News Scrapbook 1956-1959

October 1. 1957

.DIEGO U 10 'S I 7 FOOTBALL LOG score of team whose schedule Is listed. Abbre,iatlons: S-Sept.ember; o---Oetober; N-November; (N) neutral site;




CRAWFORD Mt. Miguel Javvees 7 I ·.Swee1wa1er Jayvees ., ..12 4--Grossmor.! Javvees 11-C.:hula Vista Jayvees 8 ~t 00 C:,s~~Jvr:t N 1-Son Otego Jovvees N 1$ Lincoln Jovves 51) , EL CAJON 19 /! 1:::Ke~tYMiguel (x;n; ····19 0 I -ar Wesr (.0VlnQ (X) 8 111-ot Helix <•> 25-Sweetwaler (x,n) N 1-Grossmonr (X,nl N 8-Chula Vista /x,n) N 15-Mt, Miguel X,n) 19 19 EL CENTRO \~ ~~lrx 0 .": :. :: .. ,,:.:: :.U o •.....Cele.lea {xl O 11-Brawlev x) O 18--Holtvllle x) D 25-BIYthe (xJ N 1-Calex/co (K) N 8--Brow ey (x) N 1.5-Hottvllle (X) 3) ESCONDIDO ~i t~roJg; 10 EI Mon1t .•:::: 8 '4---01 San Ol,-1ullo (xl 11-Qceanslde c~ I 8 18-Sweetwoter (x) 25-Mar Vl1:a (X) N 1-at Corfinado <•> N B-Vlsfq x) N 15-at Fol brook (X) 5' FALLIROOK 6 Hem,t .. . .. .. .... JJ 9.o,ef~l,~~~ 'J:f ......... 25 '5 18--ot Coronado (x) O 25--0ceonslde (1e:J N 1-ot Son l)l•~ullo (x) 1tj{sc~~dt 11 (:) t GROSSMONT SI U. Point Lomu . 1P 8 l~o~~b~i,laf~~nce (x) o 11-at Chu/• Vista O 2S-Mt. M '1uel 1x,n) N 1-EI Colon (• N 8-ot Sweetwater (,c) N 15---at Helix <•> l• 19 25 El c,nt~oELI~ , .. ,. ..... 19 g ~t Oxnard (x)

0 Rand. M 7 Oavton 8 ~'i~f~todel (X) t Rutgers --

........... 0 .. .......... 12.

• ,






13 Colgate

...•• ,••• 14

.......... 1'

70 Ulah Stale 8 .S-Wash1ngton St. 12-ot Indiana 0 19-Wlsconsin 0 26-of Northwestern i=~1~~t~Fo"" N 16-ot Ohio State N 23-ct Notre Came .

5-ar Harvard li: ~c.'~cust 26--qt Princeton ,:.:g{ 0o'a~tmoulh !~f 9 ~ennsylvanfa O 5-ot Pennsylvania S! 12-Brown O 19-ot Holv cr3ss N ~~f:or N 9--

ALABAMA § s at Vonderbllt (x) 12 ct TCU (.:O 19 Tenneslee (N) :;\lsSlu ppl SI. J-1ur~,:'rf ~> N ll>-Geor11a Tech (NI N 2J. Mlufuipp/ So. N JO-Auburn ( ) 0 0 LSU

UCLA 7 Air Force Academy .... o If ~~on·CN1 · cx1·"·" 6 o 12-Washlnaton 8 !'I-O~r,r;n,~:d N allfornla N -Washlnotpn SI, (N) N 11>-at COP C•> N 23-at Southern California 63 2 Montana UTAH. ,......... il i=Co~~o" !NI ......... " .30 8l -Brl9ham Young (x) -ot Denver O 26-Wvomlng N 2-Colorado St. U. N 9-at Army N U:::O\~hFosfo"t,Academy

