News Scrapbook 1956-1959



Loyola, St. Ma ~. Unl'Versity of Arizona, Umvers·ty. o! Nevada, COP, Arizona State and Santa Clara will be • the 58-59 hoop schedule.

tests they have managed to drive 121 runs across the plate, while averaging 9.5 hits a g , Baker and uncan l)&rried moat of th~ load !lave received a11pport trom Bob Keye.,, who has a creditable .377 average. Only other Pioneer above the .300 mark is Shea, with a .313 average. • • • While busy with baseball and spring football, the USD athletic department also Is rushing to complete the bas- ketball schedule for next year. Along with the overall policy, court competition will be boosted to a higher ,level, and there ls a favorable chance that such tams as

A few casualties and one major loss in per10nneJ have marred the otherwise successful practice sesslon1 whic,h e • University- of San Diego footballers have been cond11ctl:ng at Navy Field. ' With the first week of the spring "exams' 1 past, coaches

Bob McC11tcheon and P au 1 Platz have expressed satis- faction at the performances turneu in by most of their charges. "Generally eaklng," said Mccutcheon, "the team looks pretty good. Most of the boys are living up to our expecta- tions and a couple of them have shown vast improvement over last season." The Pioneer head coach had particular prai • e for tackle Rick Novak and quarterback Billy Bourque. "Novak has surprised us," he commented. "He·~ the most improved line- man c t tne squad. Bourque ha.5 been runriing the team very well. If he continues, he may be our No. 1 quarter- back next fall." Mccutcheon a Is o singled out Ken Cook and Don Gwalt- ney. Both played in guard positions last season, but have been switched to center. "They're making the transi- tion very well," added Mc- Cutcheon, "and they should give letterman Jack Gal"O- fono a good fight for the first-string berth." Backs Bob Keyes and Ava- lon Wright also drew raise. "Wright ha, a slight knee in- jury, but has been running well," the USD mentor said, "while Keyes has looked the best ot all our backs." The injury list at the be- ginning of this week included Wright, Novak [slightly spramed an k I e); halfback Tom Gates [twisted knee), tackle Charley Franklin (in- jured foot and bruised hip), end Wayne Bourque (sprain- ed ankle), and Keyes. The latter was ordered to take a couple da s of rest Monday after Dr. Richard Luther, the team phys clan. reported that the , ' egro speedster had a sli:;ht touch of the flu. The only major setback of the week was occasioned by the lo,s of fullback Jim Frankson. The former San D1e;;o Jun or College and Washington s tat e College I standout left the squad be- cause of financial difficulties. He had been out of school more than a year before he began auditing courses at USD this semester. He re- ceived word from the Vet- eran's Administration during the weekend that he was no longer eligible for educational

or depth In the backfield, al- though the backs on hand are considered top caliber. Both ~eaknesses are expected to be rei:nforced by additional talent be!ore starting time next fall. • • • When the Pioneer gridders end their practice sessions with the "Blue-White game" May 17, most of the pros- pective players who will join the squad in September are expected to be In attendance on the sidelines. Following the skirmish th e y will be guests at a spaghetti dinner where they will meet their new teammates, a., well as coaches, school officials, Slld booster members. • • • A lo n K the USO baseball front, Lavon Baker still hold.ll a. commanding lead over Bob Duncan in the hitting depart- ment. Baker Is whacklng the ball at a .441 clip, while Dun- can 1s at an even .400. How- ever, the latter leads the team in home runs, with tlve to his credit. Dick Shea tops the three- man pitching staff with a 3-2 record. He's followed by Hec- tor Sanchez, who has won two while losing three. The pitching has been a weak point all season, al- though the Pioneers have ra,·ed extremely well again.,t opposing throwers. In 16 con- 1 USD Faces Clash With Pepperdine The University of San Diego baseball team initiates its final month of action this Saturday a.fternoon with a contest aginst Pepperdine College in Los An- geles. The Pioneers have five games remaining on their schedule and th ey must win at least four of 'J!I,,. to finish the season on a the full nine tniungs, and his record now shows two 1,1ins agamst the three losses. Shortstop Ronnie Crise con- 1 tributed a three-run homer to the USD cause in the fourth The victory wa.,, NTC's second in three engagements with the Pioneers. The latter hope to I even up the series in a game at Na.val Training Center next Tuesday. Games with Cal Poly of San Dimas, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, and Cai Tech wtll round O!t\': the eched le. USD holds a win over Cal Tech, was defeated once by Cal Poly, and has been unsuccess- 1 ful in three outings against the local Marines. .. pg note. Their record nine s al seven wins, 5 • Jrf:ike Morrow's baseballers down to their fifth suc- ve •defeat last Thursday, I g to NTC, 10-9. Rt hthander Hector Sanchez \ed to throttle the sailor bats- f 1 , setback pitched of the seawn. He

