171221 Ruritan Annual Report

Approved May 18, 2018

The Chair called upon Past National Director Jerry Atkins, Chair of the Registration and Credentials Committee to give a report. Committee Chair Jerry reported as of Friday, January 8, 2015, 9:00 a.m., there were: Pre-Registered 500 Walk-ins 19 Cancellations 26 Total Registered 493 Certified Delegates 434 Committee Chair Jerry: Move, on behalf of the Credentials Committee, the adoption of this Preliminary report. The Chair restated the motion and asked the delegates if there was any discussion. Hearing none, The Chair asked all those in favor to say “Aye.” All opposed say “NO.” The Chair declared the motion adopted. The Chair called upon Past National President Millard Thacker, Chair of the Nominating Committee, for his report. Committee Chair Millard, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, presented nominees for each National office. A listing of nominees known at the time of printing appears on pages 50-64 of the convention program booklet. Committee Chair Millard reported that all candidates presented by the committee today have been certified by the Committee. He also thanked his committee members, Anne Hilliard and Frank Kinsey for their work on the committee. Committee Chair Millard announced Graham K. Bryant is nominated for Foundation Trustee. The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for Foundation Trustee. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for Foundation Trustee closed. Committee Chair Millard announced Robin D. Davenport (VA) is nominated for National Director (2 yr. unexpired term). The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for National Director (2 yr. unexpired term). Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for National Director (2 yr. unexpired term) closed. Committee Chair Millard announced Dennis Bagnell (VA), Larry Bowman (WV), Donna Jean Bricker (OH), Lynn Fillers (TN), Cassandra Flanagan (WV), Edward “Ed” Hicks (VA), Donna Jo Poulton (SC) and Timothy L. Spitler (NC) are nominated for National Director. The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for National Director. Hearing none, The Chair declared the nominations for National Director closed. Committee Chair Millard announced Larry Blount (PA) and David S. Thompson (VA) are nominated for National Treasurer. The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for National Treasurer. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for National Treasurer closed.


Ruritan National 2018 Annual Report

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