News Scrapbook 1956-1959

. SD Football. Coach

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F.1 C:i)on, C,!lfornla. 11111 .1y, Dctemb,•r 7, 193!1


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1''11' nc\\,pap.-r~ 'Pick un uch ,,rr, of «-Our~P. To supprt~~ a s•urlcnt nrwsp:iprr I~ a urrfire formula for 11rt1inJ! thr naml' of .-our ·rhool on the national fl"\\ ic; w•r~ .• 1.1 ,. It" a n'• 11 rut '1rlt t nt I' t ,a,n'I, 1 100! au•honl1Ps eerl a !111! ad,we or. how to I r!lr s ,rlrnt CTitlrq . ,., rr exer trP effort nere• a~· i to ~• Hie a stuur•nt er tc. Three I no more de,·n~tating, <'rnrl. di~couragin~ trratment for a critic than to ii:nort 'him. lie loves to he ,·rn ore(,!, ~UP· pre• d, ah, d. hC'rated, ost~a- c,.1,cd, or an w...rNI. I ,. >L• •in,ore him, howC'ver he ,, hC'rs awa •.


latz Grid





McCUTCHEON RESIGNS latz (Continued )


man this· season and Wright tied one. H

a•sun tutui e sucC'es~ of t h e was probably our most de- ord his first u111verstt~ '1 athletic pro- pendable back." said Platz. He and Pla

both graduated


"But we have the nucleus f~rlfrom Cal Poly at !'-a


Mccutcheon .Platt went ready ha~ applied for jobs at ar~ so~e high ~chool, boyslfrom there to Corcor and 1>1ght iir nine other colleges. we re 1 _nt_ereS t ed . m. 1 11 .be John Burrough High ·I ools He said he plans to press busy trymg to lme lip high in Burbank, wl, 1·e he . ted hi~ s rch tor another job al sch.ool plaJ ';,r• for th e next a 41-10-3 rPro the • ational Coaches Assod- f<'"' months. . , ation conveqtion in Cincinnati Platz said he will alter the as a pla) er being na ed earl next month. Pioneers· T attack somewhat to the Lit le All-America "I thought the university in spring training. team while at l. Mary's Col- i:hould send me. but t he y "WP hav1> two outstanding Lege in San Antonio, Tex. in won't• •aid McCuteheon. passers in Jan Chapman and 1941. There ht'! played under Platz: said he \\asn't sur- Duane O'Connor," he said, controversial Mose S,mms. prised by :\fcCutcheon's re- "and we'll probably throw the who took the Rattler~ the signation only the timing or hall more_. We'll use the pro- len~th and breadth • of the it. It had seemed obvious type T, with slot backs. I nat10n. . that :\lcCutcheon's days at "We could have a better1 "We played 12 straight road Alcala Park were numbered learn next year without hav- games in l941 .. Pla ·ecalls, after it was Jilade public ing a better record. We've 1 "sometimes as m n three f'arly this seai;on tht he was scheduled Cal Poly for a game a week." at odds with the USO Booster at San Luis Obispo. That's A 5 in g I e-w Club. the only west coast college Platz left til e :McCutcheon's successor team that could have beaten campus to. play o said he has no desire to be- :\1CRO this year. burgh Steelers P final come athletic director of the "We'll play Montana State three games of e ~l sea- school. here, Colorado Western either son. ''I got $120 II."," he "I'd rather devote my time/in Gunnison, Colo. or Las,remernbers. t.,_ coaching," s~id Platz. '_'I Vegas, and New Mexico West- He entered mil\ ary service thmk next years t~am w1lll ern at Silver City, N.M. There ,in 1942 and played ar Miami be com_parable to this _Year:s are tentative arrangements University of Ohio and with rs were ~-2 this tor other games. Great Lakes Naval _Training fall, loslng only to Montana "I' h· d . d' 1. th t Station. At Great Lakes he State a>:1d l\!CRD 1 .. ve no m 1ca ton a . d I.ft B . Wl''rl' gomg to cut back in 1served un er Pa 1own, NO CONTRACT )_i.;T football. However. we. do now head coach of 'the Cleve• Platz aid he hasn t signed want to get away from hav- land Browns. a contract ~Pt. or e\·rn agrC'C'd ing to make large guarantees. "When I got_ ourot~he sen·- on terms. 'We'll get around to get teams to play here. ice the Washmgton Redskin~ to that later," he said. "We'll C!\L POLY GRADUATES lhad bought my ontract," have 'no trouble on that score ·.. says Platz ."bul I wasn t good "I don·t know ~et what I'll . 1:he te~m I want to pl~y enough to play pro ball t ." do about assistant coachC's. I 15 San Oieg~ State. . W~ II A nat ve of Itascad ro, have the right to name them. have sc.-hola 5t tc accreditation Platz his been married 12 There are some fellows I s_oon, and once w~ do I be-fyears .tnd has a 3-yeaF-old want to talk to. I'll ha\e to lleve the- Aztecs will play _us. son, Steve. The Platz family see it the\'·re available. It would be a wonderful thmg •lives in l'lairemont. ''That doesn't mean won't I for both schools. Our kids keep the present a I tents. want t9 play them. I thought they did a :fine job .fc'Cu heon came to USD tor this year." :from Antelope Valle JC in , aid he al- a~olller Slron.g club a nd tliere,Obispo in 195Q,

seasons. ceed him.

