News Scrapbook 1956-1959


Coo , ?'cf' sr~\ USD Starters 1 ~ (('ontlnued)

Cook, Reed Named:)~ To Start For USD

Idaho Drills

(('ontlnued) outset of the se son but hls\ ball-handling in heir I a st game against Colorado State C o I i e g e apparently has earned him the o. 1 ignal- calling job. USO coach Bob McCut. cheon admltted that It might be tough to get his ball club "up" for the game but he has informed the d that Idaho State hould be rough a. ;",!ant n lost to fontana S,w1~~.i.lJ"•. "We've been ro,~-..~- well," IcCutche Idaho State has llne and fine ru know much abou Ing attack." A vlctmy Sa u1 a.-sure USD of it ball sea on in thre p a I g n s. Last year th e Pioneers finished with a 6-3 record. VSD still has a tough \ game with the University of Montana, Nov. 27. _______ , would h<.' t foot- c a m-


bal'ks Bob Keyes an Wright. Although, Ke out the second ha]! he is expected to top s h a p e for Gates an

Tom ; :\valon;

•ho is actually

Coach Bob McCutcheon yes- Merle Reed, terday announced two _lineup the club's




his of- starting at right end In place

to bolste_r





fense ~omoi:row rught ,~hen o! Ray Yoast. Here, again, tl>_e University of San Diego Yoast Is the best defensive Ptoueers battle tough Idah_o player but Mccutcheon ap- State College at Balboa Stadt- parently ls seeking more re-




- Staters.


Wright has been the un-\• sung hero of the club. With Keyes. Gates, and Ron Falvo darting for long ga11,1e1 s this been the ·onsi tent bread . and • but- ter performer ,,ith l30 yards i'1 31 carric for an average of 4 2 yards a trip . IDAHO D E TOD, Y :\1Panwhile, the 27-man Ida- to · stay at Las Vega~ last night • and arc due In San Dl<'go ~ 1 sometime around 6 p.m. to- . day. The Bengal~. who still have ., one more game with the Uni- I versity- o! llav. ail on their ·. schedul<', have announced the o same tart ng club thPy s~nt • agal l Colorado ·tate Col• _ lcge two weeks ago. \' I JltT! Koetter and eil Hen- · _ de1 on will be at ends, Bert p. Owens and Jim Thomasson, 1 at tackles, Ed Peterson and DeLan<' Pankratz at guards, \ season, Wright ha ho Slate 1ea m planned ;. \ I'ilkuski at quarter- back, Joe Sarratore and Ron 6 Pugmire at halves and Keith • Peter ·on, StrinmetT., Pank- 1 rat£ and Pugmire were all\ startc1s on lat )ear's un- l beaten :;quad. This year'" club has a 4-3 record. ---- Bob Sleinmelz st center, Chuck \ Berry at fullback. i 0

ceivers for an aerial game. C. G. Walker has been as.




Ken Cook.

regular Jett end

who has been alternating at signed his

the' post for the second straight

the pivot . post most of

~eason, will . lart at center week. Prior to the Pepper- In p 1 ace of veteran Jack dine contest, Walker had Garofono. In last week's been on the bench for sever- game against P_epp_erdine un- al weeks with a leg injury. der !re subst1tuhon rules, The Pioneer,s are expected Cook wa~ on the offensive to open with their customary unit and ~arofono played on starting backfield o! quarter- the defensive club. . !back Jan Chapman, half,

(Continued on b-6, Col. 6)

The o th e r change fmds

Friday, Novem

By MARJORIE B.t."TT · Ff!r today's column, the Romng Reporte1· 1·isitnl the campu.s of the Unirn- sity of San Diego. The question concerned a -~tate- ment made by USD sf11- dent body president Ton11 Piazza. Do you agree with Ton~· Pw- za'8 statement that (the· re<·ent raids on SDS) ahow good µbit! In this statement he said, .. l.t 3 o-u get caught, tell them you go to Cal Western,"

The Editor in Thf: Art4"r oUitr. Hlil'.U5, by noon \\rdn~d.-,


llj-:?J/$ "1 Cook, Reed Named To Start Fo SD Br ,JOHN ·y :\IcDO, 'ALll oach Bob tcrday announced two llneup the club·. leading

f,pttf:1S for publkallon ;n the 1·riday i'-\Uf". All tr•tns •r" to J"'.ditor !!ihould b«-


ubjf"l•l ln Nlitinr, must. 1H"

·wo word

•nd 110 mon ithlln. D ar Editor:


in ltnflh.


lnstl'nmental in eugg<•Hting such

lliance are



tr malignant sl"m ompetent ancl well

t ,

also obvious. San Diego Sµtt la<'king in i;ounlleve if it ,•an't helleve wh:\t ll r<'a.ds in "'l'he Paper." Ir 1he USD officf"r" ar<' In thP habit of using "joke," of ,uch poor ta,te thf"y had twtter inform 11,., Paper ,o hP <'an print Uwm The Aztf>c m,,k,..,. no "·'""""s for San Di<'go State ,tnd,.nts. o"'n problems unil don't want h<>lp or trouble from :,n~ o1hl'r like to th,.nk a.11 of the people who worked so hard to make the Lead rship Camp at Camp Palon,ar Stl<'h a sue- what I f<'el will r,c ,m,e a won de, ful and impo1tal't t,.

