News Scrapbook 1956-1959

U D rid Player Dies n Riptide.; 1~ 1 Youth Drowns At Ocean Beach; Companion's Rescue Try Fails biversity of San p!ego football player droWned yes- in a tie~vy riptide off the lifeguard station at Ocean BeailI dt>.spite a companion's attempts to save him. . identified by Jlfeguards as John Badie, 20, of Mountain View, Calif., a sophomore at the university and a guard on this year's USD football team. The victim wa

PO T JOTTINGS /4 '/-u,/~ an Diego II. Signs New Football Coa ·I,


4,000 Yale Me Put On Probation 'EW HAVEN, Conn., )larch 16 (A'! - The enti1e y ale undergraduate body ..., 3 put on probation tod~y brawl with po!ke after 11 ::it. Patrick's Day parade Saturday.

rum..,r hat ha.rl penlsted Ince mid sea n, and b ckf1!ld aid,. Paul Platz ~as named to sue• d him San Pl" o b the 011ly Catho- lte oJ1 11 r; n the Coa.5t which t.111 plays intercollegiate toot- ll. •

A Yale spokesman said thP probation order w a s "an initial statement" and that a further statement might be forthcoming. students pelted motorists and police \\ ith snowballs. Twenty • five students were arrested. An estimated 1,500 Yale students jeered p o I I c e marchers in the St. Pat• rick's parade, and again hurled snowball~ at tliem. Cries of "ge tapo" we re heard while banners and ,wastikas hung from• dows. Police used clubs to break up the melee. Slxte!'n stu• dents were arrested and charged with breach of the peace. In Thursday's incident, some 300

because of two outbursts m which 41 students were ar• re ted. The probation - general and indefinite - carried a threat of immediate expul• slon for any of the 4,000 undergraduates \\ho public• ly misbehave in the future. It also meant cancellation o! all social functions dur- ing the probation a n d a ban on,cu g cla. ses. It "'as, as one Y a 1 e spoke man put it, "a no• tun edict" A atement from YaJp'.s three dea said a ", igor- ous im estigation" was un• der \\ay to fix individual ~e• sponsibillty in the two m• cidents-a snowball melee ·ith police and mo ori t Thursday, and a

Badie was swimming of! the foot of Newport avenue with hi!! roommate, W a 1 t Joos, 20, also a guard on the football team and lhree other teammates. CAUGIIT IN RIPTIDE Joos told a reporter he and Badie were about 100 yard offshore when they w e r • caught In a riptide and were dragged south by the current. "I started to swim In when I heard John shout," J o os said. "I swam over to hlm and he grabbed me. I tried lo swim in with1 him but a wave pushed·us under. "When we came up, he was about 10 yards away. Before I could get to him another wave hit us and he disap- peared. I didn't see h l m again." Joos swam to shore safely. Badie lived with Joos at 1309A Goshen St. Badie at- tended San Mateo Junior Col- lege before enteririg USD. Two lifeguards in a rescue boat and another In sklndlv- er's gear searched for the body after the drowning while a Coast Guard helicopter circled overhead. The hell. copter search was hampered by coastal tog. SEARCH CONTINUED Lifeguard Lt. Jon Kowal ater called In the boat but said the elicopler would con• inue to search. "We know he had drowned) ave to wait until someone pots him before we can pick im up," Kowal said. Kowal said Badie co u 1 d ,have been caught in rocks and ledges whlclt line d e e p holes in the ocean off Ocean Beach. He said t}le riptides re exceptionally trong. nt down sq we will

