News Scrapbook 1956-1959

• f lt!lO Co e'ft Is Su~pended The student newspaper and the drama club at the Univer- lty of San Diego's College for en have been uspended or an lndc linlte . period, a pokesman for t e university a d yesterday The suspen Ions resulted trom an article I the Nov. 20 issue of the n!wspaper, T he Papi-r, crltic I of a ollege for Women rule :Mrblddlng wom- en students to play Ii:t Men's \ College dramas, the spokes- man said. The drama club, known as the Masquers Club, had heen active for three f~ s Only lour Issue ot the rtewtpaper ' ha d been published prior to the suspension.

VOL 38, NO. 19

TWO-COLLEGE AZTEC TODA YI Tl'· i c'a pl nty of gu,,d r •ading in tod y' 5 1 Uf' nough for two coll I, , in fact. Besid s news and fr tur£>s about h ppenini;s a t San Diego Stat1.>, th i es a l'omplctc pa"'c devoted to news for th<' Um- v,.;sity of San Diego men students. USD'.s independent s t u d e n t m•w papei, The Paper, hos ha_d publication suspended by the um• vers1ty's aJm

The Aztet 1 s1 Handed Out At USD Incident Fails To Stop Distribution By SOS Editors A bl f )O!'Ident Fri,lay urtwecn a Un,v~ •I Y of S n o,e~o artmln- 1. t mtor nnd four Sa1t Diego Stale stwl<"nl <.'rlilora failE'd lo preve_nt the stud nti from hanrl1ng out JS· i;u,•s of Tl . Aztec on lhe ColiPge f,J1· Men C'ampuH. The editors were P,wl West, <·•litor of The Aztec; Juhe Kauf- man socicly editor, John Martm, pag~ layont editor, and Jim Up· i;ha w, nssi.stant sports editor. West i,;ud the four were ap· pro1u·hcd by a priest_ who chal- lenged th<'ir right to d,striln~te lhe copies bnt who g,we up m h ts ., attempt to stop them after a few ntinules. A cam<'rnman ftom a local tele- vbfion station recorded the event on film. USO students who watd,ed the episode later identified the. pripst fts Fr_. William Spain, adn11rustra- t ivc officer for the Colleg for Men. Upshaw said the priest ap- proached the editoril and tol,I them 'You can't pa,~ th111gs out." "We asked him why we couldn't," West "He toM us he didn't think 'your administra- tion would like it.' '" The priest refused to give his name when asked by the television CHmereman, Martin said "There were only a few ,.tudents oul•ide at the time,'" Mis:s Kauf- man said. ••suddenly a gmup of about 50 students began flhng through the front door of Ute building (Mo1·e H,111) and we started handing the coplefl: out," she said. West said the priest stood by "for a minute and then he said, 'All right, then, do what you want,' and walked way.'"

Friday, De(ember S, 1958 POETS OUTCLASSED Aztecs Smash Whittier 69-40 The San Diego State Aztecs won their second straight hasketl.Jall game Wednesday night by beating the Whittier Poets 69 to 40. The speedy Aztecs completelylment are San"°Jose State, Pepp~ outclassed the slower Poets. All- dine MCRD and SOS. CCAA performer Bernie Finlay fu th li · th le~ the Aztecs in ~coring with 14 Aztec t!o;:e d:~:~Zi ~:e'Whit~ points. Eddie Dav!dson scored 11 tier frosh 5 3 to 39. and Hal Brown hit for 10 points ' for the home team. The Aztecs built up a quick 14 A f B j p• I. to 4 lead as Davidson, 6 feet 5, and Z ec ow ICJCS slender Ray Waters, 6 feet 3, hit baskets near the backboard. Here are The Aztec's predictions on • the major postseason bowl games:

Page 11' Aztec, Pepperdine Hoopst ers To Vie Pepperdine College's v r g J t y basketba ll squn.d, which n ngcii the Aztec~ tonight on the Wa CB' home :Qoor , b~at the SOS h0<,p,- sl ers 81-68 In the t wo teams' fir t battlo last ~ea80n . P epperdine Ja,. ter lost to th e Aztecs, 59-70. Tipoff for tonight's tilt is mlat- d for 8 p.m. re- searcjl indica tes that viruHes may pla y an impor tant r ole in trigger- ing some types of cancer in man. 100.).f 4sai.:t Mous Ofo s,1,0H WOAj YO-f-!MS American Cancer Society

The Poets, led by Carroll Hooks, who scored 10 points, couldn't get going against the Aztecs' excellent defense. The visitors repeatedly missed 15-foot jump shots. The Poets only hit 29 per cent of their field goals whlle the Aztecs hit a good 51 per cent. The Aztecs held a 12-point advantage at halftime, 31 to 22. the front line of the Aztecs controlled both the offensive and the defensive backboards enabling the speedy Aztecs to get their fast break into operation. With sharp ball han- dling by guards Brown, Bernie R evak , Blake Neal and Jim Do- h erty and excellent rebounding, the Aztecs built up a 49 to 28 lead. After play resumed

