News Scrapbook 1956-1959

October 10, 1957

* * ALONG THE SPORTS FRONT ". otre Dame is trapped by Its own success," Roger Kahn reports 1n the Saturday Evening Post. '"The schot'I! c nnot expect its public to be patient with Jo~lng football, mv mor~ ' than Jascha Heifetz could expect his public to hf' patil'nt with a concert season during which he continuously fiddled flat." Lots of schools would enjoy being "trapped'" in similar fashion. San Diego U., for !'xample, which admittedly "accept~ J the mantle o! th Notre Dame of the West" dropped like a hot potato by Loyola In 1951. William Thomas, San Diego U football publlcist. writes this bureau: "I think it would be entirely possible to form a nel" Catholic conference \\1th San Diego, Old St. ,tary's, Loyola, Banta Cla.ra a d USF enga.glng ln a, small scale 'blg-timf'' Profit making grid !!Cries." (h there I~ a contradiction In terms'!') San Diego University Is located on a bc-auU!ul 167-acre hilltop campus known as Alcala Park." It has been co-Pd sincP the College for Men opened its doors in 1954. ThP Pionef'r gridmen, coached by Bob :>fcCutcheon woo achieved previous football succes5es at Antelopp VallPy Jaysee, play their homl' games at Lane Fi I

el ct1ons ' Howard Jack

The S n Diego Union's Gridiron

Jerry l\Iagee

Dave Gallup MCRD by 12 Pomono by 6 UCLA bY 7

Nelson Fisher

Johnny l\lcDonald W-57 L-U .722 MCRO by 20 USO bY 7 Washington by 1 Wa.5h. St. by 6 Collfornta by 3 Oregon st. by 14 Oregon by 20 Mbc:ryan s!. Minnesota by 13 Ohio Sfolt by 7 Iowa by 21 Tewa Stat• by J Notre Dame bY 6 Plthburgh by 7 Yale by 6 Miami by 10 Auburn by 6 Georgia Tech bY & Mississippi by 13 Oklahoma by 13 SMU by 7 Arkansas by 1 Rice by 1 Texas A&M by 13 TCU by 20 R'l,~\ Colts bv lf S1eelers bY 1-t Giants bl 7 • Brown • by 3 8 t°.f,o Lost WHki W-21 L-f Pel..700

Phil Colller

Warren Wilson MCRO by 30 ub~ 1 u'r,~'l Stanford by U ·Navy bY 3 Oregon St. by 1' Ore;on by 25 'M~:lfan Minnesota by l




J k

Lhuck \sawyer

) liner

Hagen .624 MCRO by 21 USO bY 7 UCLA by 13 Stanford by 1 N0vY by 6

Monahan Williams


Murphy I "'\W, L-1'



1 • W-s4 L-25

W-57 L-n .722

W-54 L-21

W-.16 L-23

W-.16 L-:IJ

W•.11 L-21 .734




W-58 1.-21

W-5' L-20

W-s• L-to


MCRO br 17 Pg~~~a

•__.1,__•74_7__ .1_~747___ .734


MCRO bv 1, by 13 u'r,~-''b USO

MCRO I u,o~-- uio bv6 by 12


by 17 by A by A by 3

by 19 by 13 by 7 by 10

~"f!,£' n


MCRO 1 __!,y 20

by 13

MC j_O Po u w ol w ot Na Cn id Or $0 al


M~f ~,


bY 13


O St

USO by 6 UCLA by 6 Wo5h. St. by 6 Navy by 7 Oregon st. by 20 Oreoon bv 21 Michigan St. bY 6 Mlnnooto bi'. 13 Ohio s1at1 by 6 Iowa Kansas ,_J?y_l___ Notre Damt by 7 Pitt~ bY 7 Yale by 10 ~b°.,mj Auburn by 6 Georgia Tech by 9 by 1A --




mOM ~, o,~n11on U L . _ ,M 11 ornla 1 on n Jose OrtQo,i t. "!"' I. tuntord

by6 UCLA b 1 - 6 stgntord y 6 ~--- ~- Oregon~

_v3 U~LA

n0eoo .---.:;:v 1 ~

Wa5hlncaton by 7 Stanford by 6


UCLA bY 8 W••\ St.

