News Scrapbook 1956-1959
La A
Universidad De Politecnico 63-0 T,as un Primer medio muy bueno Uriel Gonzalez saco a su mejor gente
er 17 • 1957
Apa Allleri
No-v 17
No pudo el Poll~cnlco conte- r al equlpo de la Unlvers:ldad de San Dlei;o y al ver au 1mpo- t , Uri I Oonziltt, ya na- bizo evitar una pallza Q\le termln6 en 53-0, ayer por la ta rd en eet dio de la Oludad Unlvem l , Jucgo que tue el tlmo Int maclonal de la tem- radn 19~ 'd la L!ga Mayor d" bol A.merlcano. Durunte La prunera mltad del o, Uriel env16 al cmpnrrUJ.a- dd a los m Jol'e.s hombr con contaba y 6610 durnn te del encuentro vll'IM>I! n tutbol par amboa ladoa. •a prlmern m!Lad too lo Que o por low) eJ parildo. P. ro en · Ila tres errorq del P It cnl l c ron otro., tanto.s chdownn y el marcado~ lndl- 1 t vu ble a San
nada podia hacer, pen.s6 que no tenla caso exponer inutilmtnte a sus hombres y quemar ahi mlsmo sus ultimos cartuchus, era tanto como quemar su p6Jvora en m!iemltos. San Diego, e!ectlvament.e, es uno de los mejores equipo• que nos han vlsltado, con magnlrlco Juego aereo. mucho peso y mu• cha rapldez; como- buen equipo callfornlano, su o!ensiva es ale- gre. variada.. DuraPte la pr!mera partz, vi- rnM buenas acciones de ambos !ados; pero ya en la segunda ;:I amo y senor del emparrillado fue San Diego y por lo tanto el Juego se torno tedioso y la gen- te .se dedlC6 a di rtlrse a c tl- llas de loe Jugadores del Pou y prtncipalmente u Gonza- lez.
Mill 10n
Uriel 8e encontrn ba ante la es- pada y la pared, por un lado te- n!a el compromlso moral de pre• sentar pelea a IOI! "gtieritos" y por otro lado la obligaci6n de mantener en buena condici6n ff. sic a sus jugadores para el Juego deJ pr6xlmo dorrungo con- tra Unlversidad en el que toda- vla aspira a obtener cl Campeo- nato Uriel trat6 de cumplir con am- bos compromlsos; en la primera parLe le.s pele6 sin importar al- gun lastimadura y la bubo, en la persona de Stalin Vacasell- del; ~ro una vez que vi6 que
ED FROM 'PAGI 1 II part in the devC'J. r thi1, great univer- ldn t all ol you?" ,aish, Pxecutive vice ,t of Convair. ex- what he termed the is approach to the uni - I and its fund-raising aign.
caJa Park speaks for it. he said. "The university 1ers have hown the ability ake care of current growth d al the same lime plan the years to come. The tiiversilv reflects excellent ng.range planning. "Everyone likes to help hose who help themselves," Naish continued. "And that has heen highly evidenced herf' " B_ishop Buddy :-iP<>llkS Msgr. James P O'Shea "as master of ceremonies. The Arts and Science Build- Ing is the final phase of the ma,ior construction program planned for the campus. The administration building,
CONS'fRt,;CTION PLA.NN.t:U - The Uni- • versity of San Diego seek~ 3 1 million dol-
rtrive opened today. Th:> building will be final phase of major cons1ruclion program.
Jars to build 1his Ar1s anC: SciC'nce Building on its Akala Park campus. The fund
sies dep~1tment at San D1ego llhe College of St Catherine,
College for Women buildings. are as int<>rested as we our-II he
shown Gordon Thomas Jr. matlw- 1
St. Paul, Mmn.
Mother Margaret State CollcgP,
said Bishop matics;
in the success or this this morning,"
and seminary building have selve.
Thomas received his hach. 1 clor of sciPnce de~ree from I Mother Reilly holds mas_ter
Miss Crem re<'eived a rloc•.
"Your at1endan, e Reilly Nlucation and psycho-
I aw enterprise. For San Diegans Buddy, be completed are proud to learn that their h re repres
completed. The
rm an Ort~,ein
' N O
ts a vote of con- logy
building will next month.
1 .