. , • , 21




SAN 01800 J,C, 8 6 ~~~~~ O lena ·(x) ·• · ··•· 1 " 11-at E. ~os Anoel" (X) 8 19-at e. os An?eles (x) 19-Bakersf 1ld ~) £ 2 ~\ ~i\:ot;::'lno r\x\" 1 N 9-Long Beach (x i~tASa~t~ 11 4Mon(I~~ (X) 6 1, SAN OIEGO STATE! f, C~~n · Francisco·· SL:~:. _lj o S-Collf. Poly, (x/ 8 li:::tDSo~ 0 J~is St.x)C>d O 2"-Arltono St. <•> N 2-9,t Fresno St. (>t) N 9-Hawoll Marines N 15-at PePtrdplne (x \XI SAN DIEGO UNIVERSITY ~gf~nes ..... ·J N.M. WHtern

o 10 Denver

.... ..... . ..... 0 6 ~f"bS:1ohOma · -· ····' ' 8 l~1~ga~r' O 26-Konsos State

NEW MEXICO 25 New Mexico A&M 0 12-at Utah St. 8 19-ct (x) 26-ot Montana N 2-0enver ,LWv~~,n" 38

..•.• 7

~est~·cx>' ······ 7

2ilWA5HINGTON REDSKINS lO 7 PIIISbur~h . .. .. 28 8 ,i::~~~hy~{o Cards

N 2--at Drake N 9-Nebroska ~r·c~~:r

O 20-Chlcago Cards O 27-At New YorX: ,C~~1tT~6: 10nd N 17-C levelonl N 2<4-At Phllodelphla Al O 1-At ChJC0!t,0 Bear1

O d3o



. ::::: .·::; 1]




13 TCU 6 Oregon State .S-Ot Colorado 12-1owa State U~t ~~b°r!:r~?a. i~ 1a~s~b[~l~~e N 11>-0klohoma A&M N 23-Mlssourl 19 § 0 5-Nebrosko 8 ~l~b1~~rid 0 26-ot lowo State N 2-Jklohomo ,t:g/ i5,y;~, 1 N 23-at Mlc~lgan State 0 (x) Jl ..

.. ......... 13 •.•••••••.34


12 W~~i't~ONA STAT • tdi7°son Joio· t.'lxi"" Hctrdlri•Slmmons Cx) ,1 9--at Texas West. t>O lt:£!1 tcmo ,t. (xl N ~ri:na 'fxl 9 Open at son DlfSO SI. l•N M..ico A&.M /•> ~ 19

, , 0


NORTH CAROLINA . ..... 7 8 1~E1xt~i~-I~.-;:;..... 0 8 !~f OO~k~ 1 i"odrest N 2-T ennessee 0 No. Coro Una St.



.. ,.... ..........12

26 l§•

. I .. ........ • 70 2 ~1TTSBURGH STEELERS 21


\\( .

28 w h' o ~le'~:ra°'~ {x) ....... . 13---Chlcogo Corda 20-At New York O 27-Phllodelphlo ,~i ~e:~'!ra 0 ri3 t 8

12-New lP-Montona


26-ot Colorodo Stat, U. N 2-ot Brigham Young

N 9-ldoho



u:::gi i,~~•r




N 23-cit Duke N 30-Vlrolnla

O!NVER 0 Jtft~rate .... ·. ·:: J?

KANSAS STATE ~(i;~i~g Young"_:::.:: 1 1 26

2 N 24-Green Boy


I D 1-At Phllodel0hht 7 Mlss~.f:.~~E~~.t~T....... 7 8 1t:~rww~:~~Mt 8 ,f__eoA'j~~mQ' 'I):\' ..... ,••• • ~2.-At Chlcogo Cords _


7 No. C:orollno 48 Morrtao d 8 1t:gt ~\~~J~ns,. (x) 8 U:::"Ju~loml Fla. (~) N 2-\Vake Forest

. . . . . . •. O · .... ······,13

..... 1'

81~,s~;~~Pst~i! N 9'-Kentuckrc u~~to~~f N 30--ot Tennessee da N t.:t~eJ'

