News Scrapbook 1956-1959

• Pioneer To Vie ,n Final Mike M?rrow'.a ba.seballers sWing back Into action t.bla afternoon with hopes o! t!ndlng a four-game losing st\·ea They meet Naval Training Center on Morrow Field at 3, The Pioneers failed to dent the win column In three a tempt~ last week. They made a commendable showing ~ga'hi NTC

Norm pro••nlb,,(!{>E., linemen.

SAN DIEGO, April 19 - Other promls- Approxlmately 40 candidates Ing back !el(i ~ewcomers are in 1 d , g 20 lettermen from Lavon Bake!, Leroy Weather- c u in • aid and Jim Frankson, a last year are expected to transfer from Washington check out equipment when State College. the University of San Diego Mccutcheon said he plans j opens spring football prac- to try Frankson, a 215-pound , ex-San Diego Junior College tlce Monday at Navy A th letic grldder, at fullback a 1 on g Field. with Gates. Jim played prep He coaeh. ob McCutch- ball at s wee t water High eon of the loneers said he School in nearby National plans to wtild up four weeks City. of workouts with an Intra- Bob Padilla at tackle and squad game May 17. Mc- Guards Willard Linton and cute and assistant coach Paul Ji> are starting their secon!l at USD. Ne nt 011 hand fer the sprin ,,. r tol)ped by for- me A r1 e {,()rps Full- ba,,..,..........., G t , a graduate ot' rshall High School in Lo Ange

the powerful Marine Corps Recruit Depot on Tuesday. although mental lapses cost them a 3-1 decision. Tim WiJ. bur limited the Mannes to JliX hits but his teamma.tes failed to back him up. On~Flida.y, Morrow's forces were outstugged by Cal Poly , of San Dim&J; and went un- der, 10•8. Two homer.s by Pioneer Bob Duncan went for nought, including a gra.nd slam blast .over the center• leoce. Camp 'l>endleton bombard- ed two USD hurlers for 12 hits and 15 rim., in a Satur- da;; ,elugfe~~ 10 Balboa fark. The Leathern cka Yi'OJ\ 15-9, sconng thelr s~ond wtory qver '.h~ Alcala Pa,;jt, I). Lavon with thr e fafetles, and I litrovtc?i \\1th two kept the Pion er,1 in he con~

test for the first four nn!J'f s. Then Pendleton knocke 11- bur from the =und In the fifth stan7.a, and continued the a~sault on Hector San- chez. To l '!,'~ engagement with

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· NTC 9, USO 8


J 0<' Bl'a!!'"'· ' home


t\aval a eball

Inning ga, e Center's



Tral ing

tea a 9-8 viclol'y. O\ e-r the Uni\~• ity of San Diego Y<'S- terda:r on 1he , 'TC di.tmond. HTC . 014 f ill 200 1-, 11 3 USD 004 04' 000 0-1 11 4 Bet,. Slroudt (6) o. d IIDb, Sonche, ~nko_n-'-,----'"-,;:;::;.,..___

Drill Tomorrow "\Va hope to he big laster and much Improved ovn 9~7." Bob Mccutcheon head football coach at tht Uni• rslty o San Diego, aid yesterday after rev1ewtn,: the of 28 hope!ub rxpected for the opening •prln ootball 11 actlce tomorrow at. ·avy Field. 1111 21-day IP g d r 11 Is l\111 be,:ln each It oo at th th Av . and Harbor rive training field at 3 .30 o"clO('k. Included among the 28- player turnout will be H re- turnlnf lettermen, eight of whom held down flr•t •trlng po ltlon at the clo~e of last ea•on. Another tlrat atrlnger. Bob Keye~. v. Ill be lo t during aprln practice to the but- ball team, along v.1 th D a v e Gox. thlrd - s trln quarter- back la t !all, a nd Lavon


with the Du ck 11 n g s last season. Ano the r San Diegan- gone-north, Hoover's Walt Baranski, Is hitting and fielding well for thP Or!'• gon frpshman baseball team this spring, Pat Sht•a, :m, \on Bay•~. shot putter-wrestler, has won the sp,irtsmanship award, presented by the San Diego Wrcstlin.g Coaches' and Oflicrnl.~' Ass'ocrntion The 215-poundcr ls SCIF heavyw<'ight wrest 1 in g champion a n d currently boasts tl1e best shot-put mark in San Diego County this sca~on-54-8 1 2,

Vll!iams' 24-!oot for Kearny the ainst San Di- e third best by in prep his- 0 mpic champion SI ele's 21-•, for I 1941 SCH' t Chino in ams' leap. ..1•>0~c• .'i,lol.1;1Illm rel'ord to Preston t 1t last tennial in - _,....,.,.a meet vie- her Hayes' icgo in thf"