Baron Han~ tor O P ,_o,op_i; cegice ,om'th<'l'niversilyoflllinois.
dtj plans to be an education- lid<'nrP in \\hal we are try. mathf'mallcs·
Roelen Set Wave Mark Jay Roelen ~rt 11n all-time year he's t r n for 1427 l"cpperd1ne College c11reer yards, also an a I- me wave passing mark hut the Waves mark. bowt'd to San Diego Univcr- The WavP~ wound up their slty, 27-0, last nlght In both season with a three win, six hool's 1957 roothall finale at loss season. El Camino Colle e For San Diego. Quarterback Roch:n wa. 1\'t ble to engi Vern Valdez was the key man neer a touchd() alnst the throwing to C. G. Walker !or tough Bord u lversity de• touchdowns or 15 and 25 fen. c, but com letcd 25 or 39 yards and engineering two pnsscs !or 123 yards. It gave ground touchdowns. him 2391 yards ror his three ••n o,,Ko u. • • • 0 l3 7 7-27 b Prnpudln, .• , 0 0 O 0-- 0 years ii,. a Wave. and roke . l\n D tjito UnJveulty tou~hdown~; the mark or 2383 set from wa,,., 2 ""· ..... v,11.,, e,. ••"· 1948-1950 by Ed Hyduke. This ~;•1:-e~i,J K~~n/,1:o: r¥~; .,.;tt\ 0 " "" .,, a, u • a m cu > ·- .. Q C 0
and Laval Urnv<'_rs1ty, Quebec·
to do. And we do nepd van KonbP;, GPrman, }Our h<'lp In bu1_ldmg ~.ur Arts Mrs. Given Holly Simpson.
library building and al centc_r second to none JO ing
Mrs. Hill 1s a former mem. or arts and doctor of ph1l0- bN or the faculty at De Sales sop_hy ~Pgret's _from Loyola
Immaculata. campus church, Callforrna.
and Sciences bmldmg. He said the university or- .
Training- Goal Told "They are aware of the cul• tural contribution the Univer- fers
arP under construction. In discussing the uni,·ersity program , Bishop Buddy said: 1
U111vers1ty of Chi cago. Ortwein. received a ba ch-
Baird received his bachelor College Toledo. Ohio. 10 those of arts degree from the Uni-· Lippert received Jiis had1-
" F'rom the beginning, this sily of San Diego can give people who have never had a versify of Wisconsin and his elor of arts degree from Al. p]or or science degrpe from Institution o!_learning ha wel-1 the Southland. chan_ce for higher edueat10n. maste r of arts degree from bright CollPge, Reading, Pa. the University of Washington. corned lo its halls young "They know that here we IA mghl school_ for the_ col- the University of California. Mrs. Simpson rPceived her Von J
A 3%-mil!ion-dollar ! u n d drive Lor construction of an Arts and Science Building on the Un iversity of San Diego I campus opened today. Chail'man Post F illed Murray Goodrich , promi- nent San Diego businessman, was named campaign chair- man . He will announce an ex.I e cutive committee !or th1· I campaign soon. ., At the suggestion of Gra ; don Hoffman. the group whiciJ attended the breakfast was dt! signaled as campaign c ouncfJ to approve plans submitted er the executive committee . {I Goodrich expressed the cad 1 vielion that the goal could ·@ this: "Pray lo God for help, then follow it up with a lot of hard / work." ( He was nominated for chair-! man by George A. Scott. "I am going to give this campaign everything I ' ve got, ''Goodnch said." For one lthing, I belleve in this college. l' ve seen a11 the effort already put into it, and the work has been really great," Goodrich said. Knight Letter Read He read a letter o1 endorse .I ment and best wishes for suc- cess of the campaign from Gov. Knight. · 1 Msgr. John Storm, presi• dent of the University's Col- lege for Men, said that San Diego has grown to realize its claim as a real university city. "Now," he said 1 ''the uni- versity of San Diego has reached the point where it needs your help - a few hours of the useful years God has g iven you." "It's a tremendous compJi. menl to San Diego to have 1he university located here ," said George A. Scott. "Let us all be grateful fo r the opportun. ity of service wh ich is of- fe red us. In my closing years, j I would like to !ooh back an. d thi nk that maybe I had had (Continued on Page a -3, Col. 1) I . reached. He campaign formula expressed 1ls as
- ....\.J aqi uz ·1,u.aittrd!' a!:JHLUO:JnW ,'t; :s8u !'.A ws -des ~o qJUCJ
·- ·- I ... M
Pioneers Tiff ceanside '5' University of San Diego's basketball Pioneers host Occan- l'sid e-Carlsbad Junior College to- night at 8 in St. Augustine 1 High gym. This is the Pioneers' first home gamP of the season and their first against collegiate OPJ position. \ Pioneer coach Fon Johnson has named Ken Leslie (6-0) and Charles Thomeczek (6-3) to start at guards with Carl Hen- drickson \6-9) at center and Carl Reynolds (6-31 and Lee Hammond (6-6) at iorward spots .
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