News Scrapbook 1956-1959

September 24 , 1957 9e4tJL, ----SPORTS EDITOR------- Not All Coaches Tell Horror Stories In Season Of Autumn I can hardly wait to hear Bud Wilkinson explain how Oklahoma is going t o lose to Iowa State. Don't scoff . l'h Oklahoma coach is a resourceful man. He 'll t hi nk r omcthing. The commonwealth or Oklahoma ,must have been lo to panic after listening to Wilkinson before last c k's opener against Pitt burgh. The Sooners had

THE SAN DIEGO UNION Tt1Nl., Sept? 24, 1957 ® a 19 5AN DIEGO, CALl~GRNI~

0 QUA TERBACKS USDCoach Cla ims Shoddy r tme By Flagstaff By HOWARD HAGEN dieted his Aztecs will deleat some backfield speed but are Bob Mccutcheon, Univer-1the veteran Gators. not too stout up front . We sity ot San Diego· football "_In general."_ said Gov<>r- play our !irst one Saturday coach, yesterday claimed nal1 . commenting on the against Fullerton J C." "_the worst treatment in my l:J2-6 loss lo COP, "":'e were Dick Gorrie, Helix High __ eight years of coachin"'" pleased with the showing Our , ·•w h !when his Pioneers Jost to A~i- boys rocked and soc-ked all . e_ ave two speedy ~acks zona State al Flagstaff, Ari1,., night and their tackling and in Bill Ernest (a9.7 sprinter) Saturday night. blocking was good and hard. and Joe Rockhold (]0 second!! F lagstaff downed the Pio- COP team speed . beat us, in the 100) .. .. We held neers, 40-6, after USD h a dl th ~ugh th ey WPre bigger, too . Sweetwater to a 0-0 tie in the scored the fir. t touchdown oi It was a fine game all- . . . the game . around. There was nothing Metr,? carmval and felt satls• ., . . . dirty about the contest, and bed. We _~aw no Flag taf_f col- we hope we made friends Duane )laley, San Dlego ;,, ~~f: 0 f~icials be~?r~ tu~mhg or with COP at thP ~tart of ourl High - "Ezell Singleton may told\ e 1 fa~e, Q c cb 0 ~ four-game series." develop into the best quarter- 1e . on ay uar ~r ac Other comments by mcm- bac-k I've ever coached. He at ~t1 1 no~n ~eet~ 1 gbal hers of the coarhcs· panel • docs everythi ng well, weighs • '.~ 1011 a ey ~un I Y u · Robe rt (llull ) Tromett<.'r, only 135..•• The City League We played 111 27-degree Manne Recruit Depot "We should be more balanced t hi,; weather and there was only were lucky to beat Hamilton year with the caliber ot play cold water for showers after Air Force. 27-20 and expect improved." the .game. Th~ field was in a tough one_:agai~ Saturday al Governalf - "Fullback Bob terrible cond1t1on, hard ,ind Ft. Blis~... We arc inexperi- Nelson didn't carry th ball bui:11!lY·. and we thought the en<'Pd aftE'r our first nine Saturday night because he o~f1c1at111g at the game was' men.... Quarterback Pete still is not d<'pcndable on de- b~~ · . . Walski is _probably out for the fcnsp ... Counter plays, to Out co-captains, Vern Val. season with a broken hand. cut down rival pursuit, will be dez and Ken Cook, w ere ... I'll never use the split-T· installed in the Aztec attack thrown_ o_ut of the game for again; it's loo hard on quar- 1and we also hope to get i~ complammg about calls. We terbacks.... Our tallest back some draw plays and screen yar?s 111 . penalties. is 5 9. and w<''rp roing 1n bP p:issPs, The Aztecs me had 90

• •

\\·on 40 consec-utive games and were being billed as potential national champs for thP second straight year. But W i I k i n s o n was smiling through his tears. He was re- signed to defeat, he sadly told Pittsburgh newspapermen , a n d that wa n't all. What re a 11 y worried him, Wilkinson confided, wa. that his frail little boys might take a terrible beating. It could be a rout. Well, I guess you saw thE' score: Oklahoma 26, Pittsburgh 0. The Sooner streak has n o w climbed to 41 and it probably will reach 50 before the season has

ut don't say this

run its course .

