News Scrapbook 1956-1959


s, u Cal Western Wa it Debuts

SRn D1<'go State Colle e, Unher ity of • n Diego and 'al We ll'rn "ill jom Marme Corp~ Rrcru1t D pol in the rootb11ll war· thl werkend. All thrP!' will open their sea- .·on 'atutday night. MCRD, which got the jump on the 1 e t of th pnck by playing at rlzona I F'lagstalfl State la l ·atmday, will make it~ f'cond st r gain t Eagle Rock AC here Sunday after- noon at 2. San Die o Junior College and lht: rea' horde of high cho I footh Iler won't ,,ing into ct1on until the following weekend Cit • Prep and Met- ropolititn Lr.agul" carnivals are heduled · pt. 26 San Diego J will play al Glen• dale Hy College Sep . 27, US 111 make its debut c1t hom1•, but an Diego State and I \ e tern will hit the road for thl"lr openers. mver 1ty or :vi !co will rurnl h the oppo ition for the Pion r m Balboa tadium • aturdny night at 8 At the ame time, th A7t"c will be at Santa Barbara and Cal Western will be al Redlands,



m1 es Big future For USD

-San Diego Union S1off Phofo

pre5ident, center, and Pioneer coach Bob l\IcCutcheon. Smith spoke to Booster Club yesterday at Mission Valley Country Club. McCutchcon told of team's prospects.

Maurice J. (Clipper) Smith, former Notre Dame All-American and coach at San a Clara and Villanova, left, diagrams a play for Louis L Falro, University of San Diego Booster Club

Saturday night in Balboa Stactmm as team captain Fernando Carpin- teyro, left, and quarterback Alfonso Fernandez look on.

HERE TO PLAY - Coach Roberto Mendez of the University of Mexico reads a story of his team's game against the University of San Diego


lfoe Well For Pioneer Game I

"If l-so plAn~ to movP up radually P rh ypar agaln~t oughn romp.-titlon, t must

"One thing about It," said a much better location than on• to retain in• University or San Diego foot- St. Mary's, Santa Clara or ball coach Bob Mccutcheon Loyola. These teams were today, "Jf we should happen forced to give up football be• to blow the duke to Univer• cause of competition from ma- in an e ·cellent sity ot Mexico Saturday night, jor institutions in the same the stands out, "If USD plans to move you play 'front pagf'' teams last Saturday night when light• up gradually each year, it you naturally get the sup- ly-regarded Los Angeles State must have big seasons and port " College defeated the Mexico offer larger guarantees to Smith ,,arned Plone r head City team, 23-6. lari:er schools to get them on coach Roh M ·Cut h on dur- The Mexican team arri, ed I' dule." i g hi• speech that he wlll re- in San Diego shortly before Mccutcheon reported to the i, e a lot ol prei< ure from noon today to start drills for Boosters hat USD is only ut ide sourceq and many the Saturday night tilt In BaJ. two men deep• at halfbacks , Ith thP new extra point ,cor- boa Stadium. since former San Uiego High in rule \\ h1ch permi a team l:SD's Booster's Club "go and SDJC standout llee Now. to go tor one nr two points. the word'' from an expert den has left the team to play In add1 essing the BoostPrs ye. terday when Maurice J. for Iowa State Teachers Col, he advised not to be tno criti• (Clipper) Smith, o er Santa lege, but that they are three cal rom the 15th t er of the Clara and Vill a coach, deep every place else. t111llum. He told the to was the featur peaker be- oln thf' coRcheq on the . ide• lore the group at its meeting linl'll and tudy their prob• at Mission Valley Counf!'Y: !ems. Club . 1 F.XI( O INT ERJ•:STI. G "Y.our school Is In a fine "In football winning I the ~o ltion to develop an ambi- • . , t1ous footbal r m." said most Important thing, hP Smith "bu I It ·n t k aid, while looking owarl • . · wi a e Mccutcheon, "and 1 hope the abo~t five year to reach a coreboard, mile, on USD. • de,~rn1te goal. l\lcCutcheon old th gi-ou USO has a great nd have h1g ~P tere•t" Ile ~alrl t wa• a trrrific challenl?I! b the felt the young univer 1ty area to make the plan work. we can't blame 1t on our scout• area." Smith, who wa• an all• ing reports." Smith, an All•American at tour as- Notre Dame in 1921, pointed American at .Notre Dame in Mccutcheon and 19'21, commented that "when sistants were In

SAN OIEGC>, CALIFORNIA Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1958


MARINES WONDER C ch Questions • • • 1c1at1n Questionable officiating may(Club Sunday afternoon at the I ha ve cost Arizona (Flagstaff) Depot. . Trometter and his Devildogs ?tate a chance of :ver sign- have only one thing at which mg another San Diego foot- to point as far as the Lum- ball squad. berjack tilt is concerned. University of San Diego They scored more points (19) co a c h Bob l\1cCutcheon than h~ve been tallied against . ASF m a home game In scratched the Lumbei;;iacks the last four seasons. In fact off the list last year and this ASF hasn't Jost a home gam~ week the same feelings are in more than 10 years.

that they shol Id llnd the Uni can do wel,l as long as .its !ol- versity ol Mexico an Inter- lo~ers ~on t get too Impatient. e tlni: team to ateh 11 Sat• Umvers1ty o( San Diego Is in urctay night' game a al- boa Stadium. "Wf' are . h t of hit! now that Alie,.

apparent in the coaching fra- ternity at • farine Corps Re• cruit Depot. :MCRD mentor Bull Tromet• tcr, who normally does his "crying" before the l:> a 11 game, had tongue in cheek this morning when he said, "There were only two five- yard penalties called against them all night. A real clean ball club." Trometter not only lost the Saturday night game at Flagstaff (19-25 l, but also three of his five injured play- ers will be lost to the squad from two to three weeks. Centers Ron Collins and Doug Day and guard Del Bullock are sidelined with knee injuries lfered, ac• cording to Trometter, "from what appeared to be clipping offenses froM vhere I sat on the bench."' Halfback Al Hall, MCRD's leading c,r . f end Pete Co,·u!J ar the sick and ailing, H with a cracked rib and Covington an injured kncP. MCRD's next outing will .be · against Eagle Rock Athletic

if'ft the team t ·1ate Teacher

oll,,i:e but I

think \\e will be three evprywhere el e," the



"Actually ~,.t ot hack but bl'hlnd them thP boy~ are lnexperi!'nced," he adrl!'rl utchei,n pral. Pcl t h e quarterb eking or Jan Chap· m ,n ,,nrl D\1&nr. O'Conni.r. ' Ch pman iq R fine ball han• dll'r anrl thro a pass like I st year' quarterback Vern Valrlez while O'Conner ls a goorl hignn I caller and run• nH," hP a1rl "We m y not win all o! our game th1~ yrar but we'll hi\ VI' thP r1ashiP t c1rP~serl <'luh," he Rirl

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