UCLA by 3





Stanford by 2

Stan~ Stanford

by 1 by 6



1,,o~f~rd tlY L,




Navy by 12 by 3 b}:'. 30 Oregon Idaho




by 7


by 12

....J!l'..l- Oregon St,

Or~:'\'; St••

Oregon St. by lJ

by 7

o!.!'?° 3" sr. o,~11"

v 7

1 bv 1J~1_ Y 13

Oregon St.

by 21 by 33 Oregon

Oregon Oregon

Oreoon St. 1 ~!._ J_

11ho o's-- Ortgott SI

bv 13__ _J>Y_7___

bY 20 I Oriegon by 19

Oresion by 19

by lt,.__.

Oregon by 20



Oregon by 20 M!chllan Minnuota Ohio Stott by bv~



bY 12__,l~y 7

Michigan St. MbC,:,~an

Michigan St. MbC,:,il°n Sf,


Micl11gan St. Minnesota -

by 6

by 6

by I by 7 by 6

M1r.h gon SI.

M lchhii1°~..,."§"i:- Mich fG" MICl'I 9an bY nnuofa at- Mlnne:s.ota I:;:;!~ by 6 Ohio ~tot, ii, al Ml No

Mlchl?on St.

Minnesota by 12 Ohio S1ote by 7

Minnesota by 7

Minnesota by 19 Ohio State by 1'

by 3


Minnesota by 1-t Ohio State by 7

Minnesota by 13 Ohio State by 7

Mlnnuola Ohio Stat,

Mln11uota 1 ~v 20 __ bv 1 1 ~_by 3___ bY 7 Ohio Slate

Illinois by 7 by 21 Kansas by 11 Army by 1 Iowa bY 7 by 8 Miami Aubum by 12 Yale

Ohio Slate



by___ by_l_, __ by 1__ 1 ~bv 1_3__ 1 ~ Iowa

Iowa by 13 Kansas by 2 Army by 2 by 12 by 1 by 6 bY 5 by 12 by 20 by 13 by 1 bY 2 eOYior Rice SMU Yale

Iowa by 7 bY 7 by 1 by 13 by 19 by 13 Kansas Notre Dome Pittsburgh Yale Miami

lo Stot1

Oh 10

Iowa by 11 Kansas by 1-4 Armv by 7

10~16 Kansas bt '6 ~'l!~•

Iowa by 19 Kansas by 7

Iowa by 13 Kansas by I


by 1_1__



WO at In dlana

Kansas by 1

w0 Sta,-,- an,a,_ tr• Oamt

Kansas by 6



Arm_Y___ N'i;r'e"ocimt by 1 1 __ V 7___ Pittsburgh PUtsburgh by7 by7 Yale Ycile by 9 by 1, Miom-1-- Miami bY6 bV20 Au:Yu~n Kt~tu1 ky Georgia T«:h by 6 Geor;,a Tech by 7 MlsslsslPPI Mf,sl,slppl by 13 by U Oklahoma Oklahoma by 7 by 27 SMU___ SMU by 6 bt 7 Arkansas Savior by 1 by 1 Rice Rice by 16 by 6

1,.----bY 9 Arb~v, i.---.: y 7___ Nit:~ PUis.burgh- Plthb~ Pittsburgh v:V 19 by lJ___ by_6___ '!;' Yolo Yolo V ' 1,.. b'V' 12 bv 13 M1amr--- Miami -- Miami -- by 1___ bv 6 __ bv 3 Aiburn Auburn A1j,burn y 12 by 13 1.~ 7 Gto:,: Tech "fJPz8 Ttcl,i Gt,<>;~Ja Tech M~slJ1lPPI \Mfil''~ Mhs1sslppl 1.....-Y vlO bvJ Oki~~ Oklahoma OklohOma 1 _bv 1 _bv_l6___ 1 ..,J?Y 10__ , si~ 11 12 \liovlor-- 8oYlor Ark.onsos by 1 bY 6 ,~ _2__ Rice Arb~yl


Notre Dami by 7 Pittsburgh by 19



J 1

Pib~b1~rgh l


by 1) by 11


Pittsburgh by 13

Pittsburgh by 19

' ,.