, 2~HtLAOELPHIA eAGLas 7 I! ~teen~~'!: (x)""'"'" 17 O 13-At Cleveland



18 N

'f Mary

it:i\e1m~gurgh h-~f 1 N°~~ York tAt

N 9-Wllllam



14 Morqu~~:R~!T..... ., .. 2 :



Chicago Cards


'3 KENTUCKY g AAi~:-~~10J1 tch :.::.:::::.: 11 Q .S-F lorlda (d l~l e~eu,~) 2 ~~% 91~1s(x~t. N 9-Van!:f'erb,II LONG BEACH STATE 19 8 ,t:gf ~~~ 1 !ist~ftes (x) O 19-at Santa Barbara (xl 2 2 ~~/er,~~ 1"!t.<~i( 1tigf;f_An,~/:' (~\- •> it -~ LOS ANGELes STATI 14 Sacramento State • . . • 19 S 27-Lavert\e (x) 8, ~teps:n-~nLa~~t,a O 19-ot Eastern N.M. (x) 2 2~lhlcie~f~~e J~> N 1-o Long Btoch (X) u 19 L ,U, 12 Sa<;ramemo Stale ' N 11>-Xovler O. N 23-Tennessee 0 2a




16 2 § 0

s 2e--or,n

S 2 t:~~t 5 f~~~J~n ... ........... 6, D I-At Wo1hln9fo'1 D U-Chlcago Cards State ·•·••••·


