EuroWire November 2016

News Technology

Steel cord technology for the tyre industry

The technological evolution of the automotive industry has obliged tyre manufacturers to develop products with improved performance, safety, grip and environmental impact. Both the rubber compounds used and the manufacturing process determine these characteristics. In this process it is important to have the presence of a metallic belt composed of a fine steel cord netting formed from a series of high tensile wires (which can reach values up to 4,200MPa) with a brass surface to guarantee improved anchorage characteristics. The numerous types of steel cord formations, chosen by the manufacturer in accordance with the desired dynamic and static performance/characteristics of the finished tyre, are based upon the concepts of quality and consistency in both individual components and design parameters. The steel cord production process is a complex and sophisticated process based upon a combination of wire reduction sequences (using both dry and wet drawing equipment), heat and chemical (patenting, cleaning, brass plating) treatments terminating with bunching machines. The new, technologically advanced Eurolls double twist bunching machine has been designed for high performance (rotation speeds up to 5,000rpm), ease of threading (new cable production) and operation/line control plus simplified maintenance interventions.

▲ ▲ Eurolls’ new double twist bunching machine

The new concepts present in the machine not only guarantee stability, a constant final product quality, high operating flexibility for assembly of new wire formations and the use of latest quality entry material (increased carbon content and substantial presence of chromium) but also reduce the difficulties encountered by tyre manufacturers when producing a high quality final product. Eurolls SpA – Italy Website :


November 2016

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