171221 Ruritan Annual Report

Approved May 18, 2018 Committee Chair Millard announced Larry W. Cassell (MD) is nominated for National President- Elect. The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for National President-Elect. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for National President-Elect closed. Candidates for each office were allowed speak to the delegates for two minutes. Committee Chair Millard: Move, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, to enter into nomination the slate of candidates as presented to the delegates. The Chair restated the motion and asked the delegates if there was any discussion. Hearing none, The Chair asked all those in favor to say “Aye.” All opposed say “NO.” The Chair declared the motion adopted. The Chair reminded delegates that certification is open today from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Anyone not pre-certified must be certified by 1:00 p.m. to be able to vote. The polls will be open starting at 2:00 p.m. You will be able to vote electronically starting at 2:00 p.m. today until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. Please allow those with disabilities to advance to the front of the line at the polls. The Chair called upon Pat Davis, President of the Ruritan National Foundation, for a report. Pat presented Tom Downing awards to Joe Jaynes, Glen Broadwater and George Brothers. The Chair called upon members of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, to come to the stage to present Rudy Bears to North Charleston Police and North Charleston Fire Department representatives. The Chair called upon Linward Hedgspeth of the Bylaws Committee and Glen Broadwater of the Growth, Development and Membership Retention Committee for a report on, and to answer delegates questions about, the bylaws issues on the ballot. There were three delegates who rose to speak on the ballot issue which would add an Affiliate Membership to our bylaws: Mike Casey of the Chesterfield (NC) Ruritan Club asked what would be the national dues for an Affiliate Member should the amendment be passed. Answer: the national dues for an Affiliate Member would be set to the same as Adult Members. Thomas J. Adams of the Central Chesterfield Ruritan Club asked if clubs would be able to recruit inactive members to be Affiliate Members. Answer: yes, this is the intent of the amendment to give us an alternative for those members who have been deactivated. These are an excellent source of candidates for this membership class. Grover Burkett of the Dundas Ruritan Club stated he would be in favor of either the Associate Membership or the Affiliate Membership, but not both. He thought this was the reason the Associate Membership. Answer: yes, but the difference is non-Ruritans may be recruited as Associate Members of your local club, but to qualify for Affiliate Membership, you must have


Ruritan National 2018 Annual Report

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