News Scrapbook 1956-1959





1·-==--- USD- Seen


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. Corps Rreruit Depot Umvers1ty or S~nh bl} will ·eiash in a post-season game football teams pt o a , . in Balboa Stadium Salut"day night, De_c_._6_.________ The Rev. John B. Bremmer, 7 t meet USD din• tor of public infor- l'ame u p Nov. 1 a . 8 B d ation said yesterday t h e ing of t he USO Athleti c boa\ m '.-j 1 be plaved If USO of Control. Gil Kuhn, oa1 game ." 1 rove the game injchairman, contacted the Dc- playeis app pot at the request of o the r a poll today. b d D pot of- F Bremner sald there was board mPm er~, an . c r. ·t·on v e s t e rd a y fieer · gave their app1oval. some que 1 , · h · ·hether the National Collegi- USO ha won even of e1g t ;te Athletic A· ociation .,and game Oil Pason wl 1!~ the lhe atlonal A ociation of In- Depot lt!lS \\on e,cn of nlll<'. tercollegiatP Athletics would ------------ okay th cross-lo" n conte t, but those obstacles appa1 rnt- Iy ha, c been urmounted. ,. D belongs to thP AIA and i an associate member of the 1'CAA. ARROYO FOE OF CAVERS San Diego l 1g foot- The NAIA has 110 r u I e against the game I The 'CAA limit members ball team, ch lllp on of the City Leagu , 1 I I tackle Arroyo Hl . , , Die 0 and l\la r II

'( 111'0

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I at El 1onte Friday night In a 1lrst-round uU1em Cali- f o r n i a Int cholastic Fedei:aUon playoff game. h 11cl ti e d \\ ith Siena and San Ga- briel a Lt>ague erd ) . A rro~ o, ~\ hi h operat<' from thf' Ok la I I split- fo1 m i Arro) o Ulg cli.tmpio flips Crom " on l'Oin thcr two school

to 10 game , incl~ding game- type srrimmages, per season. USD has played eight games, has Its ninth coming up 'rhurs- av night against Montana Uriiversity, and s<'rimmaged the Depot earlier t11is srason. crimmage with the a i d tlw R<>v. llrem• "\\ as not under game conditions, no corr \\ a, kept, and "" will ad\'i e the • 'CAA o that effect. I'm sure the game will be played if our "Our Depot," ner

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their okay to-

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Fr. Bremner

of a game

vears Corps Id not oaching

I Pioneers, Marines ' Talk Game By :\TEL ZI KES University of San Diego and Marine Corps Recruit Depot probably will meet on the football field this fall after all. The Devildogs and Pioneers, most successful major teams in this area, couldn't get to- gether earlier but develop- ments of yesterday and today indi~ate a Dec, 6 game in Balboa Stadium. j Kuhn Contacts :\fCRD The first public inkling of a game came at yesterday's! Quarterback C I u b luncheon when MCRD coach B u 11 Trometter announced that the D e p o t had been contacted a bout a game by Gil Kuhn, president of USD's Booster's Club. "We accept the challenge," Trometter said. University officials now are attempting to clear the game with the NCAA and NAIA. Th e y received NAIA ap- proval yesterday, b u t the game hinged on some answers to NCAA questions. 1• 10 Games Allowed U n d e r NCAA rules, a team is allowed 10 games,~ w h i c h includes game - typ~I scrimmages. USD has nine games, including the Thanks- giving night tilt with Montana Sta te University, but the Pi- ot1>ers also engaged in one scr immage, ironically against \ MCRD. T h e NCAA "questions," which concerned the scrim- mage, were: 1-W a s the scrimmage against MCRD under game conditions? 2-Was a score kepr 3-Was there advance pub- licity? ,\leCuf.cheon Hesitant Although USD isn't a fulJ. !ledged member of either na. tlona! organization, it is seek- ing accreditation, so the Pio- 1 neers don't dare to step on any toes . USO coach Bob Mcc utch- eon didn't sound too high on the game. "I would like to play (San Diego) State more than the Marines," he said. "If they're going to close a game with the Marines, I'm going to bargain for a Iree trip back to Cincinnati (colJp. I giate c o a c he s' convention) J where I can look for a job for sure." I Probabl. · 'Through' In respon e to a qu estion, Mccutcheon aid, · ·No, I'll j probably n be back (at USO) in 1


