News Scrapbook 1956-1959



Wed., April 16, 1958 SAN _DIEGO,_ CALIFORNIA_ a_

SAN DIEGO BUSINESS BEAT cr;:College Expands ib Retail Program By CARL PLAIN San Diego Union Financial Writer Byron (Scott) Norwo?d, a :iative Sa? Diegan,. is sparking a novel experiment m on-the-Job executive training involving 150 San Jose State College st~dents. For three days, starting May 1, the students will take over all management positions in Hart's .Depa~ent stores in San ' Jose and Sunnyvale. Executives m the firm's stores and warehouse will work with the students on a candid sponsor-protege basis. * * * NORWOOD, THE COLLEGE'S 82-YEAR-OLD AS~lST- ant professor of business, says the expe~!mcnt "."on t be a "mayor-for-a-day" type o! thing but w1)l provide real- istic connections between classroom tramirg and the work-a-day world. . . Norwood has had practical experience m department store work with Robinson Co. and May Co. In Los Angeles. * * * "IU~TAILERS ARE GREATLY CONCERNED ABOUT the future talent supply as other fields bec~?"e more attractive to graduates," Norwood declares. We ho~e our experiment will dd nr,w dimensions to the a_cadem1c activities o! college . tudents We believe some Wlll le~rn more about their c en professions, some will decide whether this Is the carel!r hey want an~ . some .'~ill become aware t 1r aJ) I\! specific reta1ling johs."

SPORT JOTTINGS St. Jo/,n 's Cherub Outshin the Ram St Johns • hlltar~ Acad em~ s crimson-clad Cherub , not a •·man ' " lghmg o\'er 85 pounds, ot tclassed California filitary Academy' glarltators 13-6 m a i nsa ional halftime shov. at .1emorial Coliseum Sunday. The Rem-B!'ar rrowd of supenor team,

San Dlea.o Union A~rlal Pholo bv Charle"- S:tk university church, The Immaculata; 3, the Arts and Science Building; 4, the Minor Seminary, and 5, the Library and School of Law. Not shown i!" the College for Men across the mesa frnm the park.

carried through. Buildings are A, the College for Women; B, the Administration Building, and C, the almost-completed Major Seminary. White-lined areas are sites for, 1, a Girls Preparatory School; 2, the

An aerial view of the University of San Diego !tt Alcala Park shows completed buildings and sites for future construction. The university will be a 20- rnillion-dollar installation when its master plan is

San Diego University Maps


High School Seniors To Tour Campus Sen i o I' clas•rs of St. Au- gustine Boy~ High School, Cathedral and Rosary Girls High Schools and tlie acad• emies o! Regina Coeli and Our Lady of Peace will tour University of San Diego fa. cilities during a Colleg Day program TueSdi\Y at the uni• versity in Alcala Park. Dr. John L. Storm, presi- dent of the university's Col- lege for Men, will welcome the students at a general assembly at 1;30 Mother Catherine P arks, president of the College for Women. and the Rev. John C. D es mo n d, assistant to Storm. later w i 11 conduct separate assen bl' girls and boys.

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is east of

thf' Linda Yista for the College for l\Jen and

High on Alcala Parlt mesa Road. o,erlooking Mission Bay and for the west end of Mission Valley, come the University Boys High the Major Seminary. Their the University of San Diego School, has a $150,000 lecture archi~ecture will be Spanish grows bigger every day. halL ~t also houses the um- Renaissance. Nearing completion is the v_ersity s School o! Law. Of- This 1·ill match all other university s $1.730.000 Major fices for th e College for M~n buildings on the umnrsity's Seminar or School of Theolo- a nd th.e. School of Law. are m 167-acre campus, including the gy. It ,\ill be 1·eady tor stu- the m1lhon. dollar Admmlstr?-- Imposing College for Women. dents this fall. llon Bull d mg on th e mam. The women's college i~ al By the time the seminary ca~r~s. on the Arts and Sci- $5.000,000 in~tallat;on which ~vas opens, work will be well under ence Building and the Library completed m_ 19.>2. . The col- way on an additional $6,800,000 Building will begin in Septem- !ege, housed m the first bu1Jd- bt1ilding program. ber. A "conservative gue. s", mg .constructed on the. ~am- This will include the Arts and on the compJejon