Rose Bowl-Iowa by 20 over Cal. Sugar Bowl LSU by 21 over Clemson. Cotton Bowl-TCU by 6 over Air Force Academy. Orange Bowl-Oklahoma by 14 over Syracuse. Gator Bowl- Mississippi by 6 over Florida. · Sun Bowl-Hardin-SiJnmons by 3 over Wyoming. Cage Team Scores Here are Tuesday night's South- ern California small college bas- ketball results: Fresno State 69, Pepperdine 59 Cal Poly (SLO) 93, Camp Pen- Los Angeles State 101, Cal Poly

center for the

fe et


will see a lot of action this se ason. Waters scored agains t the alumn i Monday night. .---..,.,-------- ! Within t he coming decade San Top Teams Rated Diego State is expected to enroll

United Press International has 20,000 students. rated these teams as tl1e nation's r""""= ===-~;;-;;--_-;_;- .;-;;;-;;;;;-;....;;.......=;_;;_;==;_;;...____________

top 10 college basketball squads in order: Cincinnati, Kansas Stale, Notre Dame, Kentucky, Michigan State, Washington, West Virginia, Xavier (Ohio), Okla homa State and S t. J ohn's (New York ). Eu R O p E

JANUARY GRADS ATTENTI I • Why not gel started in a career as Hospital Social Worlcer or Group Counselor with San Diego County? Excellent possi,. bilities for advan(ement. Positions ore at County Hospital and Juvenile Hall. Contact College Placement Office or County Personnel Department, Room 403 Civic Center.

Coach George Ziegenfuss emp- dleton 67 tied his entire bench in the final minutes and the subs added to the (Pomona) 75

to the Iron Cur tain : Arri<& Co


Long Beach State 76 , Lockyear


Sweden : n•t herded a round. Collere on ly. Al-,. s hort trips, EUROPE s~mR TOURS %5S Sequoia (Boa G)-Pas..dena, CalH. You'r e a.ccompanied _

The Aztecs play ther third game (AAU) H



Westmont 88, Occidental 75 Redlands 85, Clar emont-Mudd 30 Universi ty of Califor ia a t Riv- ·

n ay n ight at P epperdine. The next home g ame Will be the Poin- s ttia Tourna ent on December



teams in the tourna- erside 59, P omona 36

12-13. The


No.11 6 7 8







l . P erforms 6.i ~::fe:ble 9. The buU's Intent 10. 0 brother,

t.•Have-- (two word.8) 2. A bikini la skimpy -- 3. One of the Ho-...ard boys 5. s~Pet nothin1 from a eow 6. Think up 7. What the EngHflh Nill a trailer 8. Team "ithout pass rt'N-i\.F•ni? 12. Little br-0thn 15. You don't do eroesworda with this 17. Smoochy t\\'OSOm(-fl 18. Like a Senior 19. Marilyn av. ak- ens (2 words) 21. M ath, Lit, History, ll'lC. 22. From T h

kAACK TI-IIS ?• a---+---1--1-- 11

what a place! 11. .Man -! 13. J"amai11, im.mer 14. 4 quarUI Ot" young l\.'Oman 16. Football afu-.r college 16. Popeye'• eteady 18. Ia rigged out in 20. South American Indiaru, 21. P laying basketball 24. Kew, Fair. Winter 26. Singles 27. M11kf" dU:lar,pear 29. Say, comp etely 31. Play the 85. ~,i~~:tspat on the crew 86. ~ht!~ 88. lrbe bang you gPt out of bridgP 89. Switch to -Koo~! ,2. Rheumat-- '3. Where the Lilfey flows 4.4. French pout 46. What the bli.nd date did night '6. .Redoe, lhe lawn 47. UP&et paa is snaky 48. D own at bridge, up In the alley *





• 6

The problem was not that Marty had fallen in love with a shirt. After all, he wa, a Philo. ophy major. The trouble was ••• Marty was in love wit h two shirts. With Shirt No. 1, the Van H eusen Cen tury, the serious Marty spent hours in heaven- ly bliss. He worshipped the revolutionary soft collar that won't wrinkle ever. It was Century's one-piece construc- tion that drove h im wild. (Other collars never did any- thing for our boy Marty, ex- cept wrinkle madly. You see, other collars are three pieces, fu sed or sewn t-0gether.) With Shirt No. 2, the amaz- ing \'an Heusen "Vantage," the gay, frivolous Ma rty lived the life ofcarefreeabandon.He

could wear It and wear It- wash it-drip-dry it, or have it tumble-dried automatically -andwearitagain in a matter of hours. It was the most mon- ey-saving love be ever had. But when Marty WlMl with one shirt, he missed the other. It was terrible. Like so many others with the same problem, Marty wrote to us. And so it came to pass that the Van Heusen " Cen t ury-Vantage" was born. This shirt combined theadvantagesof each into one great shirt-a wash and wear, no-iron, all cotton broadcloth shirt with the soft collar that won't wrinkle ever! And just $51 Have you a problem? Write Phillips - Van Heui;en Corp.,417 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, New York.

fresher_ all through the day 54, Ant 37. Your friend 40. Little W~li:-y 41. - a jolly 1000 fello"I *



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