Eng·neer Program fered By U .By CHARLES DAYI~ . I ,5;: '-./4 The ·an Diego Union's Education Writer . ,· i'}. new 1ive-year engineer-11ull _. emester of engmee11ng . rt •h"ch studies. l Jng curriculum un er " 1 Father Wilson said the co- g r aduates will be awac d ed operative p r o gr a m with t \\o degrees were an~ounc_ed Loyola and the University of y esterda~, by the Um, ers,ty Santa Clara i! the first ot its of San Diego's College for type for San Diego, although Men. other Southern California uni- The C'Url'i <'Ulum irdmlPs versitite~ have ~imilar pro• three years of ~tudy at l}~D, uram~. follow ed by two years at O Student enrolling in the either Loyola Uni\'ers.t) at •urrkulum will need to ,-om- Los Angeles or the llni,·ers1- plete 12 units of philosophy. t Y of Santa Clara. The pro- t,1 o e a r s of foreign la n- g r:,,m will begin n<'xt ran guag~. t\, o year~ of Engl ish, Student• who <'otnplrti- the two ) ears of history,. four f i\ e-vea r curriculum will re- units of speeC"h, 20_ units of ceive a bachelot of arts de- ma\11ematics, 16 units of sc1- gr ee fr om the C11i\'ers1ty ~! enc·e. and six umts of eng1- San Diego and a bachelors ne,·nng at USD. degr ee in enginren~g- fro~ TWO NEW COURSES one _o_f the cooperating um• Father Wilson said the Col - vers1t1es. le"e for Men will begi11 offe r- THIRD TO 0 .F1''EH WORK ing cour,es in st a ti<-s and Fathe r Russell Wilson , dynamics as pa ,·t of the c-ur- p resident of the College for rkulum . . _ :u 11 announced the pro- He said hi' doubtPd stu g,:~. He said it "ill be dent~ presently enrolled at limited t o students of abo,·e the College for :.'v!N1 '' ould b~ avera"0 t a liber seeking to able to t1ansfer mto the eng1- becomGe ci ·ii mechanical 01 neering tun1culum because electr cal engineer~. of its lull scl:edule o, er the \Vii t e cut Lirnlum is in- three-year period. , t t d O will become Between l,000 1111d ~.000 u- t 1h·o \ d san Diego institu- dent~ from the :San Diego e · • k • a e n t e r Pngmeermg tlon t offer engmenng wor · are . ·h . Fa ther • -JJiego State olfers both .schools eac \'a i_. 1t h lor·~ ~nd master's de- JWilson said. He .·aid he had a e ineerin . Cali- no estimate~ of how man. U~iversity will _choo~e to enter the L"SD last fall con~ucted_ it!'_!irs~ulum.--------. 111 w:~~!rn

will re• for some he said . t advan- "

Irs. Barke Gilmore of ti.. annoitnces the engagement of her mece, Barbara Ann Heney to G1·egory L Pearson son of Mr. and 1rs. C'li ford Lee Ellis of 1187 E Maiu t, El Ca• Jon. '.:I.ti Heney attended the Convent o! the Sacred Heart, S attle, and the Univer ity of Sao Diego. Colleg for Women, where . he s e r v e d as social chairma,. Mr. Peo.rson is a graduate of Grossmont High School and attended San Dil!go State before graduati11., f1om the Uni- versity of San Diego where he wa student body pre Ide He is now complc-ting tudies at Co- lumbia 'niverslty, 'ew York Citv. Miss Heney i. the daughter o! the late . 1r ·. Burke Heney and the late Patrirk A Hene Jr. June w e d d I n g is lanned Seattle, \\

USD Dedicates ~!~?~! .. ' Diego's outdoor amphitheater was dedicated yesterday in a cc c"emony attended by more , ti an 200 persons. Named the Alcala, the large stage and backdrop are plan- ned for completion by J une I 13, when the university will award an honorary doctorate of law to Vice President Nixon. The dedication and blessing by the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the S an Diego Catholic Diocese, were part of a barbecue !estival arranged by the San Diego I Knights o! Columbus chapter. A copy of a newspaper, a religious medal and a list of I participants in the dedication were sealed in a vault which forms the cornerstone of the amphitheater. Following mass at the uni- versity's lmmaculata Basilica, Bishop Buddy led a procession I to a flag-raising ceremony and then b I e s s e d the festival grounds, booths and barbecue, The amphitheater is be• i tween the university's Law School and College for Men. The contractors are L. J. and Vincent Ninteman. L. J. Nin• teman was the general pro: gram chairman.

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'Montana Girl'

opus l~ •et ln en , ·ugget "Parlour Po,1der Rll'er Val- e when the popu- hamlet ·was ex- of

USD Nine Awaits Bid ~ e~~ifn Diego baseball team is awaiting of- ficial word this week on whether it will be selected to represent the West Coast in the National Association of In-I tercollegiate Ath)etics cha~- , pionships at AJpme, Tex., it . was announced yesterday. The Pioneers, who com• pleted the season with a 17- 7_2 record, were reco:'1'• mended as the No. 1 choice over nine other West Coa_st teams by an NAIA commit- tee headed by Bob Livlng~ton of the College of Education, Monmouth, Ore. . Final selection of the eight teams will be made by a committee session In Porales, .N.M., this wee!{, \


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