USD Men's Soccer 2002
Meet The Toreros
Freshman MFIF
USO: Wi ll redshin the 2002 season. Prep/Club : Attended Willi am S. Han HS ... scored 21 goals senior campaign on way to earning Ist Team AII -C IF honors ... team won Foothill Leag ue and were quarterfinali sts in C IF ... junior year tallied 19 goals and earned 1st Team AII -C IF and League MVP honors ... team also won league junior & sophomore seasons whil e advanc ing to 2nd round of C IF .. played for West Vall ey Samba. won State Cup and were Region al Finali sts in 2000. Personal: Undeclared major ... chose USD for soccer, schoo l and locati on ... also recruited by USF, LMU, and Portl and ... born on Jul y 13, I984 in San Mateo. CA.
Freshman Defender
USO: Will redshin the 2002 season.
Prep/Club: Attended Campbe ll Hall HS where he was a two-time De lph ic League MVP and a three-time Ist Team All-League performer ... netted I5 goals. along with 17 assists seni or year (team was undefeated in league play ); scored 22 goa ls junior year (league's leading scorer) ... al so lettered in track & fi e ld . pl ayed fo r West Val ley Samba - 2000 State Cup Champions/Cal-South ... 2000 Reg iona l Finali sts. Personal : Undec lared major ... chose USD for size & location of school , as well as soccer program also recruited by UNC and UC San Diego ... born on Apri l I. 1984 on Tarzana, CA. KEVIN MEISSNER Freshman DIMF
USO: Will redshin the 2002 season.
Prep/Club: Attended USD Hi gh School across the street from Torero Stadium ... part o f three C IF Champi onship teams . last year was team MVP and Ist Team AII -C IF ... a three-time Al l-Western League selecti on ... played for Nomads club team; reached semifinals of Regionals.
Personal: Undec lared maj or ... chose US D fo r soccer program , staying in San Diego, and being close to fam il y and the beach ... also rec ruited by Santa Clara & UCLA ... born on May 2, 1983 in San Di ego.
Freshman MFIF
USO: Will redsh irt the 2002 season.
Prep/Club: Attended Montc lair Prep where he was a 4 -year starter and is the school's all -time leading scorer ... last year was team MVP whil e netting 33 goals ... juni or year was Ist Team All -C IF and League MVP with 25 goa ls ... sophomore year scored 25 goa ls ... also played fo r West Va ll ey Samba c lub team and the Ca l-South State ODP Team ... cl ub team was State Champs and Regiona l Fin ali sts in 2000. Personal: Accounting major ... chose USD fo r academ ics. weather & socce r ... also recru ited by Michi– gan. UC San Diego and North Carolina ... enj oys snowboarding, mu sic & tenni s ... born March 2, 1984 in Santa Maria. CA. LANCE FRIESZ Freshman Goalie USO: Will redshirt the 2002 season. Prep/Club: Attended Dan a Hill s HS where team went 20-3 -2 last year and won South Coast League title ... 2nd Team All -C lF and Ist Team All -League whil e tall ying I5 shutouts ... junior year tota led 12 shuto uts whil e earning 3rd Team AII -C IF and 2nd Team All-League recog niti on ... a lso lettered in vo l– leyball. footba ll and track ... played fo r SJSC club team - Leag ue Champs of Premi er 2002 ... Nomads Champions 1999-2002: Su ri· Cup Champs. 1999.
Personal: Undec lared maj or ... chose USD for schoo l. be ing close to home an d soccer program ... al so recru ited by UCLA. Ca l. SMU. Ful lerton and Denve r ... born on September 16, 1983 in Mi ss ion Vi ej o. USD Men's Soccer NCAA Tourney Appearances - 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990
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