News Scrapbook 1956-1959

September 14, 1957


Mari Oppo Pione


September 16, 1957 GOVERNALI TELLS QB CLUB Azt c M y ot Improve s Year 1 s 4-3-2 Record R,v H?\\"ARD HAGJ•:N San D1Pgo State doc>~ not lh_P rlub at illission Valin Country Cluh, anrl lwarcl inP.xpNll'nCP and

Quarterbacks Get R port By Governal i Paul Govern;,Ji, an Diego tale College toolball ~oach, wlll make his liut ri>po, t ot 9:57 to the Quarterback Clu ii, a Junchpon mPetln,: at Ii,. ion Valley Count1y Club !'vfonday. Carrol! Doty, publicity man or College ol Pac fie, also will be on hand to show tllm clip ot Dick Bas,, the Ben- gals' All-Amerlcal'\ halfback candidate. COP and Sa11 Di- ego (ate ·111 open the sea- son In Azteo Bowl next Satur- day night. I Other coarhe., whn wiU I speak ar Bob Mccutcheon, Unive1i.·ty ol San Diego; George Schulle, .San Diego Junior College; Bull Tromet- ter, Marin1t .orp~ Recruit De- pot; Al Lewii, Cal We tern; Roy F.!1.1:IP, Hoover High. and Torn Welbaum, tt. Miguel High. The Quarterbac-k will meet week!)' throughout the Ioot- ball eason. 'fhtt events re sponsored by the ztec Club but are open lo tli,e bhc. 1 The u:D Boo ters' Club also v1l1 ar ti cipate .

Carroll Doty, College of Pacific sports publicist, will shov. films o[ Tiger football games at the first 1937 mt>cting of tht> Quar- terback Club at Mission Valley Country Club to- morrow noon College of Pacific will meet San Diego State in Aztec Bowl next Saturday night in the opener for both teams. · Paul Carter will be head q u a r t e r b a c k. Coaches who will make up the panel for a ques- tion -and- answer period are Paul Governali, Bob Mccutcheon, Al Lewis, George Schutte, Bull Tro- met er, Tom Welbaum and Rov Engle. Tlie public is invi d 10 1he luncheon, whic will be the first of a week!} series during the footbl!l.ll season. The Quarterback meetings are supporteri by both the Aztec clu and tlie University of an Diego Boo ers Club. Pioneers Open With Viet ory By ,JOHNNY llcDO~ALD The UniYersitv of San Diego opened its i957 football campaign with a sputtering but winning start last night by downing the Barstow Ma- rine , 20-13, before 3,000 fans at Lane Field. The Pioneers rallied from a 13-0 deficit in tile first period to oYertake the Marines in the final period with quarter- Fumbles lost Penaltin 8-76 back Vernon Valdez pitching four yard to Merle Reed for the winning tally. Even so, the Pioneers had to hold off a last minute bid by the Marines when Pat Ryan guided hi club from his own 7 t l ·s 26. How- ever, former All-Americ intercept I (Continu ·d . . • 1 . . 3-35 1 . . . . . . G•ME IN FIGURES USO Barstow First downs Net vordoge runmn; 12. 10 1 39 12, Pas~1ng Posse• ~~~t:' yardage . .•. . . . . . . . . 134 6-ll .s-i-4 l 1 29 ;.~1,s intercepted by ..•:::::

dt'plh," said Governali. who e Az- 1ec11 open their campaign here Saturday night against Collegr o! Pacific, pe1 haps the strongest independcn L collPge club in the \\<'Sl "WI! were deaned out of our 19!":>6 firs1 1C'am hack- lteld and from ta kle to tad-IP for various reason~, Governali <'ontinucd, "and we have only five lettrrmen returning. All five will be starters against COP." He stressed that freshmen will play a big part In fu- ture Atzec plans. Comment- ing on first-year men, Gov- ernali said that promising wingPr GaPl Barsotti, for- mer Helix High star, is out for 1he s e as on. Barsotti broke an anklr during a workout Saturday. Go,ernali said "we don't exp<'<:t t~ improve on 011r record of last season (1-3-:l), but tl1P boys are spirited and we should we go along." Bob Mccutcheon, head coach ot San Diego Univer- sity, said he and staff were pleased with the spirit oC the Pioneers in beating Bar- stow Marines here Saturday night (20-13 I, after bring 13 poihts down early in the game. "Our team i~ very green and inexperienced," s a i d Mccutcheon, "without a ,,en- ior on the club. The school and kids have done a tre• mendous job, and wr coaches'are proud of 1hem." Carroll Doty, College of Pacific sports publicist, said 1he loss of star Jialfbad< Dick Ball, out for thp· seaso11 "ith a broken ankle, will hurt the club. But, he added. 130-pound Jack Larscheid did well as Bass' understudy last year and is expected to h11ndle the job well again. "From tackle to tackle we have. only one s 11,rtcr back from R year Rgo ," Doty said, ''but we hould (ContinuPd on b-7, C<>I. I )

Pxprc-t its 4-J-2 fo tb;lll record of 111st . eason, 11d ~oach Paul Govern old he Monday Quarte ack Club ) ester• ,da) 100 fans at1endecl tht> first 'l'kl, mPe1m" or n i mpro, P on Abo\J

county collegP , high school and service coaches make predictions on tl;e new sea- son, Paul Carter proved to hP an PxcellPnt toastmaslPr 111 his first outing bcforP the group. · "Our bi aes1 -problPm ~re


GRID CLUB MEETS TODAY College . service a n d h i g h school football coaches will report on Weekend games at th Weekly meeting of th! ob n d a Y Quarterback . at noon today at Mission Valley Country Club. I Coaches Tom Parker of Sweetwater High and B • E cn- rn_c dens of Point Lom High Will join the regula~ coaches' panel that in- cludes Paul Governali Bob Mccutcheon, Geor Schutte and Buli Trom!t. ter.