N• Pl b~~:: at- lhburQh ~o N at 1(1 at !umb a at • ,5.f;.2!T""- "/;; AU rf!_ tu• TKh M vi;~ an rbllt 'f::~o GI Ok J!' M at '\~'a,-- kon10-- Bo.:t.!£1:_ Ar at -Ou 01 M, U\IOn ot '(QS A&M





by 12

by U

N. Corollna

Miami by 2

Miami by 6 Auburn by 19




Ai.rb~ Auburn

Kentucky by 7

by 7

Georgia Tech Gt°J~~ Tech by 6

Georgia Tech Georgia TKh Georgia Tech Georgia Tech

by 7

by 13

by 12

Mississippi Oklahoma by 15 Missouri by 6 bY 9

M~:llt/ppl Oklahomo by 11


M~tnlPPI Oklahoma by U

M~s:l~slppl Oklahoma by 30

M~;in'PPI Oklahoma by 20

M~:1,slppl Oklahoma by 13 SMU by 3 savior bY 1 Rice by 6



SMU bY 10 Savior by 6


by 9 by 2 by A by 11 Baylor Rice T1,~ 10 Roms by 1 Col1s by 1 Steelen by A Glonls by 2 Browns bY J e-i:n

SMU by 19 Savior by 7


by 1,


Savior by 6

by 12

U D Entertains Po ona Tonight



by 5



by 2 bY 7 bY 1~

by 13 by 13

by 1 by 13 by U bY 7 by 13


Texas A&M

RI~~ 2

Texas A&M bY 12

b·t 13 by 10

Texas A&M

Tuas .A.&M by 12

Texas A&M

Texai-Ai.M- Texas A&M by 6 by 12

Texas A.&M.

Texo," ,..,., by 12

Texas A&M A&M

by 8







by I by 6 by 3

by 7



by 12 by 3 by 3 bY 1 by 1 Packers Steelers Reds.kins Eagles by 6 9 'i,";'10 Lions


T1,U Rim•

TCi,U Rim• Ci!J l


arcma cu___ ~--=-.'!.!_ ._,__ 1 _,._,Y 6___

by 7 by 3 by 7

Al ot .el

bY 1

Y 1_2__

Roms Colts

Y 12__


Roms by 6 Coifs by 1 Steelers by 3 Redskins bY 1 E°t/'l Bears by 1'

Lions Colts

Lions Colts


Roms by l Colts by 7 't:~



by 3

1 _bY 7___ 1 _: Y 10

Packers by 13 Steelers by 7 Giants by 13 Browns by 6 Bears bY 3



P'l,cykfs ~i rds ot--liretl'f- ,--tlf. 1,r-,-- C,,,.d,--- c"ards by : _by 10 y 12 by 1 rt 1 0 ,--t':G(anls-- Rl,dskln-,-- Giants Giont5 kins by 3__ ,_a:,Y_1_1__ 1_~-- __!>v 1 &~ns Br~~' Br:;-~} Brt:9• Brt:ss G"1 flt

Steelen bY 10 Redskins by 9 Eagles by 10

Steelers by 10 Giants by 3 Browns by 13 Bears by 3

Steeler1 by 3 Giant-,--- Giants by 1 by 3 Brown1 Browns by 3 by 6 aw~ A9r:,,s J La..v.21,m


A Jig\ wi!J O),Jj o o'clock JI' B 1 '11 e vis1t1•1 All-American bad, for coac:l ln hopes of mona s ground

by 11

2 'f't~~1 ,


Last W1tk1 W-21 L.f Pct.. 700.

