USD Men's Soccer 2002
The University of San Diego SETTING
The Uni ve rsit y or Sa n Diego is an independent Catholi c instituti on or hi gher ed ucation . Founded in I9.i9. USO is located on 180 acres overl ooking Mi ssion Bay. San Di ego Harbor and the Pacifi c Ocean. The campus is named Alcala Park and is located ju st IO minutes from downtown San Diego. The campus was named after a Spanish vill age near Madrid - Alcala de Henares. Founded by the Gree ks as Complutum. the village was later renamed Al Kala (the Castl e) by the Moslems. Christian s recaptured the vil lage ce ntu ries later and fou nded a un i– versity whose bu ildings became the in spiration for US D's architectural style. THE CAMPUS The USO campu s is regarded as one of the most architectu ral ly unique institut ions in the country. featuring maj or bui ldings designed in an ornamenta l 16th ce ntury Spanish Renais– sance style. Since 1984, USO has compl eted numerou s major construction and ex pansion proj ects. In 2000 the Jenn y Craig Pa vilion. a 5, I00-seat ath letic ce nter. opened it s doors as home to US O voll ey ball and basketball. Last fa ll the Joa n B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice ope ned on the west end or campus. and a new Science and Tec hn ology Center wil l be ope ning in the nex t year. A five-story. Spanish Renaissance park ing garage ( 1.100 spaces) was comp leted in 1998. A land scaped fountain pl aza was fini shed in the fal l of 1995. connect– ing the entrances of the lmmaculata and Hughes Administration Center. In 1992. the un ive r– sit y completed the 45,000 square foot Loma Hall , whi ch inc ludes an ex panded bookstore. a larger mail cent er, classrooms and laboratories.
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US O enroll s more than 7.062 student s who have a choice or more than 50 undergraduate and graduate deg ree programs. The un ive rsity's academic uni ts include the Co llege of Art s and Sc iences. and the Schools of Business Admin istration. Education. Law and Nurs– ing. Class size genera lly averages betwee n 18-25 student s with tht: student to teacher rati o be ing 18: I. Ove r 97 perce nt or USO\ ful l– time fac ult y hold doctorates. In the annual rat ings or the cou ntry's coll eges and un iversitie.,. publi shed by U.S. Ne11·.1 & World l?epon. US O moved from the re– gional to nati onal category in 199.i. The university is ranked among the top I00 sc hools in the nation .
Student acti vities include cultural even ts. da nce,. boat crui , t:,. beach parti es. BBQ's. conce rt s. comedy ni ght s. symposia and muc h more. Students parti cipate in a wide range of vo lu nteer pro jects , uch as adu lt literacy tutoring. seni or ci ti ze n out reac h. and house building in Tijuan a. The intramu ra l program is also an integ ral pa rt of studen t life on campus with over two-thirds of the US O communit y partak – ing in intramural sport s.
DID YOU KNOW ? Construction for the 150,000-square foot Donald P. Shiley Center for Sci– ence and Technology began in 2001. The new Center will contain 73 state-of-the-art laboratory facilities for chemistry, biology, marine sci– ence and environmental studies, biochemistry, physics and related sciences. Additionally, the building will in– clude aquariums, an astronomy deck, an aviary, a greenhouse, and conference areas to accommodate gatherings ofscience-related groups and organizations.
TORERO ATHLETICS The Un iversity of San Di ego is a 111e111ber of the West Coas t Conference for nearly all sports and co111petes in 16 interco ll eg iate sports on the NCAA Di vision I leve l. The footba ll tea111 wi ll beg in its nin th season in the Pionee r Footba ll League Wo111en's sports inc lude : basketball. cross country. row ing , soccer. softball. swi111111ing. tenni s and vo ll eyba ll . Men' s sports incl ude: baseball. basketbal l. cross country. go lf. footbal l. row– ing. socce r and tenni s. Since 1990 US O tea111s have won 13 conference cha111pi onships: 111ade 32 NCAA post-season appea rances; had twenty-e ight Conkrence Coaches of the Year: twe nty- four Conference Playe rs of the Year: twelve Confe rence Fres hmen or the Year: fo ur WCC Scholar Athl etes of the Year: and th irty- fi ve AII -A 111crica se lecti ons. The 200 I USO 111en's soccer team advanced to the 2nd Round or last yea r's NCAA Pos tseason Tournment. 111ak ing it nine postseason trips in the las t twe lve years. Head Coach Seamus McFadden ha s been se lected the WCC Coach or th e Year a record seve n ti111es.
USD Men's Soccer NCAA Tourn ey Appearances - 2001 , 2000, 1999, 1998, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990
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