News Scrapbook 1956-1959
Friday, November 14, 19S8
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I Piazza Butn le In every type of administration there are a few officials who nl"e elected on popularity instead of ability. When re onsibility is needed this choice shows its errors. Such is the obviou. result of the last election hP d at The University of San Diego. A senior by the name of. Tony Piazza wa., selected by the voters to head the Associated Students. Piazza stays aoove the required "C" average and lead the students with a stern hand. Th trouble is he doe n't care where he leads them. The Nov. 6 edition of "The Paper," published at the College of Men, University of San Diego, ran a b ·lined news story on school spirit at USD and Piazza's views on spirit expre ed at a recent student body meeting. According to the story the feeling around campus is that "the boom of s~hool spirit has now stopped echoing an orou: phases of football that the fan · rarely PP as they get ready for tomorrow night' game at Pep- perdine. The Pioncc 51 are :i-1 for the year. roooo:H l f!-UniYersity of San Diego gridder~, from l fl, ,John :\tulligan, .Ta<'k Trily, Rick ·ovack ind C. G. Walker go through ·ome of the ks. glarn- nsung Gu opsi USD's Li e Charge Univer ity of San Diego•~ team honors in both football jury i.s end c. G. Walker, who P1on!'er will be depending on and ba. eball. shares or owns several school the11· hard charging line to pave I~e played two }ear at the records. With the swift Walker the way for them to knoc-k off Umve1slty of Colorado before b k f th p· , Prpperdln tomorrow night at going Into the •·a\~ for two ae in um orm e 10 _neers R do d BeaC'h. years of en ice ball . Last chances of a good aerial at- uletl but aggre s1Yely set- year Mulhgan was one of the tack against Pepperdine are tin t 1e pare will bP the only most polished players on the much higher. 1 ·e1 1or on th tarting ,quad, green Pioneer quad . The Pioneers ean expect 1 gu John 1ulllgan. T\\O other meat-eatPr · m . . I !u liga who wa a econd the U~ D forward wall are 11 ?thing but trnu?le_ as ~hey team election on I t year's tac ·1e. Rick • ·ova ck and Jack tt.} to beat the \' aHs. \\ hen All• atholic All • merican Tnly lJSD knocked off the north- team, probabl} i"' the most ·o, aek. hke . Iulligan a let- erners m the last g8:me of <-on stent player on the i;quad. terman on la ·t year's squad. last sea on, the Pioneers In !act hf' ls :;o com;istent in onP of thP best downfield started them off on a !osmg that hts play nearly goes un- blo,•kers in this area while stri>ak that .lasted through , ix noticed until thl' coaches Trily is a real tiger on liPfense. games of this season. che k the mm of the prevt. Films of the Lewi & Clark Pepperdine claimed its first ol. k' gamP. gam<' showed • 'o\ ack throw- win of the year two weeks 1ulhgan, at 22, a 208•110,md• ing the key blo k on all three ago aJ?ain:t Long B ea c h r r m Drnver, graduated touchdown runs by freshman St ate. 26-22. Tomorrow from Rr I High In his homP• halfback Ron Falvo. night's titlt has an added en- tO\ n aflt" gaining catholic to action after a ducement for the Waves, it is II• mrrlcan II i g h School long layoff with a ches in• their homecoming tilt. d T •/'1/ 1, r • ri>ioneers riun-i'Ph As Chapman Stars By BOB ORT)IA: · EVENING TRIBUNE SPOrtl Writer REDOl\DO BEACH - A cold gale Quarterback Chapman, operating with cool and mastprful <>fficiency, completed 13 of 15 passes for 217 yards and two touchdowns when he wasn't sending half• backs Tom Gates, Bob Keyes and Ron Falvo throug-h and around the outmanned Pepperdine line. T~e 21_-year-old junior signal-caller, playmg his first year for the Pioneer~ now has a two-game total of 23 comple'. tions in 35 passes for 447 yards and five scores. His favorite target last night was end C. G. Walker, who was making his first appearance in three games after treatment of a chest injury, HP advanced 113 yard~ with seven Chapman tosses. He and end Merle RC'cd took the touchdown passes. The Waves, outweighed almost 20 pounds per man, had kept the Pioneers loose in the first half with their passing off a (Cont. on Page b-2, Col. 2) whipped through El Camino Stadium at halftime here last night, chilling 2.200 Peppercline homecoming fans and their football heroes but heating up jaunty Jan Chapman and his University of San Diego mates. . The Peps, . w_ho had made a thrilling i1ght out of 1t m the first half with their fancy aerial display, fell completely apart after the intermission as the Pioneers pulled out all stops in a 45-13 rout. That was the highe t point total against the Wave · this year, who concluded their sea- . on with a 1-7 mark. It was the sixth vie· tory m seven games for the Pioneers. 1t "a" Pepperdine's second loss of the year to a border team, the Waves drop- ping a 6-0 heartbreaker to San Diego State College earlier In the season. -------~~- Chapman Overcome (Cont. from Page b-1) spread formation. With tail- back Steve Johnson doing most of the pitching, they con- , nectcd on eight of 16 in the • first two quarters for 111 yards and one tally. Then USD tightened up its secondary de- . fensc and the Waves could i find the target on only three Cnu u, ...,o yaras. "-'-'Y out_ of 13 in the last two I has 456 yards and Ga;~ '-wii penods. 1 Falvo, like Gates a freshman· . Pepperdine also was hurt by,·added 66 yards in 13 tries t~ ~1x second-half fumbles. USD P10neer total. Summary: 1ecovered three of 'em, one Peooerdlne'"·'":· •········ 12 6 u 13-45 on the Waves, 15-yard line ChUSD scorino: TD's: ·Gate; 1; 1, °K~;;.~ 3 opman, Walker, Reed PAT'S-Fl • and another on the 28 2, Gates • avo n-r- • Pepperdlne scoring• TD' E h 1 vv!lh Gates and KeyC'S alter- Wrenn, PAT-Hammett. - C O ,. nating in cracks at the llnes, STAT1sncsu•o the P Firsr downs • P... 10neers smashed 63 and Yards rushlnt ::.:::. ·.. 11 II _8 ) ards for touchdowns the ~~~t:. POSSin1 ·••••• m 11: irst two times they handled ~~~l:' had Inter:·:·.:· ... ll-ls• "·:Jf the ball. Gates got both of ~umb1.. io,t ::·;; ·: 2-lli5 4-2'-f the scores on runs of eight and ardJ oenal m, ,r 8 CKS - Rick Ca arf' prepa1·e for Sunday's important tional Football League gam league-leading Baltimore Colt . (:l:i) 'ilhe Galimore (26) work out rigley Field as Chicago Bears and at It looked as if a rout were in the making until Walt Cri- ner hit Bill Echols on a 51. yard Wave aerial maneuver which cut the deficit to 12-7. ' . There were two touchdowns in 40 seconds as the second q_uarter drew to a close, with Keyc-s_ going two yards for the Pioneer counter and Ray Wrenn skipping three yards for a Wave marker. The Wave tally ,was set up b.Y Clayton Tave s 67-yard kickoff return and Johnson's 24-yard pass to Tave. In the second half, the Pio-
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