Lw.;rr.iii Pel, .6n

Lost Weak: W-11 L-12 Pct. ,600,

Lost Weeki W-23 L-7 Pct..767 Pct• .U7

Lost Wetk; W-21 L-9 Pel•. 700



October 12 , 1957

~ome ers.

~P has bolster d the lme by moving tackles Don Gw lt- ney and Dick Gardner into the first string guard posts. The linP will aYerage 206 heaviest of the season. Read- ing from Jett to right wlil be C C. Waii

Weakened USO nds Siege of Flu

SPORTS TV, RADIO LOG TOIi \\ Tcl 1•, i~i'ln Foothall -t;cL \ Wa~hint:l611. 1: ., Channels 10 and 1. U,adio Football Stale. lO;I:, a.m.. KGJ3. Auny n1ects Notre Dame. 10:45 am.. KFSD. California meets Navy. J :30 p.m , K SD 0. UCLA m e e t Washington. 1:45 p.m., KF;\IB. Uni\ ersitY of San Oicgo meets Pomona. 8 p.m. KGB. Radng ali •·11c races hr o ad c as t at 8 p.m., KSDO T0~10mrnw Trlcvision Football Rams merl Detroit Lion~. 10:J0 a.m. Channels R and 2. Rhinos meet Southgate. 2 pm., c'hannel 3. R·leing Caliente Hour at 3 30 p. m . · Cha•mel 6. Radio l"ootlrll Rams meet D trn,t Lions. l ·:'.O p.m., K DO. Races p.m., ;\l1cl1i~an meets licl1i~an

University or San Diego's nu-ridden Pioneer~ wind up week or light drills today !or their game with Pomona- Claremont tomorrow night in Balboa Stadium" • :\fost of the ;:rridders side- lned by the flu bug were back in harness for light workouts yesterday but one big name still was missing- coach Bob McCutcheon. "The Pioneers will be at full ~trength, numberwise, tomor- row night, but USD officials fear their team will be hurt by the week-long siege with the flu. --- . ---

LONG TRAIL AWINDING-Chuck Taylor, left, he11d coach .!It Stanford, ch cks Indian schedule to ,ee if there's open football dat for San Diego U. Pioneers. Coach Bob Mc- Cutcheon, right, hopes ultimately to put S11n Diego o~ nat'o 's football map as major power. (See " m Front")

F-IGHTI Continued (ram First Page I downs for the fleet halfback, ho constantly was ripping o long gains and catching (A!:) Dame defenses. The third Army score was made by I er 1 p sses - to confuse Notre ,-__\



•Houston at Texa .. \l~h;im(I a 'fCl. Oklahoma at Texas. *TPxas Tech at Te. ·a, \\'e,t"rn" ROCKY MOLINT I D('nver at ~lnntana Hardin-Simmoms ;it

Tram nle I d. n 47 7 n 1a a • ' BLOOMINGTO.\

Washing on Coli eum, 2 p.m. SO THL •sa~-11} ,.

