News Scrapbook 1956-1959


September 27, 1957

18-THE TIDINGS - Lo! Angeles

THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 USD Gridders Map Comeback I Me ico e t C sh Then the roof !ell tn on the 134 yards !or th outmanned San Dlegans. Pioneers recovere The Arizonans came back Uy and marched 70 to be stopped six quickly and be!ore the first o! the goal. period ended had scored two I Then Cote again grabbed the A few minutes later Quar Pr• night. The final score of the bflck Dlck Vargas lobbed the game came with just 25 sec- ball to Louis Ca lllM for a 43- onds re m a l n I g, as Danny v minutes Sat11rday yard scoring play. The extra- Loveall climaxed another long USO might point attempt was good and Lumberjack driv with a five- heet as the the Lumberjacks went out yard scoring bur. around end. c e I v e d the ahead for good, 13-6. , And that was the end of a kfcko!t nd fumbled on Late In the second period hard, cold night for Bob Mc• I Y from acrlm- Arizona. State hit pay dlrt Cutcheon s battered Pioneers. m g Plon rs took over a.gain wh n Ron. Cote climaxed Regarding the upcon,Jng bat- on th r own .27 yard llne. 60-yard drive with a flve- tle with New M xico ,vestern's A!ter two runn g a temptJI, yard slant off tackle. The Pio- 1ustangs, Mccutcheon has ex- Quarterb ek Vern Valdez hit neers tried desperately to ge pressed himself optimistically. uane R z nskl wtth pMs. back Into I.he game and were "It we can for t last Satur- h, hard-runn, "' fullback out- within Inches of the goal line day's game andgehmlnate some ptct two rlzona defenders to when the first halt ended. glaring mistakes we could very chalk up th -fir ecor" o! the The winners ·scored twice In wen come out •on top," Mc- game. Th h d•ntnnlng tull- the third period, with Fullback Cutcheon said. outspe two Arizona de- Cruz Salas carrying the brunt The Mu sf an g won five en 1 ler1 to lk up the tirBt of the attack. He returned the games while winning four last s ore or e ~am ,. The play I second half klckoft 57 yards, year and are members of the poveted 68 y rd. then took a pitchout and raced s me conference Arizona • • • • • • PIO EER PATTE By GR • PEAn 0. • I red at • ICRD and San Diego It appe rs that there l•n't SI.ate before mak g a succe - ch rell f In sight for oppon- tut jump t0 the A. Rams. He nts o! Arizona State College. I provided _us wi some of the most exc,tmg s we'\'e ever The Lumberjacks, de!endlng 8 n on ll. gt Frontier Conference champions, I leg and rib In, h ve only five seniors on their to tell and ' club and Ml,Y two of them aro? I cided to c&ll It on th• !lrst atrlng. They should I to 15 •t~tr.alghtHy compe 1 ,on, e be plenty tough for at least San Diego. two more years. • • Just what do It take to lncldentally 1 former La Jolla make a good f tbal! player rt Lur,p!no is the I stand out abov& the average? bacl:field h I We had a chat with St. Augus- coac · tin• coach Tom Cartet over th 0 State. They have 17 lettermen re urning, plus some standout transfer players. Ail positions on the first string, with the exception of right end, will be manned b monogram wt ners. touchdowns. End Bruce Bern- spotlight, c rash n g through hftrdl l!cored first, shooting 60 tackle and flying 60 1Vards for yards on an end-around play. his second touchdovm of the

1 October, 957 SATURDAY TV

Who Killed Catholic League Grid Carnival?

8 A.M. f=r'or;;::.ytfts, H'l l~T~r, I> the An 1=2~~s~t~s~y

(8, D)

2-Cart~h:' A.M. ,t:i~3~si~av,!,!~; 1;~" t:la 0Jm1nR:ra'rfJa~~~O) f-~~~£ (8:45) 9A.1'1. 7-Tdple Th&ater Movie, ~°/yti~rn Konaaroo 11-W~stPrn 4-Movfe 10-Howdv Doodv 13--Sacred Heart (9:lS) '-Gum!;30 A.M, 5-Movle 10---Terry and Pirates 13--Western Movie lOA.M. 4-Fury l~Mt~fch'fur~~~~" People 11-Steve Mortin 3-News (10:10) 3-r(U~ 15 a111 Hickock 10,4-Footbon Preview, (10: 15) 2 Mov,!t30 A.M. 'Zambo' t~:;t~Fil'8i~~ll 5-Wcstern &-Art Show

