News Scrapbook 1956-1959

n Pitgo Inion


• jon r" I cy ..... ews


1 A a I u •

Bob McCutcheon Resigns Position 'Under Pressure' By PRJJ, COLLIES Paul Platz, University ot San Diego'g new head too~ ball coach, thin.ks the Pioneers will field another winner next fall despite a tougher schedule, says he isn't inter- ested in being athletic director, and has his sights set on ae eventual series with San Diego State.

a I> t , \\ I h t



1 1

all goo 1 t q·ho I . c;nu publlra1ion. I Ike publications. t'i' on,. wounrl up anrl took an ,. rtorial poke al schonl authori• l•o, a rampu n I ,:norl campus

nd at


Tho~e were a tew of h 1 •j reactions late yesterday alter being appointed to succeed Jame• R. (Bob) MeCutcheon, who relligned 11.1 hl"ad coach and athletle dlrf>c•tor in mid- morning. Rev. William D . Sp a In, vice-pre~ident of the college, announced the appointment of Platz, who had been Mc- CufchPon'1 backfi1>ld coach and !int as1lstant during the 1957 ancl 1958 ,.,.a on1, wl1en th& Pioneer won 14 rame. and lost only !ive. "I'm vrry pleued over th!~ opportunity - I've a I a y s wanted 1o b1t a ('0IJege head c-014ch," •aid :18 - year-old Platz, "but I 'm ·inc-erely sor- ry 1o ,e-e :11:cCutcheon quit. T th I n k h11'1 a wonderful

The ne\\ spap.. r, vick un uch "'f of courst. To suppr,~, a •11<1;nt nr" pa11er i~ a urrlirl" formula lnr nttinJ! the 1tamr 111 ,·our chnol on the nat onal I\ ire .• It


football coach. It was a pleas. ure working wtth him. O u r relationship wu always the very best." Mccutcheon apparently re- tained legal coun. ~I In, an at- SiiJled under pressure. tempt to have hu contract paid off through next Sep. Rl!SED BY TL'IUNO tember. Univer:o:ity officials as surprised by th I! Hid yesterday Mc tcheon ·• thing,,. he said. contract runs only througll ht l had done a su!- May. ob for the univer- "My atto ey pl to call ~ity. I thought the regents a press conterehce on t h e would 'along with me. I matter tomorrow rnmg," · till do t underatand w h y said MC'Cutcheon. tlus nr had to happ n. In r..-vealin& tcheon·• I'v had a Jo~ing re1lrna t1on, a univer:sity in my • eau ot -chlng." 1pokesma n releaNd the Ior- between Mc- mal a nnouncement that .. It i • Cutcheon and the university them 1 n d of the admini~t:ra-. wa emphul:r.ed yesterday by h on that a changP at th i • the dl"partlng •oach'1 an- tlm !~ ad\ i~able in or


head football coach

of San Diego' ne

t..:nher ·

are tackle Rick • o ack, le!t, and guard Joe Platz was elevated from job a l\kCutcheon resigned after two-year term. ben. Players and


Paul Platz. center, talks o r plans for next eason with two Pioneer gridder. after being named to sue- ceed Bob McCutcheon yesterday. Talking with Plat;,, • ,

oach are not strangers ~ince

backfield coach.

C utch

ames Platz Grid

McCUTCHEON RESIGNS latz (Continuecl )


man this· 'leason and Wright tied one. . t t h e was probably our most d_e- ord his first -d Pl t .,

as •ui,. Juturi. uccess o

oth gr11

He and Pia

a z.


·athleti~ pr 0 . pendable back.

umverslt}· 1

"But we have thP nucleus for from Cal P.d!y at sa I another strong club and there Obispo in l9!)Q, J'latt'

ram ..

. d h



1 a 1 .. e a· are some high school boysjfrom there to

orcor e he


1'11 . be John Burro g s High

interested in.

r~ady has applied foi Jobs at WP'l'e eight ~r mnp o t ber <'Ol~eges. busy trying 10

line up high in Burbank

scl'jool players for the nexl a 41-10-3 reco

l~e . aid he plans tlho pl eb. s rch for ano er JO the : ational Coaches Associ- ation onvention in Cincinnati his s "-

sea.·ons. \\ c d him oth :11

h -

th · "


s biggest t rt

Platz said

ew mon





Platz said he \\111 alter the as a player was being n _ed ~ioneers'? _a~lack somewhat to the Lit le ~l-A1!1egc{ "We havf' two outstandmg lege m San passers in Jan Chapman and 1941. There hi! played _under _ Duane O'Connor," he said, controversial Mose Simms. sur- "and we'll probably throw the jwho took the Rattler~ thf! ref ball more. We'll use the pro- length and bt eadth . of the . team _while at t.. ary s ton.10. Tex. m ·