Bud Willduson

-Son Diego Union Stoff Photo

within Wilkinson's hearing. He's already frightened by the thought of playing Iowa tate. You can bet on that. By the time Wilkin- son gets through describing the Iowa States, it will t he greatest horror story since Lon Chaney was in I 1s prime. The !act that Iowa State won only two games last s son won't bother him at all. The Sooner-Iowa State gam won't be played until Oct . 5 (Oklahoma has an open date Saturday) and that gives Wilkinson extra time to work on his story. It should make exciting and tfs penscful reading. Higher Mathematics At Berkeley Oklahoma's easy victory over Pittsburgh was the big one of the season's first Saturday. But there were a lot of mteresting developments. t Berkeley, for example, California tried its luck with racehorse football and got left in the gate by SMU, 13-6. Pete Elliott, the new Cal coach, is prob- ably _ready to re-examine the old maxim about baste m kmgwaste. S ms the Californias got in uch a hurry they for- got o check the down marker. With the ball on the C11l :.!.i, fourth and four coming up, the Golden Bears Irie a running play. It was both peculiar and costly sll" tegy, enabling SMU to win the football game. !Iereafter, Cal quarterbacks probably will be in- structed to keep track of the downs by counting on their fingers, if necessary. Southern California, another racehorse team, found the track a trifle slow in Portland, too. The winner, by 20-0, was Oregon State which used an old-fashioned offen e. The single-wing. Oregon Slate's Tommy Prothro is clearly a very fine football coach. And he isn't handicapped by a large number of California boys, mostly from the Los Anl!';eles area, on his roster. It's dif(icult to explain Oregon State's fascination to California schoolboys. Maybe it's just because I"rot ro is so persuasive. I mentioned this to a gentleman who accompanied the College of the Pacific football team here Satur(\ay for a skirmish with Paul Governali's Aztecs. "Prothro is the most effective recruiter on t he coast," said the man from COP. "Any time go up against him we h'Tlow we're in deep trou e . ;He even took a boy away from us we'd been hiding out for two vears. "I'll tell you the truth. We'd rather battle Southern Cal or Stanford for a boy than Oregon State." COP Not The Greatest . .. Yet COP came to town with what was described as the finest team to represent the Stockton school since the Eddie LeBaron era. This superlative will require further proof. Though Jack Myers' club had far too much speed and manpower for San Diego State, it wasn't a team that excites visions of greatness. The Tigers looked awfully rough in spots. But it's a good, young team which figures to improve as the season progresses. A lot of credit belong t o Governali, Bill Schutte, Fr nk Vitale, Charlie Smith and the Aztec footballers. Th Montezuma athletes were supposed to lose by se n or eight touchdowns, but they refused to panic. It'. a better Aztec team than Governali had led us to believe. I can't recall a team lo ing 32-6 and earning so much praise. Governali is being aluted around town for putting such a well-drilled and poised team on the field. And the head coach, in turn, is tossing posies to his players. "I was surpr ised, pleasantly surprised, by the team in terms of attitude," Governali told the 1\1 on day Quarterback Club. "To me, it was the finest exhibition of team effort we've had in my two seasons here. "I was impressed ... I was proud of them. I hope they continue to rock and sock in our remaining eight games." Fascinating people, these football coaches. T h e y ile when they lose, weep when they win. Once in a while they even get carried away and forecast a victory. Bob McCutcheon's University of San Die go cl ub took a 40-6 whipping from Arizona State at Flag- s taff, but t he young coach is undaunted. "We'll beat New Mexico Western this week," he told t he Quarterbacks, griml) , "ther e's no doubt about that." Now I've heard everything.

er of the three coaches, his Marines h· ving defeated Hamilton Airmen. l\IcCutcheon's University of San Diego team lost to Flagstaff State and Gov• ernali' San Diego State Aztecs bowed ] 1 ° to Colle e of Pacific.

Bob McCutcheon, left, and Pa 1 Governali, center , supply Bu I Tro- metter of Marine Recruit Dep<>t with a supply of crying towels at Monday Quarterback Club meeting yesterday. Trometter was the only weekend wih-


11 <' wrrr the linest exhibition oC

We ,ga_lned _330 'at d,. but got hilrt by passing as ot) Six point~ because moS t against Ifamilton." th e penalties came aftei

effort against COP srcn in. my two seasons at that I've

Gl'orge Schutte, San D1ego 1 0th er J umor College -- "We have State."


a n cl

ong. ru_ns crucial times.

