News Scrapbook 1956-1959
SAN D-.:1=.EG::,O:'.!':..::CA:.;L;.;1;.FO;.;R;.H;.l;.A_aa==..:.·______________________ =;;;,..;==----------------
""HE SAN DIEGO UNION Thurs., Sept. 18, 19580 a37 'I
The San Diego Union's Gridiron Rolla. Ha.l'ry Howard Phil - Williams )lonahan Hagen Collier Santo Barbara Santo Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara by 20 by 12 by 6 by 7 USO USO USO USO by 7 by 13 by 20 by 13 Oregon St. Oreg~ ·orMl_on_S_t_-- Oregon St. OregOnsr.-- by 6 by 20 by 7 by 13 by 6 UCLA UCLA UCLA Pittsburgh UCLA bv 7 OY 1 by J bY 3 by 2 Jack :\lurphy Santa Barbara by 7 USO by U Oregon St. by 7 UCLA by 1 Collfornlo California
Collfornla by 19 Wash. St. bv 6 Oregon by 10 Ariz. St.
by 13
Ariz. St.
Thcl'c was a time when Bob Mccutcheon, fiery young football coach at the Univer ity of San Diego, uldn't seem to open hi mouth without getting foot int same. nten · ly ambitious and dedi ted to his job, Mc-
Cut ·heon dedared war on just about everybody, including USD opponent an(! the press. After lo ing a an\c to Arizona Slate at Flagstill, he accused his con- qu rors o verything but grand Jar · n . And his temper frothed hk O Faithful when Robert (Bull) Trometter, playful Marine ·o • , added insuLt to inju by ub tituting the team trainer for a third- tringer in the course of a 40-6 rout last autumn. But, happily, an this is in the pa. t. A mood of delightful calm has descended upon the stately U D campus overlooking fission Valley. Mccutcheon is ready to forgive and forget.
FIRST Q.B. MEETING SET Reports on weekend col- lege football games will be given at the opening meeting of the Quarter- back Club Monday noon in the Jubilee room at San Diego Club. Coaches who will give highlights of their c o n- tests to be played Satur- day and Sunday will be Paul Governali, San Diego State; Bob Mccutcheon, University o! San Diego; Al Lewis, Cal Western, and Bull Trometter, Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Others on the coaches' panel, whose teams do not compete this weekend, will be George Schutte, San Diego Junior College, and Duane Maley of San Diego High.
Mexico Gridders Fast And Alert By JOHN ·y ll1cDONALD "Don't sell those Mexican boys short. They might be small but they're alert and fast and use two separ.~te units." This was the warning assistant coach Paul Plat,: gave the University of San Diego gridders yesterday at their Beeson Field training quarters before they went onto the field for a scrimmat;e. . I - The Pioneers will be open- while the Hi-Hatters will fete ing their third season of foot- the USD squad at the San ball Saturday night when they Diego Club noon tomorrow. tan_gle with the! Eearlier in the day, McCutch- r,r,~~.i:~~.. .,i Um".ersity of eon received good news when Mexico Pumas Dick Gardner a 5-10 235- at _B a 1 b O a pound linema~, check;d out Stadium. I gear. P~tz re~~ . ated w h a ti Gardner, a former San Di. head c O a ch ego Junior College perform- Bob McCiltch• er, was a starter for USO last con had said season. However, the lineman earlier th i sihas sii::n.ed for six-months ac- -"week, that the tlve military ~uty and hopes Platz .\-lexlcans were to complete this _semester be- far better than the 2.3-6 loss fore bemg called mto the serv- handed them by Los Angeles ice. State last Saturday. Also, fast halfback V [ c "The Mexican team uses a Gausepohl informed McCutch- . eon yesterday from L o n g lot o! razzle-dazzle stuff, oper- Beach that he will return and ates trom a multiple of- play this season, tense and ls definitely strong- "Gausepohl has two more er than last year," P 1 a t_z years of college to coIJlplete added. USO defeated the Mexi- cans, Z7•13, in Mexico City b_ t felt that he should help last year. his dad support a family of Platz and other assistants eight in Long Beach," Mc- Marty • Lewis, Lee Harvey'. !cutcheon said, "But we con- Gen Mazzei and Frank Mur- vinced him that he would be phy worked with the team,able to do much better for his yesterday as Mccutcheon and family 11 he had a degree." Mexican coach, Roberto !\fon- There still is a possibility dez, toured Tijuana on speak- that Allee Nowden. the ex-San ing engagements. Diego JC halfback ho left The University of Mexico for Iowa State Teachers Col- team will be honored at the lege, might return, McCutch-1 Rotary Club luncheon In the eon indicated. He hasn't signed San Diego Hotel today at noon up for any classes in Iowa.