TER They mixed baseball and football with a !lttle bit of bad- minton Slld golf at the monthly meeting of the University of San Diego's Booster Club last Monday, and the odd mixture turned out to be an extremely interestin one. On hand to address the largest booster turnout 1n recent months were USD football coach Bob McCutcheon, base• I Chrones, and lint;rneh Joe Dito- ball coach ke Morrow, and maso, Don Q1l.more Md Merle Ralph Kiner ;:, neral manager Reed. All have eiiglJiUlty re- of the San Dlr~o Padres. malning, but for one r son or Mccutcheon e,tpre~Rerl opt.I- another have chosPn to forego mism at the opening of the further competition. Pioneers' Spring grid sessions, Most notable among the miss- whUe Morrow t ok the pJaurtits ling were Vern Valdez and of the Mlssl alley Country Duane Rudzinski. Both are now Club gatheri for his fine in the service. assed football Pa.rk as "the most beautiful bali last season. Provide

-Son Diego Union Stoff Pho1o

Jack Garofano at center, Bill Bourque at quarter- back, newcomer Tom Gates at left half, Avalon Wright at fullback and Bob Keyes at right half. The Pioneers will continue spl'ing drills through May 17.

Coach Bob 11cCutchcon, right, checks over what ·could be his starting backfield this fall as the Univer ity of San Diego opened its sprlng football practic yesterday at Nayy Field. The players are

USD Gridders Open Practice; 34 Get Gear Coach Bob l\lcCutcheon ent his University o! San Diego griddc1 s through light drills :liC t rday at Navy Field after M pla) ers t·hecked out uni- forms for spring practice Only fullback Ed Buns1c, ol the players ,, ho obtained gear, did not appear for prac- tice. He is expected to tie out todn), IcCulcheon plans to ork the squad two hour each day, londay through Friday, con- C'luding with an intra-squad game, May 17. Flrtecn of the players re- porting are lettermen. They i'lclude end C. G. Walker. Wayne Bourque, Ray Yoast and Merle Recd, tackles Charley Franklin, Dick Gard- er and Rick 'ovack, guards John Mulligan, Bill Franklin and Jay Elson, center Ja~k Garofano and backs valon Wright, Bunsic, Rill Bourque and Bob Keyes. ' Outstanding newcomer on the squad was Tom Gates, ex- llawaiian Manne fullback Gate stands 6-2, weighs 196 pounds and can run the 100 in 99 Another newcomer, J i m Frankson, once described by his teammates at San Diego JC as "d y n a m It e with legs," has given indications that re intends to :fasten down the fullback position. Squad list; Ends - Walk.e-r, W Bourque, Yoast, Reed, Ciel< Murrov. Toc~ln - Charier Fronklln, Gordner, Novae!<, J1m MIiier, 8111 Bon:190, Guards -- Mulligan, BIii, Fronk n, El~. Willard Linton, Norm Ma;e"0t, Oon Glmore, Ken Ccok, John Muelmester, Barry Vinvard. Centers - Garafano, Oon GwoUnev, Tony Plano. ~~~ir:~:~~ld~ur~l~' FAf"~fi~: e. Soui-que. Ke)·e3, Levon Baker, Dave Cox, Neil Abbot• USD Nine Fans Finale On Diamond Spinning behind six succes- sive defeats, the University ol. San Diego baseballers attempt to salvage a pair of victories before ending their season Tues- day afternoon. The Pioneers take on Cal Poly at San Dimas Saturday-I and on Tuesday they wrap up a mediocre season v.ith an aftenoon clash at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Cal Poly holds a previous win ove1· USD, while the Leathernecks have defeated the Pioneers three times. Mike Morrow\ J>roteges al- most b r o u g h t their losing stt·eak to a halt Saturday after- no n but felt apart in the wan- Ing innings and bowed to Pep- ~rdine College, 8-4. D spite hurling a neat s1x- hittN· Hrctor Sanchez was tab be with his fourth los~ in silt deciR1on . His teammates held ~ucce.i Ive 3-1 and 4-3 margins and then iiaw victory fade when Pep rdlne scored !lve run in the seventh frame. Ron se continued his hit- ting spurt, banged out three Ingles to top both teams. B ker, wh had been walloping the ban for a .'141 erage, went hitless in fl and dropped to .406. None- h I ss, the Pioneers outhit the \'aves, 7-6. USD's record st n at ven wins, 10 lo~se~. A nme- ._ci. riuled Rt Gal Tech for Ma.y 28 ha been canceled because contlid with :fmal exams.