Pioneer • le In o

Football Menu LOCAL Washm;;ton VI, UCLA. Coli- .•um, 2 p. m. Cerritos at Glendale. San Bernardino at Mt. San lntonio. Bakersfield at Lon;,: Beach Santa Monica at El Camino l'AUiJC LOAST ·e.1--y at (.;ahfornla. Iciaho at Oregon State. San Jose ~tal,i ar Oregon. K.a.naa• State a.t COP. n1~nt Wuhma;ton 6tate a, ~tanto.ld Pomona. at e n D o;o G. L. A 5ta.te at C santa Sarbua Paaacl.ena at FJ er de Palo VHde at S:t. h Barbna. Palomar a.t im erla.l Valley. serrla. at COJ.llnga.. Tll! ft at I-Teano. Hancock at Se,1un -a,. San Diei"o .Mar1nea at San Pepperdlne. al Cal Poly (&LO) Porten·Ule at .R."'edl~y. LA 'l Notr"' Da.m, Ill Army. DP]3."01,';JU at La[a~,tt~ ~!~~s:t'rJr~ceYo~i~h. \Vtlllam • Mary .-.t Penn Nebra.aka. at P1tt1.buriJl, Temple. &t RM~tra .\llD\\iS~ llllno1s t OhlO Stat Tnwa a.r, Indima Jf)wa. s !"' at Kurns J.1flh,ii~t!tte ~~r'li\~,.\~an. frnnesota a.t :-.ooh tern. 11ocon1tn at Purd e. Uetrolt at W.1ch Xav1tr 0.) At Ctnc nnatl. Wa1h1nrton t St Lnuta · at Drake. ,01 nmE~r Arkan.D at Saylor. n gbl Ha.rrl1n lmmo s at r,mpe 01.1ston at Texas A&M nl~ht. Dayton at Bo1too ("ollege "'eat Vtre;tn a at .SO,ton U. B,own at Dartmouth: Bucknell al Ca.m.f!l;:1e Tech Rutgers at Col;late. cotumb1a at Yale ~yr1w1111 at Cornell ohto U. at Harvard.

]',I a f i 11 rs



Cal \\"e5tern ,1 l'C River• •lcl°i'. PACIFIC CO.\ST


\r n d., Pete Dawkins, Army right Oct. ]2 (A')-lowa·~efetding tgilfback, from 6 _yards out Big_ Ten chamj·o -"-TO: Gr•'•l· 2 l 12 ·Yd. d nd t ounc d Brown 3" run; H-¥.d. run)J Pt'l'SCOtt 29-yd. pass- ay a r e • ;)- 1Jr 0~ ~~~~~i .c~b.bu°;h• \it~~- f:;f; 0, in an 1vy League footb 11 ~:_v~ P~!~~. rft~a:1-:~~~I. (7-vd. run). game. p.';'.d/~~• 1 ,;;;,°'~'l\'1;.~.ic1t~1~•, 11 v~;!:yd. 'fhe ·ictory wa~ the third sTAnmcs for undefeated Dartmouth '°"'" 1" d ;an• two of them over Ivy foes ' y~~dase ·: • :·:· ·: ,}~ -~ SCORE BY QUARTERS Pauinl yardage • • ..•. , 181 131 Brown 0 o Passes · • ·· ..... · l1 •2l s- 24 Dartmouth :: ::·:::···· 7 ,, o 12 ., Puses 1nterc4!pled by ·• •• - · 0 3 _ 4 Dartmouth scorinq TD: 8ur)ce· {l,:-yd Punh ·· • •····••· 0 f 3 1 plunge); Bradley (6,-yd. ,unl: C-roott.-m f'umb1P.S lor--4 · •· lO: 11S (29-yd, PH$•run from Bredley}t Mor1on Yards pena iz:,;u • _._ ••_ ._.____ {36-Yd. PUnt return}; Graham (-42-vd. pas,- run from Fuson I). Safetv: Gor;odla" Th • d St • QB (tackled In 8rOW"n end zont- bV Pettway). Jr • rang PAL P•lermo$;ATl$TICI Passes Maryland I D•rtm.. ,tt, .,.w~ Over Deacons COLLEGE PARK, !\Id., Oct. 12 (A'! - 'J' hi r d • string Qu~rterback John I•'rit~ch finally got into action today and rocecdcd tn pass Mary- lar d to a · football vie• how nuch after the huge Jowa lme anci alert second- j~·~ ~:% ;:~~~ntr 0~ magi;! n the fir ·t half. Iowa, ranl<.ed No. 8 nationally in ;.rr~~ by Dartmouth

State (Tempel.