"Flagstaff has a fine small college team I predict that with six of their game,; at home. they will be unde- feated this sea,on. "I don't blame our kids for l losing this one," McCulcheon added. "We coach£>s should have prepared them for the situ&• tion up there In t h a t cold weather, we didn 't ha ·c p r- kas or blankets for th<' boys, believing it would 1't neces- sary so early in the season." Mccutcheon added~ "It was my worst defeat in <' i g h t years of coaching anrl also the worst treatment." Mccutcheon said the Pio• neers, who are 1-1 for the new season, expect to knock of I New Mexico Western at Lan Field Saturday night. Paul Governali. San Diego I State coach, said his cl u b came out of the College of tacific game with only o n e injury, a lame leg for fullback Al Silva. He said diminutive quarter-I I back Joe Duke earned a starting assignment against 1san Francisco State h e r el Saturday night and pre-

1 POOR SPORTS, POOR LOSERS' SAYS FLAGSTAFF HEAD COACH FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., Sept. 23 UPI-Head football coach Max Spilsbury of Arizona Stale College at Flagstaf! lo· night called San Diego University coaches the "poorest sports and poorest losers I've ever met." ·_'They just got a good whippi ng and couldn't stand it," Sp1lsbury declared. As for officiating, Spilsbury said, "!01· every man San Diego_had thrown out of the contest (two), we had two." He added, "When we walked over to San Diego benches lo congratulate them after the game, we were met with a flurry of fists."

September 25 , 1957

(Flu Bug Hits

Pioneer Loo

turday INew Mexicans;




Grid Rival



Unive18ity o( San Diego's football clash with. ·ew Mexi- co Western College Saturday night at Lane Field has been cancelled because the Pio- neers' opponents ha,·e been hit hard by the Asian flu An• other o p p o n e n t is being sought Ray Branl'heau. athletic di- rector of the New .Mexico New Mexico Western Col• lege announced yesterday that, because nine of its players have the Asian flu it will have to cancel its game with the Unive ity of San Diego scheduled for Lane F i e I d Saturda) 1~t. "Our do tor has advised us school, said he hopes to sign against the trip," re· a new two-year contract with the Pioneers "because we ported Ra~ J Brancheau, the owe them the obligation." college·s athletic director, by He said the team physican phone ye terday. "Nine play- advised them against making ers defin tel have the I 1 u the trip because nine players I and the re t ma~• be hospi- have the flu and others may be hospitalized Jor ohserva- talized for observation."



"It certainly is a blow to ]us," he said, "because this 1 he would have been a good trip for our boys. Many of them have never been on the coast.

tion. He added the team had

only 29 members.


1o move


Pomona tilt, set for Oct 12, were dropped when the Sage- hen coach. Earl Merritt, said I the team wasn't prepared. !Wo of the. three Pioneer gridders d1sm1ssed :Crom the



Thursday, Sept. 26, 1957


Five Lumberjacks Score .As Jacks Down San Diego Universi'ty 40-6 The Axemen blasted the Pion- I a gain. SeventP.en yard runs by ~ers from San Dieg-o Unlversitv i T11ckPr and B"rnharni. a'1othPr with a heavy barrage 01' six 10 by Cote. a,,r'I 6 mo-re by C,i.. "pay-dirt" tallies to win their brPra h,i.d the Pioneers in a coln swPat. On the next nlay NPlson second game of the season.

"We hope to rewrite a new

. club because of disciplinary 2-year contract with USD, reasons have been reinstated starting with next season. We after a team vote. Back o owe them the obligation." the learn are halfback Tom Brancheau said this was the Kelly and second string quai • . . . terback J oe :1-icNamara. Half- lhrst time m 24 years al the back Tom Chrones chose not College that he has had to to return. cancel a game either away or at home.

"It would have been dif!i- cult to play USD, even if we had been able to make the trip because we only had 29 players," he added. Meanwhile, coach B o b Mccutcheon and his staff at USD are making a last-min- ute effort to schedule a game. Pomona College, a team which USD plays here Oct. 12, was contacted to see if the ! contest could be moved to this Saturday. NO SAGEHENS The Pioneers were informed by Earl (Fuzz) Merritt, Po- mona coach, that the Sage- hens would have been able to play if notified earlier but that they weren't prepared now. Two of three USD football players who were dismissed from the team because of disciplinary reasons l\1onday l have been reinstated after a team vote yesterday, Returning to the clu.,b are halfback Tom Kelly and sec- 1ond string quarterback J o e ll\licNamara. Halfback Tom Chrones did not care to re- turn.

and Thnma

The Pioneers scoriTJP." on a long nas

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