EDITORS CORNER NEWSLETTER October is when the next Iowa Bowhunter newsletter is due for distribution, so please get your articles, pictures, stories, and advertisements to me no later than September 15. Thanks for all the photos already sent in and keep up the good work. There’s always room on the Gut Pile page. Also, if you have a good picture for the front cover, feel free to send that to me and mark it to be used for the front cover. Please include a short caption of information with each picture. Pictures are not returned.

TO ALL AREA REPS (AND ALL MEMBERS) Our membership needs to be more informed on what is happening in all areas of the state of Iowa, as well as surrounding states. As an area rep, it is expected of you to supply information about your particular area to the rest of the membership. This is accomplished though articles in the Bowhunter. Please submit an article for each Bowhunter issue (four total) to the Bowhunter editor. Deadlines are shown in the editors corner of each issue. We’ll look forward to your input. If you have questions about your membership please use this address Corey Thorson, Treasurer 1648 Cordova Ave. Pella, IA 50219 641-780-5068 Any other questions or problems please contact any board member.

Jessica Graham 9502 Tyler Street New Virginia, IA 50210 515-601-0728



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