:IE SOUTHERN CROSS, T URSDAY, MAY 8, 1958 ~----- ~ SHAULES WINS NATION USD PREP CAGE -HON RS St. Augustine High School's Tom Shaules, who rewr6te many school, league, and county scoring records during the 1957-58 prep basketb!l-11 campaign, has been named to the National High School All-American basketball team selected by the Wigwam Wisemen of America, Very Rev. John R. Aherne, OSA, St. Augustine principal, announced. Shaules, however, will be forced to withdraw his name as a candidate for the East-West AU-Star basketball game sponsored by the Wigwam Wisemen in Hutchin~on, Kan., June 5-7. The dates conflict with final examination • for seniors at St. Augustine's. Shaules scored 735 points during the 1957-58 season to boost his two-year career mark to 1,322. Shaules captured the county scoring championship, marking the fourth straight year that a St. Augustine cager led the county's prep scoring.


Fans Finale On Diamond Spinning behind six succes- sive defeats, the University of San Diego baseballers attempt to salvage a. pair of victories before ending their season Tues- day afternoon. The Pioneers take on Cal Poly at San Dime.s Saturday, and on Tuesday they wrap up a mediocre season with an aftenoon clash at the :Marine Corps· Recruit Depot. Cal Poly 'holds a previous win over USD, while the Leathernecks have defeated the Pioneers three times. :Mike Morrow's proteges al- most b r o u g h t their losmg streak to a halt Saturday after- :noon out fell apart in the wan- ing innings and bowed to Pep- perdlne College, 8-4. De pite hurling a neat six- hitter, Hector Sanchez was tabbed with his fourth loss in six decisions. His teammates held successive 3-1 and 4-3 margins and then saw victory fade when Pepperdine scored five runs in the seventh frame. Ron Crise continued his hit- I Ung spurt, banged out three ,iingles to top both teams. Lavon Baker, who had been j walloping the ball for a .441, average, went hitless in five trips and dropped to .406. None- theless, the Pioneers outhit the Waves, 7-6. • USD's record stands at seven wins, 10 losses. A game sche- duled at Ca Tech for May 28 has been ca celed because of conflict with final ,exams.

THE S~N DIEGO UNION ! h I Q Ft 1 , . )[ -> • , .;JI ~ -.:-'--~'"-'S~A,cJl!Jlll•oo. LIF





ily eoun d- men as he suffered his third



/ in T ~~~fn!t Pitch today for the U ea ":'11! of San Die · vers1ty when 1·1 t go I baseball team rave~ to , 1 . , I A. S · "1ramar ' ir tatio G . is 2·3o. n. ame time Lavon Baker " ' . pacino p· Ur rent,v 1.1 ,., 91 b IOJJPer hitting with a •" av('rage CSD ' record i, 7-J' . s overall CSD travel~ t C San D O al Poly ot . imas .Saturd single aJ for a game and ·l . season at the l\1 0 ses It~ Recruit D ar1r,e f'orp~ epot Tuesday mght. USO

rk USD's rui;!i,

upon to bu!