, :i

tt d pre ial ir:.:{. Yo 11 r i~m is it, that would jokes from a take rival p o d i u m

lc-CutchPOn ye • Merle Reed, who Is actually


ho! ter hi

of, starting at right enrl in place


enangc ·

11-n \\:heniof Ray Yoast. Here, again, th Un \ er ltv of • <111 Diego Yoast is the best defensive \1011 '. batt!P. tough Idah? player but • lcCutcheon ap- Stnte Colll"ge at Balboa Stadt- parently Is •eeking more re- um. ceiver. for an aerial game. K!'n Cook a 213-pounder C. G. Walker has been as- who ha been alternating at :.igned his regular left end Ute pivot po t mo,,t or the po ·t for the . econd straight ea on, \\ Ill tart at center week Prior 10 the Pepper- In p I are o[ ~e eran Jack dine 1 t e t, \ ·alker had Gui or In I· t week'. ever- i:am Pepperdine u ,nju1·y. der 1 ub tllution rule expected Co k on th(' off tomary un,t and G roto1 o pla) ed backfield ot quarter- th dcfen ivl' l b back .Jan Chapman, half- The o th er chang ntlnued on b-e, Col. 5) 1omorro\\ night

BREEN CLIFFOUD ~lolly Breen, sophomor,•, l'


Cook, USO St

of better relations.

Wll'<" students of ~•our Mr Editor, that 1e.ently l attention by tlwi1· ghts, boat floatntions in I lo



g-r,·at start lo


pua apartme1it




at San DJ<>g

and unprovokt'd ity policenien. The


SOTO BORJ.IN Hugo Soto, senior, bur.inf><;,; ad• ministration major: ,.No, I don't. School :;plrit doesn't include vandalism." A friendly rivalry is fine, but I think damaging property is out of the question. I believe that what Tony said was in jest and wasn't meant to be taken literally." Eugene Borlin, s,,nlo-r, mathe- matics major: "If it becom.-~ dest111,·tive, such as damagu~ rty like the statue of o a, that is def- initely not pirit, but van- dalism. If t aids are confined to changing the ·s• on Black Mountain that is school spirit and I think that is what Tony Piazza meant.'•







barks B b \tates a'ld (; 0

I • I I I I

Y~Ull'I ~~hO~jt

,-,.eyes and Tom fullback Avalon

rtgh• Although Ke ·es out !hi' t e 5 rxpccted to be in tater . \ right ha, been the s;ing hero or the club. G tes, and Ron Falvo thi sra,on, Wright has been th. cons, tent bread . and • but: tcr performer with 130 cl .3~ carrd 1es ror an a,e:;g; - yar s a trip. ID HO DUY, TOD,\ y ft 1eanwhile, the 2i-man Ida- o !ate team Pl ned to t11y at La. Ve"'a. la t night and are due in San Diea ·° CtlMe around 6 p m t"o da), · • O· 'Th Bengal~. who ~till have one ,more g1tme With the Vni- \ i~ ,ty of Haw 11 on their edule, ha\ e announcl'd th AITie tarting club fhe) an~ a • ' t olo do State Col- tv.o \\ k ng for long gamer cconcl half las€wee~~t tip: '.lp s h a p e for the Idaho w~fh ::?;?

WITH , NEIL MORGAN MY SAN DIEGO: A disproportionate number of good newsmen have come from the So th d ~~:11~T are still there. Thi~ factor wasuce~t:i ti;:-ii- Delta Cs _week,_ as th': national convention of Sigma the U ~•6~e Journalism fraternity, was i·eeled off at G. . iant Hotel. At yesterday's opening lunch eon, eorge W. Healy Jr New O 1 . - president of the American .Societ tans editor an? ~rt:ose to ~;lcome fellow newrr::en ,::sr:i~o~d~ : e Hotel. But none of the newsmen e stinate as the tourist from Alabam hwas as ob- asked a cabbie to take him from Lind~e;;hoF~el~erly good hotel. He refused to enter the U ie o a and the cabbie drove resolutely o11 .tS.tGhraSnt Hotel, Hotel. o e outhem D~TTED SHORTS: In the waitin li . f~rma unemployment office . g n~ at the. Cali- viewed a gentleman wearin 5 • Junmy Littleton mter- J,.old-up golfei·'s seat as he fe!~ats and perched on a Jf . . Students of San Die a volume of Proust. newer University of San Digo itate College and the es scheduled yet So th , ':go av~ no athletic cla h- . . . ey te workmg out the' . l ry m mter-campus !'aids Tl . 1r riva - statement of Tony Pia;~a ~sburrent impetus is the told his student bodv: "A~ p. .ds udent prexy, who not to do such thin ·s B ies1 ent I must tell you is that they show io~d ~~{:}f ~vn,re 1 ·so~al opinion say you go to, Cal Western " . o l_ ) ou re caught, weds: 'ed Root Conv • , · · ·. · mc;mg the newly- and Sheila Sulli~an au:_ pubbl!c relation. directoi·· 'IV d b . , a p1xy eauty who m k h , e ut m January on the George Burns er

and ;,,.;e1] Hen. at end,. Bert Jtrn Thomasson ter on and t guards, ,·enter


q arter'. a 1d Ron and Keith

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