USD Men's Soccer 2002


Head Coach Seamus McFadden

HEAD COACH SEAMUS McFADDEN - 24th YEAR With the recent success enj oyed by the Torero soccer teams the last severa l years - nine NCAA Tournament appearances in twelve seasons - it is easy to overl ook the re– markable job Coach Seamu s McFadden has done building the program fro m the groun d up. McFadden has been named West Coast Conference Coach of the Year a record seven times (2000, '99, '98 , '95 , '94, '92, '86); wo n fi ve WCC champ ionships; has coached six WCC Defensive Players of the Year, fi ve WCC Offe nsive Pl aye rs of the Year and two WCC Freshman Players of the Year. Last season he directed USD to a 12-4- 1 mark and second round appearance in the NCAA Tourney. Two seasons ago he d irec ted hi s Toreros to a 16-2-2 record, another WCC titl e and its e ighth trip to the NCAAs since 1990 . The Toreros reached a nati onal ranking as hi gh as 3rd before fini shing the season tenth overall (program-best). McFadden arrived at USD in 1979 and

fi elded USD's first team in the fall of 1980. That same year he was quoted in the team's yearbook as say ing: " I have no doubts that in the near future the Uni vers ity of San Di– ego will become a fo rce to be reckoned with in Southern Ca lifo rni a intercoll egiate soc– cer. " How prophetic his words turned out to be. The 1986 Toreros won 19 of 24 games. Th e 199 0 squ a d , le d b y th e f irs t of McFadde n's fo ur A ll -Ameri cans, dropped just three games the entire season and ad– vanced to the NCAA Second Round . Those who know McFadden closely could see the writing on the wall many years earl ier, when the Irishman led Mesa JC to a 30-4 record over two seasons while at the same time guid– ing Clairemont High to consecuti ve CIF-San Diego Secti on titl es and the La Joll a Cup . The whole puzzle came together in 1992 when McFadden had in place several of San Diego's best local talent. Student-athl etes, who in the past had looked outside the city

SEAMUS McFADDEN 24th Year McFadden At USD

wee NCAA

Overall 12-4-l 16-2-2 14-4-0 12-9-0 11 -7- 1 I0-3-5 12-5-2 13-6-0 14-7-0 19-5-0 7- 12-0 16-3-5 14-6-1 I0-8-2 12-7-2 19-4- 1 7- 11-2 4- 12-4 1- 14-0 3- I5-1 5-1 2- 1

Year 200 1 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 199 1 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982

3-2- 1

2nd Rd

5-0-1 * 2nd Rd 4-2-0* 1st Rd 5- 1-0* 2nd Rd

3-3-0 3-2-1

5- 1-0* !st Rd

4-2-0 4-2-0

1st Rd 2nd Rd

4-1 -0* Final

1-4-0 2-2- 1 2-3-0 1-3- 1

2nd Rd

Seamus McFadden 7-time WCC Coach of the Year

to showcase their talents, were suddenl y arri ving at Alcala Park . The 1992 Toreros showed remarkable poise under the ir leader, compi ling a 19-5 record and advancing to the NCAA Championship Game. The SO-year old McFadden seems to save his best coaching fo r the bi g games. Twice the Toreros have marched onto UCLA's home turf and wa lked away w ith stunning up– sets over the heavi ly-favo red Bruins. In 1994, USD shutout No. 6 ranked N .C. State, 3- 0 , in front of a national cable te lev ision audience. In 1998 US O upset Ca l State Fuller– ton, the No. 7 seed in the NCAA Tournament, at Titan Stadium in fi rst round acti on. In

198 1 1980

0-1 2-0 Totals 231-168-30; 46-28-s wee * won or shared WCC title

1999 the Toreros defeated then No. I-ranked Santa Clara on the road , 2- 1 in overtime. USD is 8-9 in NCAA Tourn ame nt games under McFadden's d irecti o n. McFadden played co ll egiate ly at San Diego State, where he received a B.A. degree in Hi story in 1976. That same summer he was with the San Diego Jaws of the North American Soccer League. Keepi ng true to his native roots, McFadden took the 1997 sq uad on a trip to hi s home land Ireland d uri ng the summer fo r ex hi bition games agai nst Ire land and Britain 's e li te. Thi s sum– me r (2002) he is tak ing hi s players to England.

McFadden addresses media after '98 NCAA / st Rd. win A nati ve of Donega l, Ireland, Seamu s and his wife davette have two daughters (Had ley & Rorye) and a son (Conor). The McFaddens res ide in Rancho Penasq uitos . USD Men's Soccer NCAA Tourney Appearances - 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990

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