Eastern football supremacy may have been settled last Saturday, !irst o! the Infant season. Pittsburgh, presumably a oowerhouse, fiunked Its big test against Oklahoma 0-26. • Meantime Navy, coached by Eddie Erdelatz, the pride of St. Mary's, Jived up to advance billlng b blltzing Boston Col- lege 46-6 In that school's long-awaited st ~edication gamr. So avy's stock ts soaring. But lt wa.~ a bitter pill for fans on Chestnut Hill. You may be sure there wa~ no l y in Newton, Mass., Saturday evening. Mighty Mike Holovak and his Eagles had struck out. 'ew England's hopes now necessarily mm,t ridP Dr. Eddle ,\.nderson's Holy Cross eleven. Thei pepp Purplfl Cnl· aaders will open up t.omorrow against Vl.r&inla Military. Dr. Anderson, & bona. fide phy!lclan who handles moc;t ot his practice on the football field, declare": "Thi' ~1tlook I~ def• inltely better than it has been at the bednnlng ot thP pa.,t four or five !lea.sons.'' Holy Cross started slowly ln 1956, but finished fast. The Crusaders won !our ot their final five games, losing only to fabulous Jim Brown and the SyracuFe Orangemen 41-20. Mo~t of the lads who sparked that latl' drive are back. Dr. Eddie has some talented soph~ to join 'em. Villanova, under fonner Penn flier Fr;mk Ri>agan, m"-Y urprise in the race for eastern honors. ~lttu day the Wildcats lost to Baylor's highly touted BE"ar8 7-0, but e • dro"'" In Id., t.}, Bear 20 three times. Baylor u . M unb<>aten and un led ennessee In the 1957 Sugar Bowl Game and b a co favo te to win the '57 Southwest Conference crown. So Villanova could be a real oomer! * * * * HO KILLED THE C.L. CARN IVA ? Wu It wise for the Catholic League to cancel Its pre-season football carnival? It reportedly caused too much extra trouble for the coache11., who already bear a heavy load. It posed tr11.nspor1.11tlon prob- lem.! tor students Jiving tar from East Loe Angeles Jaysee S. um, the scene o! battle action. But the carnival wu a showcase. It whetted parental appetite!! for prep football with all It! color and clamor. It pve C.L member schools equal chance to win fans and In• fluence potential patrons. If a team's offense looked live! , It oould earn Itself a follo\\1ng for futu.rl! contests. "Frankly, our kids looked forward to playing in the carnival," says SI Dallmeier, Cathedral Hlgh's energetic ath- tic director. ''They knew they'd be playing before the world -the blg1?e6t crowd of the year.-" To inject a crass commercial note, each school realized $100 Sn t,enefit~. That total helped finance the league office and bought championship trophies. , 'obody talks about I , but the evil that may have killl'd thP _carnival was the way ~ome coaches played possum. ThPY tried verything from waterbors and bogus stem to lull future foes Into false complacency. The Trojan Horse trkk dampened rnlval enthusiasm, notably among schools which tried to give an honest performance. It'!I no· fun to win if your opponents are helping you, and laughing up their sleeves. * .* * * ALONG THE SPORTS FRONT · Tom Harmon will be principal speaker a.t Jack Dempsey's Stat!~ Hotel getaway luncheon for the K. of C. Army-Notre Dame football tour Friday, Oct. 4. Glen Davis and Jerry Cowhlg, rival backs In 1946's Cadet-Irish 0-0 "game of th.e century," also will speak •.. San Diego U. whipped the Barstow Marines 20-13 In their football opener, but last week !ell to Arizona State at Flagstaff 40-6 .•. Pity Johnny Druze who continued his perfect record, in reverse, Saturday losing his 10th straight game since taking over the Marquette coaching reins. Detroit ahut out the Hilltoppers 14-0, This week Wi~consin! Druze was considered one o! America's best end coaches while Frank Leahy's aide at • ·otre Dam 11-"ow he mu~t be wondering why he ever succumbed to the lure of beinir h1>adman . , . Notre Dame began lt.!1 69th season with a grid turnout of 69, so trainer Gene Paszkiet is calling this team "The Fighting 6!}1.h!" * * * * HANEY GOES HUNTING FOR YANKS It's a long hop from Poly High here to the World Serief!. Eut Fred Haney has made It. The amiable Irish-Dutch Mil• waukee manager was a hot prospect on L.A diamond~ just before World War I. He stood only 5-6 and scaled a scant 140, but fl!!et Fred was a four-year letterman at Poly High in baseball, football and track. After graduation In 1916, he joined the Navy and was assigned to testing torpedoes at San Pedro submarine base. Haney had the chance to play service ball with such dia- mond Immortals as };Iarry Heilmann, Bob

I P.M.