ARMY ~'l /!!:rtS:ln Stott. .. ..... 0 8 U=~{oJ;','~,hlh~

O 5-o Air Force Academy




0 Baylor , ..

···.. ··· 26


8 li=~flte Oa,y,e 0 26-0t Virginia i:&'ll.\ 0 " N 16-0t Tulo,ie

2 2 t'~fS~~cl~~~;r• 1 !- QVulllanntocv N 2i=at oa~ton NN

~~~gdon · S tote O 12- Minncsora 0 19-ot Michigan O 26--lowo N 2-ot Ohio State N 9-Wlsconsin l~l rittri~Y:

o lt:~le'EgrJn '<1, 17 0 25--0t Chula Vista (x) N 1-at Swetwo1er (x) N I-Mt. Miguel (x) N 1 S-Grossmont (X)


12-ot Virginia Tech. u~i ,~afg~a College N 2--


0 aMorlnes

W11tern Division


GREEN BAY PACKERS ~~::t~nB•on ........ 17




,t::ro,c~ft~o t





O 13-Bolllmore (N) 7 g~t:1~n rfoW{~~5foO

N 23-open


........ ::.:.:.

- ,1




o 2, S. Caroll~ O ~Mr.rvk> •.. ,....• 0 ~ 12V 1 ~1n~fce

.... , ...... u

i~ 8

-~ • URN



N 3-New York. N 10-At Chicago Bears N 17-Los Angetes (N) N 24-At Pitts.burgh D 1-At oetroft• D 8-At Los Anoeles O 15-At Son Francisco •Thanksgiving Doy Gamt g ~1i" e:fiYmore · ····••·· 21 8 13-Son Francisco 20--Los Angeles 22;:=~i :~~~]!~co N 10-Green Bay N 17-Baltimare N 2•-At Detroit g t:~oi~rc~t:~ Cordi D 15-Oetrolt 21 CHICAGO • !IARS

7 Tenn.,,.. 8 1~~1~1-:9" 8 19~1 Georgia Tech 2Ht 10 ~~ston (X) 9-Mlu, ~t•!· (N) l ~•r1~'llla N 1 t. Alabama (N) , § S-Ot Miami, Fk>. <•l 1 -Ar ntos x) 1f "I '¥'exas jech <•> 0 2CCf TtJC0S A&M ,.,,.,f'{ 01 l 7 BAYLO~ 7 Vlllono•,o 14 Houston ••

7 Tamoa V:"'·. 1:.. ......... o 21 Holy Cross .. .... ,.... ..21 S! 5-at ljlchmond 0 n~,a~~ffl~m & Marv 0 26-Geor~• Woshtng1on (N) ~I ~~hY! 1~ 1 • (Jc) N 211-Vlrllnla Tech, N 11>-Clladel (N) (NI i~'~."evlr;lnJO' '' : :::: ; :: :?! 8 1t:e,till~~g~~m It Marv 0 19-Vlrolnia (Nl 0 2t.:.'l{ Florida .:,tatt tal'rv'6'rdForest N 11>-North l!'arollna St. (Nl 21 21 VIRGINIA TECH, 1 :

(il ' "'



o 3-BrowJey 11-Blvthe <• 0 JttJ1e~f;Jr 0 I-Brawley N 11-<:allootrlc N l~El Centro N

\x> ,.1• 1 (x)

0 "• 0 ••

19-Wake Forest U-at ~· Ccirollna St. i~tavveo{,.l~a Tech







6 1



HOOVER • o' ~i 0 ~1's,ton · aiiv" tic)· 1 8 O 11-ot San Oleoo (x) g U::~~coi 19 ~i\ (xJ o 31-ot Point Loma fx) N S-Kearny (x) N 14-St. Augusffne (x) 6


FLORIDA STAT& 2 ~ :~;~~nCalle91 ••• •·:: 25 O O .s-at VIiianova 6 8 12-No. Corollna St. (M} 19- Abll~nr. Christian (xi 2 2~~:nno Tech ,t:o"1 1 t"i~th°o. 'tl> N 23-A,uburn 1



19 El Colon 4--San Diego (x,n) Q H-o! La Jo.Ila (x) 0


.. 1,

October 3, 1 957

Union's Gridi



'D's 'Fighting 6 ti,' On Com hack Trail



Father Duffy would have been proud of Notre Dame's "Fighting 69th" Saturday. The rebounding Irish gtart• ed off 1957 in scin tillating s tyle shutting out punchless Purdue 12-0. Thls weekend they draw inept Indiana, only soft spot on their schedule. To make matters worse tor the Hoosiers, they were scouted Saturday by Bernie Crimmins, their head coach the past five sea.sons. He's now an Irish a ide. The true .test for Notre Dame wlll come Columbus Day when the Irish tangle with Col. Earl Blaik's Black Knights at Philadelphia. If • 'D can't contain the Cadets, then run !or the storm cellars. Sneaking up to starboard are Navy, Mich gan State, Ok• lahoma, I0Wi c. ! ,. . . l\' otre Dame '57 squadmp,n won't be world aters, but the Irish definitely are on the road back. Kote the5e startling punted 11 Last year,

"innlng 28•14, Purdue didn'l punt at all! (2) The Boilermakers had ball possession 15 times. The Irish stopp<>d them 15 times! l3 ) N'ot re DamP·s linem•>n outfought Purctue·s heavier forwards, a nd hrld Purdue's suppnsE>dl'y swift back$ to 102 net yards rushing and only 11 through the air. ( 4) Notre Dame blanked the Boilermakers 12-0, something an Irish team hadn't achieved since thfenslvE'ly T P. r r y Brennan's boys borp, no re• semblance to the sievelike '56 squad that yielded 290 polnt.s In 10 contests. (6) Purdue hadn't been goose . egged by ND since 1946's series renewal. Aft~r the g.ame, a happy h"'ad coach said "Improved pursuit" was th"' V-key. "Up A I.,.azy River" won't be the Irish th..,me song ln 1957, * • • Offensively Notre Dame was. rugged and ragged. Qb. Bob Williams mounted two long scoring thrusts, but execution often was faulty and