USD Opens Grid Drills Coach Bob McCutcheon's University o! an Diego Pio. l neers will begin a 21-day spring football p ractice 8es. s,on roda:i, a t 'avy Field sta rting at 3: 30 o'clock. Mcc utcheon said he antici- pates a turnout of . ome 28 players, including 14 letter- men. I ls wide open," Mccutcheon said, "but we expect the competition to tighten by the May 17 intra. squa d game." Fischer-Hess Duo Wins Golf Meet Ray Fischer and Mrs. A. Hess combined to win the Scotch mixed four- somes with a net 61 ~. at De l Anza Country Club here yes. terday. Soturda~: Men's - Dr R Johnson 80-11- 69, Ne-al Whi.fe 7~70, ·Jock Ben: I son 88-11--70. Ladies - Mr5. J. WOOd 10 1J~~:• s~cit~h 1'ix~ef}~rJ!·1l~ 7_:: ~oy F1.scher-Mrs. A. Hess 71-16' p · 2 .,,[-1 • ¥· Harrington-Mr.s. R. Johnso~ ~ 2 --o.i, Jock Bf'n~on-Mrs J, Wood +-66, J. Wood-Mrs, D. S 93-27-66. BOOST£ HEAR KINER Ralph Kiner, San Diego Padres general manager, Will discuss the local team's plans for the 1958 season at the University ot San Diego Boosters• Club noon luncheon a.t Mission Valley Country Club today. Al Schuss, broadcaster and former Booster Club president, ·ilJ preside at the meeting. "Every position BORREGO -

Bak r , a. newcomer who will be aiming to make the club as a quarterback GATE T F .'LB CK The pt1ze ddl on 1 Tom Gate,. a. 6-2. 96-pound fu1l. back who ta rreti for three ea on, with th Iawallan ).farlnc,. Cat • av raged over I. yard, prr l'arry aiatn t the po ·erful San di- ego • lar:lnes t Hawall and r an a total or 54 yard• against :\lCRD in the second meeting in the Border City. Gate ,1 as voted the out- standing player o! the Hula. Bowl Game in Hawaii l as t year. Mccutcheon expects h I s spring practice line to aver- age about 204 pounds and pro- phe~led that his tarting club next tall would have in c r • a a e d speed and weight over Ia t year FR NK ON ON QUAD Drills Ill be conducted In fu ll i:ear with fundamentals nd conditioning heading the list of prlng training ob- jecli\ eJ. Two other players expected to make strong bids for ,tart- ing assignment are 215-pound tullback Jim Frankson, for- merly o! San Diego J u n I or College, and ·orm Magenot. a 215-pound guard. Frankson was named to the I first team JC All - America in 193.'i and :\lagenot wa, an honorable mention All • mer lcan JC selection last 225-

spring drills yesterday at Navy I<'ield. Shooting for the quarterback job will be, from left, Jim Wetherald, Billy 'Borque, Lavon Baker and Dave Cox. Barque lettered last year.

IT-University of San c o a c h Bob Mc- Cutcheon, center, gives his quarter- back prospects an idea of what they can expect as the Pioneers opened Diego football

----- -~

U D Launches Drills • Fo Do-or-Die Year Um,·ersJty of San Di e g o 1 Jim Frankson, a star playe1 coach Bob 1'IcCutcheon sent with San Diego Jun,or Col l hi" chargl's throug~ the Iirsl lege three years ago, an da)' of sprmg trammg vester- d N M t fo day for what . he c a 11 e d guar , orm ,agcno • . r- "USD"s do-or-die football sea- mer Antelope Valley Jumar son." CollPge All-American. l\kCt tcheon and backfield Among those tur ing out roach Paul Platz had high the first day were ('nds C. G. hopes as they greeted 34 pros- Walker, Wayne Bourque, Ray pec\s at a; y Field. Yoast. Merle Reed and Dick Jhey must get their Pio- :Wurray; tackles C h a r 1 i e neer t r o o p s ready f o r Franklin, Dick Gardne1 . Rick a stepped-up schedule f o r Novack and Jim ,Mi 11 e r; next fi,11 but they have guards John ::Vlulligan, Bill ,< n o u g h p I a ye rs back Franklin, Jay Elson. illard from last' year's squad to Linton, Norm Iageno , Ken gi\'e prospects a bright look. Cook. John ::Vluelm!'

Ro n n I e Colllrn;, San Di, ~o·s ruggeq. football guard, won't be plaJmg any foot- the University of Oregon next fall. The e recently. He was tabbE!d as a strong candidate for the varsity after a fine season ball for Caver became ineligible

nty ion




Track Oificialfi," A will hold jts a Charlie Hansen's, quet ne.·t Mond'·:r, nht at F Streets. Hansen will vide the customary rcfrNh• menls and entertainment. - - --,,.- - ....,,.,-'--- - - - · tate and

Miramar Naval Air Station hosts University ofi: San Di- ego's baseball Pioneers to- morrow afternoon at 3 In a nonleague game. USD winds up its week Sat- urday J/ San Dimas with a 1 game gain caJ Poly.