2-Movle 'Salome , Wher She Dance-cY -Bob Wright 7-Western Movie 1t~12for~ 0 ~r~ 11-Whlttl""'1111 4 FIim (1:15) I

1:30 P.M, t: 4- ndustry Parado Mov,e 9 We t rn 10-~cv~~ Leahy 13--Movre 4,10 Foolbalt- Sfcit:cshl~rton USO Gam Sought c Cou cil By Az The Sa_n Diego State Student Council ye ·terday approved a resol~l1on_ that a basketball game between the Aztecs and the University of San Diego be scheduled this season. The resolution read: _ ___.:._ "Be it re~lved that the Stu- would be a healthy athletic dent Council of San Diego achievem nt. S~ate C:ollege do everything 3. The game would Inspire w1thm Its power to schedule increased competition a !'ask~tball game with the 4. Alumni support of the two University of San Diego this schools would be stimulated season" · · 5. The community at large Rea!'ons for such a resolu- would become more cognizant · tlon, as given by Larry Town- of the athletic programs, of send, senior student at large both schools "".ho ubmitted It to the Coun- The Coun~il approval plac s c1! are. lur•' h d · · 1 T. 1 L er ec1s10n on the game • . 1e game would be a in the hands of the San D' behnef1t to the spirit of both State Student. Facult v AJotho sc ools. 1 t' · • • 2 A e 1cs Committee and USD of- . cross - town rivalry ficials. I

After a :! bulous career at the I weekend and in the process we lJ vers,ty ot Arizona, where I thlnk 'l',e may have come up h h I the 11atlonal rushing I with th answer. rown for two years Art has Tom was telling us about his · ace fullback and co-captain jo 1rn d to Flagsta!t to con- Sam Owens. Sam Is a person- tlnue ork c-n master's deg~c able young Nei;ro star who un- in e u at,:->n Hes picking up doubtedly will make his pres- 1ome ,;aJu ble ,o chlng- expert- ence felt in the City Prep ence on the L~a;::ue this year. Several of • • • the youngsters of his own race r l d !ready have come to idolize him, 'fhe other nls-ht, as th~ number of th~ youths gath- you'll ever want to see. Salas ered about Sam and began ask- ncco mte

Governali Predicts Win Over Cal Poly October 2, J.957 By HOWARD HAGEN "If our boys play as well as they did last weekend, we can beat Cal Poly," San Diego State coach Paul Governall told the weekly meeting of the Monday Quarterback Club at Mission Valley Country Club yesterday noon. The Aztecs, who edged San Francisco State here Satur- are coming along," s a 1 d day night, 14-13, will tackle Governali, "and I believe we Poly Saturday night in Aztec will have a real fighting team Bowl. Poly has defeated Lin- before the end of the season. field College of Oregon, 32-7, We are short of subs. For in- and New Mexico A-M, 10-8. stance, we have only three "We expect Cal Poly to be main line replacements In Jim stronger than San Francisco Hull, Octavio Cano and John but not so strong as College Vierra. of Pacific," said Governali. "The line did a tremendous COP downed the Aztecs two job for the secon,d straight weeks ago, 32-6. week." "Our scouts (C h a r 11 e Other comments at th e Smith and Frank v Ital e) m_eet;ng, which had C 1 ark who saw Poly defeat N e w H1ggms as the toastmaster: Mexico A-M say they have Bob McCu~cheon:, Unlver- very fast backs in Dan Del- slty of San Diego- We meet gado and Jim Antoine, and powerful Montana State at a veteran line. They are as B~zeman next Saturday. It tough this year as last when might be the mis-match of we won 7-6 at San Lui; Obis- the century, but our boys are A po." ready to give it a try. The ztec . Bobcats have won 15 straight, Governall praised quarter- including a Z7-14 conquest of back Joe Duke and halfback Frenso State" USD w ·di Karl f ordan ~or their stellar last weekend: as i e Coach when the Aztecs had the bali we loS t , 14 ·6 · _Our . defense others. • .Our top players at deep in Gator country and a was good but fi:'e tim~s we Fullerton were Bennie Mar- 14-13 lead. had the balJ inside their 10- tin, Ollie Nowden, Cleveland , . yard lme and failed to score. Jones Bob Werts Kent B f ordan s kick went slightly We have a tough one here ry and Joh D . • " er- wide and the Gators took Friday in Pasadena City Col- - . n . a vies. ~ver the ball on the 20-yard lege which plays in a strong" Al Lewis.._ Cal Western - !me, but failed to overcome jW!ior college league that in- We _have :.!2 boys out for the Aztecs. ludes Compton College and,practice and h~pe to have a "The victory indicates w (Con ued on b-8 Col. 2) good game ag~mst Oceanside • College at Pomt Loma High ---field Saturday · afternoon p d • f re play m the VJCtory over San Francisco. He reiterated that J G?<'rgeC thutte, he called the field goal at- umor O ege - ou · tempt in the fourth quarter played Fullerton JC though Dieg~ e . IC s 1n (Contlnut"d)

tum the heads of p ayers a. lot in 'But Sam mere, h k 1s o lean H~ he w t ng to con en• on tht upco Ing conte t.