receivers dropped a. half-dozen aC"curate aerials. Weakness at offensive end will continue to cause trouble. DP p P n d a b I e, ver~atile speedstE'r Au hr e y Lt>Wi'I sprainrd an ankle whlt>h may foretell futurP. woe§, Lnlucky Aubrey ha~ he,,n b~lttle throughout his career. Without him, Notre Dame's punrh would degenerate by a.bout 60%, On the happy side, Nick Pietrosante seE>ms to be just what the 5Ubway alumni ordered. The 210-lb. junior fullback averaged 38 yards for six punts and 5.9 ru.shing. H "' bulled 10 times for 59 net yards and Looked like 11 real tonic for Terry's offense. BesidE's Pietrosante. Coach Brennan had prali;,, Saturday nlght tor Qb. Bob Williams, tackle Bronko Nagurski, end Dick Royer and rough Bnb Scholtz, 230 - lb. fOphomore oenter. * • * Pat Franklin, Fre.d Haney's daughttr, ls eXPf'Cting her !ourth ~on in January. After Hank A~r'ln's homer Pl't '\{il. waukee Into the \Vorld <:;eries, Fred phoned Pat from Brave- yille: "Let's call the new guy Hank Aaron Haney," he quipped. Fridav, just beforE" flying ~st for the series, Pat told The Tidings: "Dad can hardly t ·alt to &'et Into that duck blind up near Bakersfield, He's _j115t wild about duck hunting." First, huntsman Haney has a big job shooting down Casey Stengel and those dogged YankeE'~. • • * San Diego U. (11 l, only West Coast Catholic college still playing football, flle~ to Bozeman, Mont., today to face the tough Montana State Bob• cats. The Bobcats waltzed to ;the Rocky Mountain Confer- ence crown last year atld have a 15-game win skein going for them. San Di<"go gridmPn ar" looking forward to two gam€'5 in Mexico City come Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. • • • Illinois, Michigan and Phila- delphia Eagle footballers all 1 quartered at Pasadena's Hunt• ington-Sheraton Hotel I as t weekend. Saturday Ed Hogan of th~ Eagle~ asked: "Did you P\'E'r se~ much beef In one lohb~•? The F,,agles lai.t week cut Skippy Giancanelli th{' Injury- hexed ex-Loyola U. star. A team official explained: ''\Ve ean't go \\ i h littl" guys in he back f I e 1d."


JMCR lists ·~ Merk, Pyles / . In Backfield

IUSD Adds Marin Team To Schedule Coach Bob McCutcheon announced yesterday that the University of San Diego will meet the F!rst Marine Regi•

M a r i n e Corps Recruit :e~oofo;e3:~are!n~;t~~ Depot has moved two forrrter1-- ---~----- - San Diego football stars into the starting backfield I o r Saturday night's game at Fresno State. Ernie Merk, ex-Helix High and Southern Cali!o ia back, will open at left alt a n d

:1~~ule.ov. 2 to fill one This Will be th third Marin team on th Pioneer schedule. USD defea ed Barstow's a- rines, 20·13, llDf faces Marine Corps Recruit D pot, Oct. 27: Meanwhile, U D completed heavy drills esterday !or Saturday night's game with Montana State at Bozeman Mont. Four new faces will be ~een in the USD starting lineup against the Bobcats. End To Zajec, tackle Ray Yoast, cent,: Frank. Murphy and halfba Avalon Wright are all oein elevated on the s ength of their showing at Flags aft. The Montana State team will be bidding for its 16th straight victory, having beaten Central Washington, 7-0, last week.

!Jimmy Pyles, a former San Diego Sta r, will begin at fullback, ording to coach Bull Tro ter. Bob Lil will get the open- ing cal at quarterback in place of lnj red Tom Cook. However, metter received a bit of encouragment when Ewing McLaren, his QB start- er !or the opener, reported again. At the other halfback spot will be Al Hall. Line starters will be ends Jim RobJnson and Jack Still- well, tackies Henry Schmidt and B u -cl y Lewis, guards Jo Gll•i..1.: and Ted Karras and center Ed Strange. ICRD wll1 work out twice today. The ?-larir.e will leave Friday morning hr hus f o Fresno.

- •


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