St. A u g u s t i n e High School's To m Shaules, who rewrote many school, league •and county scor- ing records during the 1957-58 prep basketball c a m p a i g n, has been named to the National High School All-American basketball team selected by the Wigwam Wisemen of America, Very Rev. John R. Aherne, O.S.A., St. Augustine principal, announced today. Shaules, however, will be forced to withdraw his name as a candidate for the East-West AU-Star basketball game spon- sored by the Wigwam Wisemen in Hutchinson, Kan., June 5-7. The dates conflict with final exami- nations for seniors at St. Augustines. Shaul<'s s c o re d 735 points during the ·1957-58 season to boost his two- year career mark to 1,322. Sh au I es raptured the county scoring champion- ship, marking the fourth straight year that a St. Augustine cager lead the county's prep scoring.

CollegeResul ts BASEBALL SC, 21 UCLA, 2. California, 6; Stanfod, A San o·eeo~ 8-8; East L A., 2· Kansas, 10-8"; Colorado, 8·3. Auburn, 4; Geon1a, l. Northwestern 5-0; IJwa. 2-1 Iowa St., 5-3; KanSdS SL 1-0. ~~fr~ 5 b:.:n:.u{1~if• C~ntral Mich., 0~ Whittier, 10-1;, 0-5. Pei:,pcrdine, 8; San Diego U., 4. Kentucky, 15-0; Tennessee, 5-1. L.B. State, 0-11; L.A. State, 7-8. Oklohama St., 6-2; Nebraska, 2-1 Michigan St., 1-4-7; Ohio St., 0-1 . Michigan, 7-8; Indiana, 6-1. Minnesota, 9-13; Wisconsin, 5-1. Oregon St., 15; Washington, 7. TRACK sci 78; UCLA, 53, Ca ifornia, 85; Stanford! ,16, Minnesota, 78 1 /2; S ,, Al Marr'land, 66 2 ,'J; 64\a. ~!~~u!!·;o, 7 ;N~ih -~~•

Pioneers To Meet Pepperdine Nine The University of San Diego baseball team hopes to snap a five-game losing streak tomorrow when it travels to Los Angeles to meet Pepper• dine College. The game will start at 2 o'clock. Atter the Pepperdine con- test the Pioneers will have thre'e games remaining; at Naval Training Center, May 6 • Cal Poly at San Dimas, May 10; and a t Marine Corps Recruit Depot, May 13. Coach Mike Morrow s aid e Is undecided on who t o s ta t on the mound. It will be either Dick Shea (3-2) or Tim Wil- bur (0-4).

'T'he University of San Di. ego roolhall team was reduced to 2i players yesterday when .Jim F1ankson, :.?15. po u n cl sophomore fullback prospeet, retllrnerl h1,; uniform and withdrew Crom C'lasses be- cause or financi I dl!h ·ultie . J,'rankson, a form('r Junior CollE'gP All-American a.t San Diego J • had been expected/ to make a strong bid for the startin~ fullbark position. oach Bob MrCutcheon an- noun~('d that the Brown Mil!- lary Academy football field wou Id ht' thl' sit!' for the intra- squad gaml', May 17, which conC'l11d('s . pring practice. M anwh1IP, the RParch for a playing fi!'ld for U'-D" home gamf's this fall ronhn . e- gotiations are under way with orr1ri11! rrom Balboa Stadium and We. tgale Park.

Tom In

1oneer l Halfback Tom G tes re- turned to Univer'sity of San Diego's spring football drills \at Navy Field. yesterday aft- ernoon with his recently in- jured knee apparently healed. The p I O n e e r s cbntinue spring workouts until May 17 when they will stage a game- type scrimmage on the Brown Military field.

I Pepperdine Routs San Diego Nine, 8-4 Exploding (or fiye runs on five hits in the se,enth in- ning, ,Pcpperdinc's \\ a, es yesterday defeated the l nl• versity of San Diego on the winners' diamond, 8-1. U. of San Ditgo • . 210 000 100 --4 7 3 Pepperdine . . 120 000 50X 8 10 4 Sanchez and Duncan; Hammett, John- son (7) and Ar1en;;.::•;,:c"·:.____

fl Wa~sh.

43 .San Luis OblsPO, 1

ons Beach st.,

7 '·1:;riiJ~·, \i:/ew:shi Oregon St., 81; Id lllinols, 6B; Ml OU Indiana, 7024:; Iowa Oklahoma St., '712tl.; Michigan St.• 75; Notr TENNIS Oregon, 4; Washl09to~ St., J. Orcgo St., 7; Idano, 0

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