•Lon-: Beach St. at t;i i> Flag,(aff).

at Stan-

,·ashingtnn St

October 13 , 1957

agehens Unlverslly or San Diego's tlu-weakened Pioneers have th Ir work cut out for them to• ni ht as they attempt to cor. ral the Sagehens o1 Pomona. Claremont College at 8 in Balboa Stadium. The swilt Sagehens pose a real problem for coach Bob McCutcheon's Pioneers, 16 ot whom were downed by the lu this week. Mccutcheon re- port all or his charges will be in uniform, although some still are weak. Lindblad Key Man Pomona is led by mall coll ge A11-American candi- date J,m L ndblad, 160-pound tallb ck who really makes coach Fun Merritt's ingle. wing offense move in high g r. USD ill be without the , er 1C·es of Its leading run- in threa , Bob K y • who s fdelin with. a dislocated elhow. Pioneer quarterbac and co-captain Vern Valdez has completely recovered from Injuries suffered at Arizona (Flagstaff) St ate recently and will b in charge of Mc- tcheon's T-formabon.

;it Colorulo.


;it California.

• civ

.·e .lex•co at l"tah State. Colorado St. :1t Wyoming" . *Denotes night games. TODAY IN SPORTS •RYU ;it. TTta i ._:;,m·Pomono, Balboa Stodium, s P·iemiower Hi9h at Chula Vista. 8 P.O. HORSE RACING FOOTBALL San Oiegl) MCR O v,. Stole, Aztec

Idaho at Oregon State. <;an Jo·e 81ate at Oregon.

:-,tale at COP


Cal Poh

Pepperdme a

(SLO) *Pom.-Clrml. at San Di,,go TT •San Diegn "\farme, at San

Diego ._~t

;:i l Santa Ba ·- 8 t'•to

•L.A.. St~ fl


r,; ST

\rnn " • ·I






GREYHOUND RACING ,~ Greyhound Club,

, 'olre Da1m (Phi ladelphia\.

l Cot

;-45 P',.r'f\.

JAi ALAI . 1 0 0 PoloceTJ~~no, 7:30 pm,

D~yt~n at' Boston College I \\. Virginia at Bodon I.; Rutgers at. Colgate. Syracuse at Cornell Brown at Dartmoutli. Ohio ' at Harvard. w illiam anrl · NPbraska at P1tt•burgh. Penn at Princeton. Columbia at 'tale. !llIDWEST \\T1scon,m ;it, PurduP" Iowa ;,rt Indiana. Iowa St. at Kansa•. Holy Cross at )[arquette. l\lich1gan St. at \lichigan . Ymnesota at • orth\\"e•t- ern llhnms al 01110 tatP, Tulsa at Oklahoma State Detroit at Wichita SOUTlf l"entucky at Auburn ' Carolina at Florirla St. *Georgia Tech at LSU. 'ake Forest at Maryland. Arl

iton lourney, Morley F"ield, oi l

c•oss couNTRY

Ill••·· Mocley field,




uke a.t :Rtce. n ght. o,l.thoma I'll Tna.s.. ,!~~mieJ 1 aTCT~·xa~ 1 -tt~ut Tulsa at Oklahom:\. SU.t11t. •Ol TR lt~ tu ky at ,\uburn Gl\ at T~[) uu• Ct maon a V'lT;:tnt&. Dav1c:son VMI ·torlrt-t state at orQ1 A nU:ht Jl""Urn:'l& ,.t South C rohn11 Gtor11a 'J tch t LSU. t .J;:ht. ake Fort~t • ary•a.1xl ll u pt a.f v,: erbllt t f'olora.r! o. B \.'"Q at Ctah !'light. Colora. o Sta.te Rt \\'yorn tn"er t ontan11. ':>rth Dakata Stat,. • .,. Se'P M::XIC? .at Ctab Sta: • r.. tk.iUll 'V llanova Ill VP J«)( I<\ .\IOI . 'J I \ ona

rn, n1gbt


n1 .. ht

St& e .1.l .)(I •inlpfi Sl-1 le

tory over \Vak~ l•'orest for 1 he- Terpf first \\ in of the

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