Ing g~me, and his loss came as qmte a blow to the coach-

ing staff. l According •




brain-trust, the tackle posi- tion is the weakest on the .Inning, but his mates failed to team. There is also a lack overcome an early NTC lead.

B4U!IIALt USO at Mlromor~ 2:30 pm

GREYHOUND RACING r:o~i''j~f P~~~Yhound Club, Tifuana, lfrst Fronlon JAi ALAI J:JO p.m. Palace, Tiluana, first game,


DIEGO UNION Friday, i\lay 9, 19.;8 0 SAN DIEGO, CALIF._)



Pio eers To rid Drills With Ga e The University of San Diego football team en 20 days of intensive spring trainj_ng with the .annual Blue-White game at Brown MJlitary Academy at 1 10:30 a.m. this Saturday, May 17. Thirteen vai:slty letter'men will see ac_tion In th~ cont,est. Head Coach Bob Mccutcheon reports that his tirst 0 string Blue backfield wpr consist of quarterback Bill Bourque, half• backs Bob !):eyes and Ed Bun- sic, and f u 11 back Avalon Wright. All are monogram i;::rs~lue line Will be, LE, 1 1 con_rad Wall!.er; LT, P:ck Gard- ner, LG, John_ Mulligan; a,

USO Game fiostponed San D 1 e g: o Univei·sity's scheduled ba ~eball game at Miramar Naval Air Station ye~terday was postponed be- cause .of a military commit- ment by the ervice team. Pioneer Basebal1ers T avel to San Dimas l'ni 51ty of San Diego's ba ·ehti Pioneers travel to San Dimas tomorrow for an a!lernoon gam tn.s Cal PelJ The Pion uled

I.Pioneer Gridd: rs To Clash Todoy Thirteen lettermen h a v e been selected by coach Bob Mccutcheon to start ln the University of San Diego's first annu I Blue-White Pio- neer Roundup Day football game at Brown M 11 i t a r y Academy today. • Blues Walker (180) Gordner (235) Mogenot (225) Novock (225) Yoost (205) B. Bourque (175) Keyes (18S) Bunslc /190) Wrloht 180) Po s. LE LT Lg RG RT REW. QB LH RH FB Whites Murray 190 Franklin 210 Elson 205 Cook 205 Linton 215 Miller 225 Bourque 195 Cox 175 Vinson 175! Young 190 Kish 170


The 1e- 1 go will close its first baseball season tonight when it meets Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Beeson Field. The game will start at 8 p. m. niver i y f an

warned them about condition- ing. Noted for his rugged work- outs, the USD mentor made ooe commitment to his players. he: "For those of you who can stick it out, I'li promise one thing. You'll be the finest con- diiloned play~rs in the nation by next September 20." That's when USD opens its '58 ason against the University of MPx- ico. Among those attending the 1 first drill were 15 rettlming lettermen. Absentlees included backs Tom Kelly and Tom

game )'ester.da was po tponed

Pioneer f • • h 7 12 ine

MCRD Drops



lu ·

tie with a I I n1s es


,,. 01EG0 uN, oN


Shortstop J i m my .Knerr

n1vers1fy Nme C I p I

broke Up a 3-3

Sat., .~lay 11',


15 T

grand slam home run in the Coach Mike Morrow's Uni- Jack Garofono; RG,Norm Mag- fourth inning to spark the ,versity of Sai:i Die_go baseball:enot; RT, Rick Novak, and RE, Marine Corps Recruit Depot team closed its . !irs1; season Ray Yoast. · to an 11-3 baseball triump~ lth1s week by losing e1g?t. con- Th wh·t t will b

o y:







J erenza



1 Pioneers To Face Cal Poly, Pendleton Univer i-ty of San Diego·• first-year b8seballl'rs, cur• rently boasting a hef1y learn batting average of .299, will return lo :¼ike Morrow Field I today to meet Cal Poly or San Dimas and Camp Pe11dlelo11 1 Saturday . Lavon Baker. formerly l of Chula ViHa High, con- limies to pace the club with a .477 average. Bob Duncan follows at .464 and Bob Reves al .330. The Pioneers h~ve collected 17 doubles, two trip- les and 15 home runs In their first i2 contests.


u ·

chased home five ru, with four hits yester , J Ln pacing the University of San Diego to a 12-2 baseball victory over Cal Poly of Pomona at Beeson Field. The loss e\ ened Cal Poly's four-game San Diego series at 1-1. The visitors will face the Naval Training Center and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot before returning home _ The victory was USD's 16th m 23 starts. 5~\, Poly ....... 100 DOI ffO-- 2 f 3 Brooks:· KeSSio(; ~! ~Tm~~1-<11 1tnJ Rodyo, Dragovich (8), Tucker (8}; ~~elo an Duncan. -

I e


vs. MCRO





secutive games and fm1shed




guided by quarterback Dave



mvers1ty of San


8 i·r~P scttedule on PO

7 12


recor .



h w1

th L

Diego last night

on Lavon Baker topped. the hit- Cox. His backfield will consist dlamon,d. The. v1c- liters at _392 , followed by Bob I of halfbacks Joe Vinson and e ea~ -


rnecks s arts. uso

epot s Aztecs, 7-3 J Pitcher Do, Krnway aided his own cause \lith a two-run hornet' ln the sixth inning as _arl Corps Recruit Depot oun d out a '7-3 baseball vlct over an Diego S ati: College last night at Beeson ~'ield. The Depotmen meet Uni- ·er lty of San Diego torlght at 8 at Beeson Field. The me will be the Pioneers' last of the,r first baseball season. Score: Son Diego . . . .. ooo 000 03/l-3 4 7 MCRD . . . • . . . . • 103 OOl DlX-7 6 1 Lusl(.y, Leigh (7) and Flomlng; KenwoY, McCollum (8) and Lachemann. u

ory was MCRD s 29th m 32 Keyes 364 Dick Shea

33 ~ •Marty Young, and fullback Al "• K. h o · n the ltne are: LE, Dick 1s .



IRon Crise .324 Bob Duncan

,.. iii m=,~ 1 i

MsCRD ..... :··· rg: onchez, Shea (8)

'.322 Hal Mitr~vich .302 and!Murray; LT, Charley Franklin; I !Final 11aseba1i s1aiislics for 1t gamul I RG, Willard Linton; RT, Jim aattlntAB H R HR Avo. O'Leary, and RE, Wayne ~~on K:~::.~f lb .... . r: n z: 1 :~:~ Bourque. c~7.:i.t, . ::::. lf 2! 2l g :m Mccutcheon reports that sev- ZYt~~~\'.t11 .. ·:.: JI :: 1! i :m era! hundred Booster Chili ~0%':2\! ·. :: ·. ;g nu g ·ll member~, football prospects, Hector Sonchez,p '3 9 • 1 : 2 '/1 and their guests are expected 6~~. ~"/111t .. ;i 1 ~ ! :1, to attend the game. F<>llowing MaTrttyl YTauno, ,r ·· 1• i 1 0 .O~I the contest the ..:ontingent Will o o S• eam 6M l tl U2 11 .284 • l xRon Roth Pltchint -won Lost be served lunch 11-t the unlver- Dlck Sh · .,.;;::·::::· j g sity, tour the campus, view a W,;,' 0 rw1lbufh•z • ·;::·:::::::.. o matmee periotmance of the To~'/Jfd not nnish ·, 00 , 00 : ···•··· 7 12 Masquers Club mihstrel how, and 11\en atte11d a spai;hetti dinner at Pernic;mo's dowrlte restaurant. There will b~ no .admission cha.rge to th~ 81e. . . - ' LG J El C K Co k , ay son; , en o ;


and Duncan Loche ann

'Whit• 1 Dave Harr 300



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