US 's Coac Doubt Return (Continued) next sea~on and should be im- proved in our church league. I'd like to see backs like L. C. Martin (MCRDJ transfer lo our school. Highlights of our season included a 42-42 tie with Caltech and the fact that one opponent scored three touchdowns against us 1 in the second half without a n offensive play. George Schutte, San Diego Junior College-Except that Los Angeles Valley scored first, we were in control all the way when we won 20-14. Our team improved week by week during the year. Charlie Popa, San D i e g o High line coach-Our Friday night playoff opponent, Arro. yo, likes to move fast from the huddle and works from the split-T. Linemen who have played well for us a re Charlie Dykstra, Oliver McKinney, Robert F owler, Robert Os- borne, Robert Feiix, Roy Pharis, Sam E dwards, Tom Meshak, Joe Alkire, Ph i I Cooper, Willie Bolton, Morris Russ and Lero MArtin Fow- ler and Martin m a y not be. at top strength fo Arroyo_ Tom P arker, Sweetwater High-We'll carry the Metro League banner well a gains t Anaheim in the playoff's Fri- day night. We're 111 better shape physically tha 'We were I for the playoffs a ~r a go. Anaheim has a ttetifondous football pr ogram with about 55 men . on the v11r11tty. The Anaheim team ha no Mick- ey Flynn this spason but is well-bala nced and very fast , and they run the belly serie well. Some of their linemen have enough speed to be backs on other teams. Our Wayne Sevier may give them ttou hie throwing, and we als have two fine ba~ in Gil bert Warren a nd Mike Fogle \


Winning Not Enough At USO __ Yesterday's Quarterback ses,,ion. incidentally, pm- "1ded .the unu. ual speC'tacle of a winning coach an- nounemg that he doesn't expect to be retained at the end of the ·ea. on. Indeed, the niversity of San Di- ego's Bob MrCutcheon is so sure his contraet won't ~e renewed !hat he's going job-hunting at the Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Association's annual con- vention in Cincinnati. This fr~m a coach who e team has won five traight and carries a 7-1 record against the University of fontana here Thanksgiving night. In this case the C'Oach and the university administration are so 'bad- lf estranged that not even success on the playing field can resolve their differences. It'.. a!1 awkward ~i~uation and largely a matter of confhctmg per ·onahtres. I can't recall a precedent f~r unloading a winning coach, though some s a y Notre J?ame was secretly relieved when Frank Leahy call~d 1t a career. r fost colleges would rather have a ,,1nner than an endowment. All of ~v~ich recalls the cla_ ·c rejoihder of J. B. (Ea~·) \\hitwo , forme Alabama coach, when the sub 1 e~t of 01ac11rn,u hang wa mentioned. . \\ h1h\ orth asked Jf he had noticed how Dften college t \ e winning seasons after iicquinng "• ope," said Whitworth, "but I have noticed how often colleges acquire a new coach aft a losing season."


B~ BOB ORTJI N Bahe C· c (:; tolrl the Qua krhack Club yes terday tha he had only a "foggy" notio or what wen on Saturda, night when his Idaho ~late football team lo t to Univer- sity ol San Diego, 24-0. Balboa Stadium was blan- keted In a thick fog, but Cac- cia said "We have no alibis. It wa~ foggy on both sides of the fif'ld" "I'cl l ike to trll you more ahout the game," he added "but I didn't see a helluva lot ol 11 . "The kids would come out of the game and say some- one's doing this or that, and I'd :ay the l hr ls." Ki<'koff 'a :m~take Caccia aid he made one mistake in having the Bengals kick deep at the start of the third quart r (Bob Keyes sped 92 y rd through the mist to bre k II s oreless deadlock ,and tart SD on its way to victory). "Yo h ve to live and lrarn," phllotiophized the B~n- gal mf'ntor. "I think our kids let down a little after that." He pral ed the Pionerrs, but he hopf' to "come hack next year and give them a better game.' Caccia explained his Ben• gals are young 'and small. "Th! ls a building year," he continued Idaho State I \ tonight ror Honolulu wh re 1t will play University of wail. ('omini: to e t Roh Mccutcheon s 1d oneer are "coming up their pe k" alter howtn marked improvement in e. ery ga e "It' b rn a , I team ! fort," McCut flro, . ' We have fforent ro every week. For the ld o c mat' . (( ont. on png,, B•i, ('ol.

Holy Staf~e To e Raised Ato apel



teams their ss the r at at Hall

rs t Beeson F ield. MCRD plays the semi- pro Montebello Rhinos Sun. da y afternoon .

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