• • • The Pioneers were g,-eeted by u1te a change In weather con- tions when they landed at lagsta!!, The altitude 1s over 7 00 !eet above 1ea level ancl t e temperature was a chilling 21 degrees. This undoubtedly fected the Pioneer attack, .AJ o, the field wasn't in the be t of condition. 1t waa prob• ably tn worse ha~e than any th • Pion ers wm play on all season. • • • We wHe fortunate In having Volney "Skeet·• Quinlan as a guest our TV show last Saturday. The "Skeeter" star-

We'll be in good condition· because nobody can hide fro~ calisthenics when only 22 are on the squad." Bull Trometter ar!ne Re- cruit Depot - had a h'.1-rd game at liss, win• nmg 14-7. The Blls line aver- aged 224. We Jost our third straight quarterlrac w h e n Tom Cook went out with an injured knee. Bob Liles, for- merly of Wichita, probabl:y will take over that spot at Fresno State Saturday night." Bennie Edens, Point Loma High - "We had to go to the air to defeat Grossmont, 19. 14, We have a fine fullback in 205-pound BiJJ Bradford who does 10.3 in the 100. And good speed at quarter in Rog- er Soares. Best college pros- pects on. our team are Brad- ford, Soares and Ted Faris Our line averages only 170 but ls quick. I! the spirit and desire hold up, we should have a good year." Tom farker, Sweetwater High - ''Our Metro League s~ould be very even this, with no team dominating. w have 15 good boys, then drop off. Our biggest lineman is only 170 but we move th ball. Bobby Jorqa Is a good quarterback and have an outstanding guar In 160- pound Roger Mill

September 29 , 1957

Today's Grid Menu LOCAL Tu! a at Ar~fl:i\,'.t!; 'r Houston at Ba~ !or (night l


tch1gan va. USC, Cohseum, 2

/~T,~ts,_Tech Id. at , 'orlh Texas (night).

p m.

·~t·T~)taat Oklahoma A. It


St.i~ai'"J~ri\t -:,:ew Muko A&Y. Colorado stale at New Meimo (mghl). ~leo~id~k~t::e 1_~m/Oston College. Manachu!lett! a.t Boston un1YersltY, Columbia at Brown. 'i!l~ ![ 8!f{{,,f_ 1 e Tech. New Hamp5h1re a.t Dartmouth, ~~ 1 Vnlllam and kary at Navy. Penn Sta.te at Pennsylvanl&. Rutgers at Princeton. Maine at Rhode I11and. Jowa Sta.le at Syracuse, Furman at Villanova. Connecticut &t Yale. MIDWt:ST Cincinnati at Wlehlta (ni~ht). Indiana at· Mlchts;an State Washlngt?n at Minnesota. Arlz:ona at Missouri. 'Texas Chrb,tlan at Ohio State. ~~frl~'Ba~~una\ aJu~~~~aa State. l:!1i~~tt~r:in wi:c~:tler ( Ohio l Utah State At Iowa.. Oregon State at K; ~OOTH Virginia. at Duke. · Wake Fo1·e!lit at Flon.da Southern Method11t at Georgla t1~!1:~~Jk\ ~\ ~~JiZ~~ky (night) ~!,..~an~llu~l1ni'°~ 1 t~r:a..t 5if'!~yl~~15_M •, ·n Carolin& at Clemson. ·t:emphiti f:ta.te a.t ~hsst:stppt•. Wofford at South Caroll a. Vlrglnta. Tech &t ·e. t, Vftg &. Aubutn. at 'I'ennes,sae. EA T ~~fl'i~ a't H~r 1 ac:~~!s.

. Torthwe tern at Pittsburgh at Oregon. Idaho , tate at •evada. Idaho at Arizona State (Tempe) C::thfnrniA. at Washington State. Pepperdine at Chico State. New Mexico Western at San s~n FrRncisco Slate at San tan[ord. Fresno tale at COP. Dtego U.

iego State,

tOU. TAl1"-i8


fonlll n.t d Wyoming, o!~~en\a? 0 ~'r:8ft~·

Fore« Academy.



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