Both :\1 C· esigna- tion and the appointment of Platz were announced by Rev illiam D. Spain, vice presi. dent of the college for men, lafter a morning meeting of l university officials. Boosters, Coach Part McCutcheon·s da, s at the Alcala Park institution have been lived one at a time since 1 earl) in the season when a break between him and the USD Booster Clu'> came out ' in the open. At that poin• lJSD had a 2- 1 The prPma his c-ontract m 1newed caused s team to rallv around and •he Pio;,.eers won t ·r next five games in-a-row, lo ing their last outing to ra1ine Corps Recruit Depot. Mccutcheon came to USD fro -A elope Valli")' Junior College at Lancaster where j his team compiled a record ' or .10 wins. six losses and one tie. lie will be leaving USO with a•1 overall record of 48-8-1. He is 31, graduated from I Cal Pol~· of San Luis Obispo in 1950 and holds a BS degree and a mastei s m eduration. :1-kCutcheon ii; married and i has lwo daughters. I Platz (;al PolY Grnd c Platz. a vetera 1 of all t 1 phases o! the football wars. , joined the USD staff at the : same time as Mccutcheon after compiling a 41-10-3 rec-,, ord a· head coach at Corcor- 1 an and John Burrough of Bur- bank High Schools. He. too, is a Cal Poly grad, where he received his BS and MA. 1 Plalz won Little AII-Ameri- ean honors while competing as a halfback fo1 the well- •rnveled St .\lar. s 01 Texas Rattlers just before VI orld Warll. Paul played sernce fQo all at .:\Ilami l'niver It) of Ohio and with Great kc 1 aval ·Training Station, t reat Lakes hi' was 1der Paul Brown, present ach of the ! professional C I e v e l a n d Brov.-ns. Alter overseas servi< e Piatz played professional loo ball with the Pittsburgh . to Jers a W i gton Red kir, . He !rs a young I eo

P \l'L PLATZ, NEW USD COACH Ba,:-klield boss replaces Bob i\fcCutcheon

Pi neer Five

-55 (bt-p or San D1e.;;o vestmont College of




. n,ta


B_al High School gym night, 60-53. .1:he Pionee1 s. out.shot !hi' vi. ! 10 rs !rom the field but tr ilcd at tt>e free-throw la c. Jrrry Gurton. cashing in 16 points the first hal! and ~ 2 f?r th e n(ght, led the Visitors. hen Leslie With 13 wa.~ high for the P 1onecrs. · l ·n tr-ailed by only one polnt, 4:S-46, with eight min- s to go, then the taller S a Barbaran,~ shot awaJ a d ne\'er were headed. , 'the Pioneers nt'xt play San I- nando ate at 8 p.m. Fri. d· y In the La Jolla High g m w '"'""' 1'4) U.S.D. (JS) I On G"l'T C.l'PT H~~rJehs : J 1~ ~~~'}• J l I 1 15 tr~~ son I l O Main:, 1 8 1 1 ! Gurtoll o • l.S Bck~r G • 2 1 '-lcClos •v O : 220 TR. Roth O I I I rp • .. '1 I '- 4 0 0 I Toter!, 24 12 1 .st i, O l 6 2 lco,, at hotttlme, Wes~onr ~' 2 , 3u~l.~~

The other Pioneer a i d e s Lancaster. where his teams this fall were line coach :-Olar• won 40 games, lost six and tin V. Lewis, who was with Na 111 ';['raining C in 19.'56- 57; assistant back coachj Cha Jes Lester y, who camp to USD this ar after , :10 eason: with n Tech High in Chicago d frp~h-1 man <.:oache~ :\1azzei and Frank ~uq:iti:i: Platz •aid hi f:11gge,t job will be findin. I placements for uch departing ,seTJIP II s


fullback A\alon Wrtgh, cen, ter Ken Cook, tackle ;r o h n ~lulligan end :V1erle R p e d and halfback Al Kish A I 1 but Kish were first-stringers. ":\1ulligan was our hPst line-

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