·i n and the appo ntment of Platz were announced by Rev. illiam D. pain vice presi. dent of the college for men. after a morning meeting of university officials. Boosters, Coach Part McCutcheon's da) s at the !Alcala Park institution have been lived one at a time since early in the ~eason when a break between him and the USO Booster Cl u came out in the opl'n At that po· USO had a 2- The pn•m o mg their a lhP Corps kCuteheon came to USO ro A elope Yalley Jun10r College at Lancast r where·' l11s learn compiled a record of .10 wins. six losses and one lie. !!e \\ II be leaving USD Wllh an overall record of <18-8-1 I II i 34. gr duated from Cal Pol\ of .San Lui s Obispo in 1950 iu d l"ol a BS degree ar,d a mastet s in education . Mccutcheon ii; marr1l'd and , has two daughters I Platz Cal Po!Y Grnd Platz. a ·eteran of all t phase or the football wars, , joined the USO staff at the . same time as :.'11cCutcheon after compiling a 41-10-3 rec- , ord as head coach at Corcor- I an and John Burrough of Bur- bank High Schools. He, too, is a Cal Poly grad, where he reC'eived his BS and MA. Platz \\C0n Little AII-ArnPri- can honor.· while l'ompl" ing as a halfbaC'k fo the \\ ell- lra,eled SI \Jar. o{ Te as RattlPrs just before V', orld War II. Paul played sen ce f at :-.1iam1 Univer 1 and \\itll GrPat k Traming Station, Lakes he was 1der Paul Brown, present l'oach of the professional C I e v e ii a n d Browns. After o, erseas ,ervke Platz played prof P sional loo ball wi h th" Pittsburgh '\\ 1 hi~ contract newed caused ;~~tee~~ 0 ~,ri:n games in-a-ro last outing to Recruit Depot. t eam a nd to the ext fhe

earl next month. "I lhou ht the

university m spring rammg.

se~d me, but they


w n't • said kCutrh eon 0

. ,




~Iatz sa1rl hi'

:\IcCutche_on_ s

P;ised_ b)


T with slot backs.

signli.t,on. only 1he t1mm~ o t


obvious ype


It had


1 "We 1>layed ?;? stra1g ~, roa

"We could have a better


that :\IC'Cutcheon·s days

Alcala Park were numbered team next year without hav- games m 19 1, Pl public ing a better record. We've "somet1,1;1es as rn Parly this season tht he was scheduled Cal Poly for a game a week. at odds "1th t 1e USO Booster at San Luis Obispo. That's A s i n g I P.• after it .,., 3 Jllade

ec:ns. t re<'


the only we:;t coast college Platz



McCutcheo 's

successor team tha~ could ha~e beaten campus to .play

burgh Steelers

said he has no desire to be- :\1:CRD this year.

come athletic director o! the "We'll play Montana State three .?i3m~\f~o here. Colorado Western either ,~on. g? "I'd rathe1 de,·ote m: time in Gunnison, Colo. or Las 1 ernembers. . _ 5chool. '_'I Vegas, and New Mexico West- _ He ~ntered mil\tary se1:~1cl: ) ear's team will Prn at Silver City, N.M. There m 1942 and play~d at M 1~~1 arrangements University of Oh10 and .with tentative 1 Great Lakes ~aval Trammg "I've had no indication that Statton. At G1eat Lakes he t back ln served under Pal.ft Brown, now bead coach of the Cleve- However. we do land Browns. . ; t we re football. O cu Plat •the i,;en·- • contract Pt, or "' <>n agre<>d ing to make large guarantees ke th:nW!,,hington Redskin,; on term,._ "~;·e•n get ~;ou~d to get teams to play here. had bought my contract," to that later. he said. Well CAI, POLY GRADUATl<,S say Platz "but I w; t good have no trouble OP that scor,P "The team I want to play enough to play pro ball t ." "I don't kn_ow yet what 111 is San Diego State. We'll A nat ve of Ita., ad ro. do abo 1 ut as~tSl:nt coacl:~!·m 1 have scholastic accreditation Platz h s been lmarrlerl 12 have. tie ng 0 nafmlle 1·, soon and once we do I be- years a11d has a 3-yeai--old There are some P ow~ ' - 11 I l 1 ·1 . t t lk t I'll ha\e to lieve the Aztecs w1 pay :us. son, Steve . The Patz am1 wan_f ttol a ~~ilable It would be a wonder l thmg ·Jives in Clairemont. see 1 1ey re a · f b h h l kids "That doesn't mean won't or ot sc oo s. ______.______ keep the present a ants. want t9 play them I thought the:y did a e job • <' ut heon came to US_D for this ear." .from Antelope Vall4: JC m ThP other Pioneer a 1 d e s Lancaster, where his .teams this fall \I\ ere line coach ::-.rar- won 40 games, lost six and tm V. Lewi!=:. wl o was with Na,al Training Ce in 1956 I 5T; as:1stant bac coat'h Cha ·le· Le. ter Y, \\'ho camp to USO tlu ar aftei· :\0 ea on. with n Tech High In Chicago d fresh- man c0al'hea Mazzei and Frank ~urp Platz •aid hi 0 gest job wil b<" firdi•1 teplacernents for urh departmg ~,: as fullback ,;\\alon Wrlg ,;en- aid he hasn t signed want to get away from hav- "Wh I ot out' think nex be comparable to this year's are rthe Pioneers were 8-:! losing only to Montana fall, this for other games State and MCRDl." NO co. ·TR.\CT '\ ET . to coaching·• said Platz.


PUJL PLATZ NEW USD COACH 1~--..;B;a;r~k;·t~i;el~d~b • o;s;s~r • e~'p;l;a;r;e;s•B~o~b • ~f~c~Cu



ter Ken Cook, tackle J- oh n 1 :'\lul!igan, rnd Met le Re e d a nd haHb~<•k Al Kish A 11 but Ki:sh w"re first-stringers . "J\lulligan wa~ our best line-

ton Red and has

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