USD Volleyball 2003



H ighlighted by the recently constructed Jenny Craig Pavi lion, the student-athletes a t the University of San Diego and the entire campus community enjoy some of the best athletic facilities on the west coast, as well as in the nation. The Jenny Craig Pavilion, home of USO volleyball and basketball, is recognized as one of the finest collegiate faci lities of its size. With the opening of its doors in October of 2000, USO was privileged to a new 5,100-seat arena that houses a state-of-the-art Athletic Training Facili ty, the Warren Hospitali ty Suite, the Chet and Margueri te Pagni Athletic Hall of Fame, the McNamara Fitness Center a nd the Scripps Media Room. Steps from the Jenny Craig Pavilion's main entrance, you' ll fi nd the cozy confi nes of Torero Stad ium– home to Torero foo tball and both soccer programs. The San Diego Spirit of the Women's United Soccer Association (WUSA) renova ted the stad ium in 2001, spending $3.5 million dollars to enlarge the playing surface, sea ting areas and install state-of-the-art sound and scoreboard systems. Nor th of the Pav ili on, overlooking Teco lote Ca nyon, is Cunningham Baseball Stadium-home of San Diego's back– to-back WCC Championship baseball program. Situated in a natural amphitheater, Cunningham Stadium allows fan s to enjoy some of the best seating you' ll find at any park in the country. Lighted batting cages are available for the Torero players and a recently erected student housing complex looms over the right field fence. The McNamara Fitness Center, located in the Jenny Craig Pavilion is a wonderful 4,000 sq. foo t facility designed to meet the varied needs of the students and staff. The center has a large cardio area that is equipped with treadmills, two types of bikes, two types of stair steppers and the state of the art free runners by StairMaster. Committed to increasing the athletic ability of the entire stu– dent-athlete popula tion, USO has recently rebuilt the USO Varsity Weight room. The 5,000 sq. foot facility contains 12 " power Racks", eight O lympic liftin g pla tforms, va rio us selectorized and plate loaded machinery, and over 7,500 lbs

The Jenny Craig Pavilion is one of the finest collegiate facilities of its size (capacity 5,100).

Along with USD football and soccer, Torero stadium houses the San Diego Spirit of the WUSA.

of free weights. This fac ility is also eq uipped with a n addi– tional 1,800 sq. feet of artificial turf that is used for team agil– ity, plyometric, and flexibility training. The USO West Tennis Courts serve as the home to the Univer– sity of San Diego's nationally ranked men's and women's ten– nis teams. The facility recently underwent a complete renova– tion of its eight courts, four of which are lighted. Loca ted within the University Sp orts Center, is an outdoor pool home of the Torero Swimming and Diving team and avail– able to all University students and staff. Also within The Uni– versity Sports Center, you'll find the Sports Center Gym, the original home of USO basketball and volleyball. The facility now serves as an auxiliary practice site for these programs as well as Intramural events. USO athletic facilities are under the direction of John Martin, Director of Athletic Facilities, and Andrew Fee, Assistant Di– rector of Athletic Facilities. 30 WWW.USDTOREROS.COM

The renovated Varsity Weight Room

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