"I'v m rle a Jot of mistakes on !hi job," Mc- utch on was sa} ing yesterday, "and I've learned a lot of thing . I'll be honest. I've had to change my outlook C'omplctcly. "I nme here from Antelope Valley with the idea I a · going to take over the town. I was used to sue- . l won 44 games and lost only six at Antelope II y, I didn't have to worry about public relations !ling ti ket. . When we opened the season, a sell- o t a guai·anl ed. "But it' ne thing to coach football in a sman own lik<' Lan<"a. ter, and another to coach in a big lty like . an Diego. I've had to make quite an ad- stm nt." t' lilll<' early to evaluate the peri;onality of the w" l\k utcheon. That will have to wait until he in i stl J cled to the stresse and strain o[ the tbull eason, starting with Saturday night's in- ugural a ainst the University of Mexico in Balboa ium. • one can dispute, however, that the 34-year-old h h succeeded In making himself and his school werful force in the community in a tearing hur- . In thl tic drcles, there is an increasing aware- that S n Diego s no longer a one-co11ege town. S y's The Limit For Pioneers Thank· to Mccutcheon'· industrious recruiting and <'O hin -plus an active and generou booster club -tl1e Umver ity of San Diego is coming and coming fa t. The chool is still in its infancy, but Mccutcheon oe n't put much stock in the old aw about learn- ing to crawl before learning to walk. Wearing hi athletic director's hat, McCut :hPon has rranged an attractive '58 schedule, including seven ome games. The opposition includes uch worthies as Idaho State, Montana State, Pepper-dine, Colorado \\ e tern and Montana State College. ot bad for a school beginning 1ts football ea 1• .l\nd the end is nowhere ght. • e don't plan to put a lid on our football program," s Mccutcheon. "The idea is k en growing through the year . There is no thovght o( opping at the San Jose State level or any other level. All thi ·, of course, is contrary to the trend of most we tern Catholic colleges and universities. USD is going ahead with football despite the unhappy ex- crienc of such schools as Santa Clara, St. Mary's, the University of San Francisco and Loyola, all of which abandoned the sport in recent years. Mccutcheon and the USD administration are aware of the ob. tacles. The expense of a football team in a private chool i. n't a trifling matter. Last year, the USO boosters raised $34,000. This year, the adminis- tration will pick up the tab which probably will top i:;o,ooo. The major problems at the moment are building strong sehedules, making the community aware of the school, and attracting talented, muscular schol- ar . Mccutcheon is devoting himself to all three ob- jective with astonishing energy. earching for football players, he put 49,000 miles on his new automobile in the last year. In the process, h interviewed 200 high schoolers. But the results eren't particularly encouraging. Of that number, only 37 could meet USD's scholastic requirements and only 15 actually enrolled. Bigger Staff Aids Head Man Lacking tradition and a large alumni body, it's incumbent on USD to attract attention by fielding a winner quickly. La t season, McCutcheon's first as head coach, the Pioneers won six of nine game nd even better result are anticipated in '58. For one thing, McCutcheon has a line that's three- deep at every position. For another, the head man isn't • preading himself so thin. Las season he had a two-man coaching staff consistin of himself and backfield coach, Paul Platz. In addition, he coached the basketball team, served as athletic director, and handled recruiting chores. McCutcheon was busier than a one-armed mulberry packer, but, somehow, h urvived the experience. Life should be much easier hereafter. His coaching taff ha · been augmented by the hiring of assistants Marty Lewis, Les Harvey, Gene 11 • and ank :Murphy. Harvey also will relieve eon of his ba. ketball duties. ' including board, room, books, tuition and $10 per mon h. New dormitory facilities hou e the footballers. And, won- der of wond rs, McCutcheon is in talled in his own office, <.:omplcte with two telephones and two secre- tnries. It's doubtful that any school ever accomplished so muc-h in uch a shol't period. From a barren mesa to a $20,000,000 campus in just six years. From a bare idea to a solid football team with a seven-game home schedule in just three years. Even in the jet age, that's moving fast. Prosperity, it's wonderful! McCutc now being paid by the school, instead club. Athletes are assured of a "full rid
