tested the lake for dissolved oxygen and clarity every few weeks throughout the summer months. These two

tests are very important because they are early indicators of problems in a lake and are quick, relatively inexpensive tests to do. A healthy lake has clarity deep into the water and has sufficient oxygen far into the lake even during the hotter months of the year. In 2022 Jan Slack offered to manage the program. When a lake is stressed, there can be algae blooms. Algae are tiny plants that need water, light and nutrients to survive. These conditions are all present in lakes, but a key nutrient for algae growth, phosphorus, is usually not present


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