80,156 bra,·ed rainclouds to watch wil 1 -o-v.l p \\ 11\ie Gal• hmorP. It ~tayPd to chPPr th.. Thomas BrothPr~ of St. ,lohn"11, Whneas Chicago's h'ghly- pa1d Harlfm Hill. pro !oot ball'~ mns• puhlicized pass re c-e1 er, droppPd two Pas) 'TO aerial~ In thP lnitrnl half. the Thoma~ Br nthPrs tPamPd u;, for a Jnn g TD str ikP that h d thP er ,wd i:11splng John tns ed ll tr t I n j hrother, te\ , whn sl"flotPrl half tht I ngth of the fl!'lrl to pa\'dirt A!tPr .:':t, Jnhn's, clt>arl) tht!

Still later, an auditorium and clubhouse will be constructerl. When the university's mas• ter plan is completed, it will the W e s t Coast's largest privately owned university and an educational installation worth $20.000,000. 'That figure was the estimate made yesterday by the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bishop of the four-county Dio- cese of San Diego. The bishop ls chancellor of the. universi- ty and began pla1wing for the universi1) long a;::o. Ground already has been brnken lor the university church, Tbe Im1naculata. Con- struction wi\ begin next week. The church, costing approxi- mately :$500,000, will be the largest Catholic church in the San Diego diocese, the bishop a.aid. Construction of the ;<;:300.000 'brary bmlding be com- ,-.,,....,.,,~r. Tl,~ t to th,• gi\'e Sen Diego




.5,, V lv'(D Pioneers Lose Six 2-;:;~~~ Football Squad Six University of San Diego Joe McNamara, for ~inan.cial f O o t b a 11 players, includ- reasons, and Tom ZaJeC, first- ing three first-stringers, were string end, through gradua- among the missing as spring tion. . registration continues into its Four other gndders an d final two weeks. a basketball player we re Dropped trom school be• placed on_ I_>roba!ion by t h e cause ot scholastic reasons USD adm1mstrahon w_hic~ re- were Duane Rudzinski, t o p quires athletes to mamtam a f l r s t-string Fullback; end 2.0 grade average. Harvey Vicks and back Wal- Meanwhile, seven athletes ter Cooper who also was a were placed on the h o n o r s t a r t e r' on the basketball roll. Having grade-point av- squad. erages above 3.0 were Merle Lost to the team for other Reed, Ken Leslie, Joe Di- reasons were Vern Valdez, Thomasa, Charley Franklin, first-string quarterback who Al Kish, Greg Pearson and is in the service;, halfback C. G. Walker.


.....·.r '" Football Pl yer Sued In Child port Case The ex-wife al a San Diegolcase was continued u n ti 1 University football player yes- Monday. terday accused him of going He appeared with his new to college at the expense of wife, Bobbye Sue Garofono, suppo1 ting his two children. / :°· G~rof,01:0. entered San Di- The woman , Mrs. Jacqu- , . go Unne1s1ty. last Septem- ]yn Garofano, 21, charged in f. >er and remarned m October.

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sult in Los Angeles Superi>t - Court that the athlete, J aclt Garofano, 22, of 2055 Bacall St., Ocean Bea:•h, is $590 In ' arrears In support payments for their daughters, 2 and 1. She said Garofano was go- Ing to school while the daugh- ter~ \Vere ''starving." She said he had enrolled at San Diego Umv1>rsity alter prom- ising in court last April to give up a c·,llege athletic ca- reer and g , to work to sup- port the children. Garofano, formrr football captain at San Bernardino Valley College, denied that his daughters were starving. He said t t ontempl of court he ng that he had been paymg t least $80 a month lo' heir support. The



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