at opening) pra ice sessions inclltding 15 letutrmen. Top cra!tsmen !or Tech tlhis fall will be Qb. Richard Har· rison, 6-tt., 157, a fellow who thinks and mqves adroitly; halfback Reynaldo Sessman, 5-8, 132, a whirl\ng dervish In the open; and fljllback Gerald (Truck) Thomf5, 5-10, 216, power runner If3l' excellance. • • • No re ame Notre Dame, which posted a pitiful 0-9 ma k in the Cath- olic League las fall, hopes to get back on vi ory track this season under new grid boss Bob Spindola. h Flghtin Irl h of San ernanilo Valley never have enjoyed a victorious football season ne J"ning the C.L. In 1950. In tac the best rec- ord they've e,· ,r post,ed was 4-4 ln free•laneinJ '49. But now, wit!j an enrollment of 1300 boys to call upon, Coach Spindola ,and staff think it's about time for the Knights to start throwirig their weight around. Saturday the spirited Knights rolled !or five touch- downs and three safeties In a scrimmage with Santa Clara High at Ox~. Halfback Tom Von der Ahe ied twice, once on an 80-y canter. Jim Vuchsas, D Caruso and Mike Merkle also 't paydirt. Qb. Howi&•--:"'!'i ed in a top Job all The SAN DIEGO-San Diego Uni- versity starts its second sea- son of Intercollegiate football Saturday night, Sept 20, when Coach Bob McCutcheon's Pio• neers will entertain ·university of Mexico in Balboa Stadium here. Kickoff is set for 8 p.m. San Diego's 1957 team de• feated the Latin-Americans Z7. 13 in Mexico City. The Pioneers, on 1 y West Coast Catholic coll<'ge compet- ing in football, finished '57 with a creditable 6-3 record, winning their last four straight games. Two former C a th o 11 c League stars wlll start for San Diego U. t-0night,.....cen- t-er Jack Garofono, 205, ex• Cantwell High; and back Duane O'Connor, 165, ex-Loyola ffigh. Ei"ht starters from '57's squad will be back tor San Diego including guard John Mulligan, 205, seco.1d team All- Catholic All-American. SA DIEGO STARTS !N 1 D RID YEAR
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Fri., Sept. 19, 1958 Q
Pioneers' Attitude Irks Boss
"Complacency I~ wo~rylng me nearly as much as the University of Mexico," said University of San Diego coach Bob Mccutcheon this morn- ing, "These guys of mine can't seem to get it in their heads that they have a ball game to play t o m o r r o w I night." Mccutcheon named Jan Chapman, a Kansan who played at Naval Tr a In in g Center, as his choice for the quarterback role as the Pl• oneers prepped for their sea- son opener tomorrow night In Balboa Stadium against the Pumas. Has Experience Edge Chapman, little but mighty, is one of the more experi• enced lads on the squad, hav- ing played two y e a r s of football in the service. He was twice an all-stale choice in high school. Duane O'Connor, up from Citrus JC, may have bee, named as the starting qua1 terback had he not come UJ with a sore arm. However Mccutcheon said that O'Con nor will see plenty of action before the game is over. Chapman is 5-9, 170 pounds; O'Connor- n inch taller and five p~neavier. · Vll4 Is Shif ~Keyes and hard- drivi on Wright will probab }' ck at their old positions&. halfback and full- back, respectively, with new- comer Toll) Gates manning the other halfback spot. Keyes weighs in at 185,
FOOTBALL Southern California vs. Oregon St.-KGB llt 8 to- night. ::llissolll'I '-S. Vandi,rbilt- Channels 10 and 4 at 1:45 p.m. tomorrow. l LI\ V'!. Pittsburgh - K 18' at 1:45 p.m. tomor- r . vs. p.m. to orrow. Washingto, vs. Chicago Bears-Channel 10 at 11 a.m. Sunday. UCLA vs. Pittsburgh (De. layed telecast\- Channel 11 at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. BOXING ,Johnny Busso vs. arlos Ortiz, lightweights, t New York Channels 10 and 4 and KFSD at7 tonight. TENNIS Pacific Southwest Cham• pionships, Los Angeles - Channel 2 at 2 p.m. tomorrow and Channels 8 and 2 at 2 p.m. Sunday. Y CHTRACING America's Cup Newport, R.I. - e c ports on KNX (1070) KFSD tomorrow.
Wright 190 and Gates another five pounds heavier, giving \ the Pioneers both weight and speed in the backfield. /
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