Mari Provi

est For Pioneers (('011(h1t1Pd rrona Pllf;P b,l) Pon from Antelope Valley are 1:uard Don Gi?morp, qua11er- h~c·k Vern Valdez and end C. G \I .tlkP1 ThP olhPr probable U."O tai-te1 inc-ludP r1 d Merle RePd, formel y of . aval Ali·; ta, kle Die k G a rd n ,. r, \ ·ho pla~ed la~t for .·an Di" go Junior College: guard anrf ca. cap ;, n I rn rook. " Palo- ma, .JC pl11yPr ; tackl1t John ul11.1:a I of • •. ~al '!raining Center; center Jac-k Garo- fono ·,m Rernardino J(', and halfha<'k Tom Kelly and full- back Duane kl, the lone lettermen to make th[~ year' tarting team 'l he M a r i n P , who havt> good ·ite to ~o along ·Ith 1he11 trong running atta1·k, have fullb,,ck Dick Sulkk orme Loyola standout, and e Compton a II haltha k Ed Hlc-k lurni. hing their back- field Probable line up!: up , USD Re !1 i M~t 0 an mor• d r cilk , V ld•l ~=ri~~ R dt Jc:f .... t, LG aarstow WIison VJe,tz lfnbmson Mohnultr Oeko Fernande Brunk iRngan ti1cks Kn•Qhfon S"utick


September 17 , 1957

Pioneer T pple Marines In Ope er (Coniinued) with U seconds left that Ryan scored on the next pl cli~ked off the touchdown bid. on a quarterback sneak. ay Keyes, who scored the fir,t Th p · P chdown for the Pionee;s afte/ th~o1~ee~s rlega; to jell on ·a 63-yard pass from Val. on a ic O an scored d , was the top ground , -yard . pass and run .;a r with 51 yards in 12 pla up t e middle from Va). pla,·s. I dez to Bob Keye~ . I eyes, well ' , • . m the cle r, hauled in the fhe M a r 1 n e s actually/ball on the 30 and outdistanced handed the_ game over to USO the safelymen. Valdez' extra when on five occas10ns pass point was good and it was 13-7 rece1ve_rs dropped the ball at the first quart/!r. · well rn the clear. The USO drove 40 Leathernecks a,lso made a seven la . . yards in nice goal line stand holding after fiv/ not ?1:J count !1Je PionePrs five times with- ond pc riod mvu Id O , 1 1 2 e sec. m the two . • a ez -yaid · aerial up the middle to Duane l\IARINES SCORE FAST Rudzinki put USD on the 81 The Pioneers spotted Bar-ia nd two plays later Valdez stow_ two ~uick touchdpwns went over from ri J1t guard ! with to the wall ll~e _held USO on five downs after the fourth scrimmage ~ithm the two yard_ lme but play. Marine Richard Sulik aldez c_onnected ' th a 32- broke through and block d yard aenal two minu tes later Vern Valdez kick. The b!Jl ~o se,t t11e home club. up for /' bounded back to USD 's nine . ,ts third score, G. , /halfback Al Knighten slantcd ll"ialker who made an ovc-1 the oH left tackle from 1hc 'four shoulder cateh and went to for the touchdown. Dick Bor. lhc Marine four. On the next ing's extra point made it 7-0 pl11y, Valdez pitched a short 1 with tliree minutes gone. pass to ~erle Reed, ex-Naval A pass interception byl Air star, 111 the end zone. Va1. I leatherneck Ed Hicks put the dez kicked the point and it/ Marines on u ·o· · 37 six was 20-13. minutes later. Quarterback Bif: 10 w ....... . . ...... . 13 o o o 13 Pat Ryan, who also coaches Barsto,,;··~co;1~·~. ··;~~~hdo~n!..~nl~h 2 1~. the Marines, pitched to the ~~.a~'>. Y,,"Jl'-Ra"g,7 00 0 vd.. quar1erbock right side good for 36 yards (6US sod •coring, fouchdowno - K•Y•• d B · Y s., POSS from Valdez), (1 Ydds an arsiow was on the one ~eePerl, Re-ed <4 vds. pass from voi: _ ____ . e~ PAT-v_a_ld_e_, _2_. -=---=--- its back On Barstow's third pla y, _Yaldez sent a spiral to C. w1thm the first 10 minutes of on a keeper. play but came ba ck to even TD PASSES the count at 13-ali at the half , A blocked kick had USO / . In the fourth th_e Marine

..Snn Ole-go Union _$taff Pr Uni\'er 1ty; A1 L wE, qi Western; Carroll Dot i;ports publicist for College of Pacific, and Dr. Pa Governali, head coach at San Diego State. One hun- dred fans attended the meeting.

lluddling on football matters yesterday at the sea- . on s fir!-t meeting of the Monday Quarterback Club, held at Mission Valley Country Club, were left to right, Dob Mccutcheon, head coach al San Diego

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