News Scrapbook 1956-1959



Octobe r 1, us Sees et ays h Coach ll Kuhn . aid yester- play bttt \A day that the University of San block and I Diego w,1 sadly lac·king in tun- the back t damentul but Indicated the the line. l'lub . til l has the potential to "We'll win a fe\, football games th our pas.

October 25, 1956

Tb It Spells Piorr1eer' icfory In USD Football H1stor¥;

If you don't succeed a.t first., , The third time Is the chum •• • "46" 11 the magic num~r , • • One way or anot her they t ell the story ot the University of San Diego's P ioneers in their I first campaign on the gridir on. In the inaugural outing, the I Pioneers found the U. S. Air Force Aca demy Falcons too much to handle to the tune of 4.6 -0, It was said "46" could be the magic number for the Pio• neers. Then It was the Nav~I Alr Skyralders' turn, and they romped off with a 39-0 victory. But last Saturday the Pioneers covered themselves with football glory. Three-touchdown under- doge as they faced t he E dwards Air Force Base Wings in Balboa Stadium, the P ioneers fla.shed the "new look." And It g littered. When the final gun sounded, the Pioneers had scored the first football triumph ih USD's his• tory. And the cor e was a whop• beginning ot a great tradition or the University ot San Diego, Humbled In their first start 46-0, they made the "46" the magic number in glorl• ous fashion, They topped It by one-and made their first victory a rousing 47•0 victory, Fullback Duane (R udy) R udin- ski took the honors o! scoring the first touchdown In the uni- versity's history. And he made it a thriller. He raced 71 yards along the side lne tor the , core. When it was all over, seven players had added their names t o the USD record book by scor- ing touchdowns. And Larry Tessary, who counted one of the J touchdowns, also added tour con• version poin . with Tony Pro- copio adding the fifth. For the record : Clarence Mae scored the second touchdo to climax a 46-yard drive. Tom Kelly intercepted a Wings pass and returned it 45 yards for the third score. Halfback Joe McNamara flip• ped a short pass to Tessary in the end zone for the fourth tally. McNamara recorded the fifth when he ripped through the middle of the line tor a 10-yard jaunt. Then it was Louis CMtagna's turn to chalk up the sixth when he recovered a Wing fumble in And Quarterback Bob Frank- lin made It "47"' when he Inter• Thus did th tplrlted P ioneers forge the re


Hitting a re• markable 67' , of their sho1s in lh<> second period and sparked by the ste 1 lar floor play of Bart Johns0n, Eddi!' Pepple and .fa<'k Williams, tJH' Pendleton Scou1s completely ou wlasscd thp Uni- versity o[ San Diego quinte_t, ';'6-46, at the OeC'anside Commu- nity Center last Tuesrlay. The collc-gians played WC'll al midcourt, but fa ilrd to work in under and score during !hi' fitst half wh ich ended 33-12 Pendle- ton. The San Diegans came 0 11 t stronger in thf' second pel'lod, but the hard•driving with their wt>alth of experience and dParl ly shootin° ·ere too much for them. Guard E rldie P t·P le was high for the Scouts "ii 1 13 points (oJlowPd bv 1,avton Ducot<' wi1h 1l find Ja~·k Williams with 10. IIil(h fu •·an n go \\ 11.s for- I ward Pa ey11olrl with 15.



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"\', e I h a v e many ot the mistakes WP mad!' Kuhn singled out pass de- 11galn · th Ah· Force Academy fense a, the club's strongest la ·l Sat rda) " he said. point. The Falcons completed 111e in university football on!)' two ot 14 passes for 30 11quad, whlch opened ils first yards . i;eason with a 46-0 beating at .F001' 'OTES-The Pioneers the hand of the ,·'all'on.-, will irwurred two injuries-guards fa('e c ai:h Dwight Hoover· ,Joe- J)i1'oma ·o, a contusion, Naval Ah Sk,raiclers Saturda) and Glenn Gos~. a dislocated In Bait, Stadium , thumb .. . Kuhn predicted that Ku! aid therf' was little the Air Academy would lose the Pioneers r,1uld dn nght only two games this year .. . a.ga1nst e 1''al<'on~ and hoped He said the big Skyraider to get thing tralghtened out threa ts this week are end by ·aturday. An intra-i;quad1 J[erle Reed, fullback :\larty scrimmage has been planned Enl{h and haHback ,Jim Mer• for toda) with possible addi- tens ... Halfback Joe :Ul'Na- tional contac-t work tomorrow. n1ara, recovering from a knee However, the Prnneer coach injury, should see plenty of laid he wa not planning any se rvice Saturday ... The Pio- radical I I n e up change. al- neers may use more T plays though l.,..o boy. ma. hll\'e as the season progresse. . • . earned . l,1rt10g b I ti • Proof that the l SD line was ''Kirby Woods, our t h I rd not charging w the fact that Mring qum1erbac-k, Wa our none of the an DI e g ans best passpr whPn we operated jumped offsid pite the long 1rom the T -format1on and ma · count by thP ;Fa /Jns . . Kuhn get a starting a lgnmPnt whll aid he a n d his as i t ant , Greg Peat ·on, se cond s tring coa •llp . Co,imo Cutri and Bill leCt end. played a good game,'' ( ope, :et up defeMes tor a Kuhn said. six-man line and the Falcons' ' 'l\'e tned to get our quar- thrf'w them off with !ive men trrback~ to <·all !or the pas~l 111 the middle. - -----------•- ------------ to eilminat sive line p ) ••

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November 14, 1956

WINS SCORING HONO&-Dll&De Rudinakl, right, is Abown taking a handoff from Clarence Masca.rl In a football pra,ctlce eesslon. It was the real thing against Edward~ Air Force Base last Saturday, and Rudlnskl, former Helix High star, gained the honor of 8COring USD'a lint touchdown !n history, It came on a scintillating 71-yard run. USD Cage Squad Launches Practice The University ot San Diego basketball squad looked forward le 11. busy sea.son as they began practice this week under the direc- tion of Coach Fon Johnson. A 21-game schedule already has been carded, and Johnson opes to line up an additional five games, The Pioneer coach has high.,______________ opes for an outstanding season in the university's first varsity competition. include Lee Hammond, 6-6, who

s Underdo In Home Contest By JOHNNY le DO. ALD ew Mexico di',ngerous passing attack, will be a slight favorite tonight to defeat the ,-oung University of San Diego a t Balhoa Stadium. Kickoff is .scheduled for 8 p.m. The invading Broncos will be expected to Irk up a fu~s with qunrtcrback. Ricl1 , layo and Clifl Wingo throwing the ball anrl Don Black, a 178,pound full• back, guiding the ground a t- 1 tack. The New Mexicans have an lmpressi\'e 5-2 record com- pa red to USD's 1-2. La test vic- 1 im of the Bro~~os was Trini. 1 dad, Colo. ., 66-0. New Mexif'o will operate • from a sph 'T with the quar- 1 terbacks expected to use the option play most of the way. The Broncos also are expect- ed to outweigh the Pioneers, 10 pound6 per man in the line. Gil Kuhn, coach of the Pio- neers, said he'll open with a backfield of J oe McNamara at quarterback, Clarence Mascari and Tom Kelly at halves a n ct Duane Rudzinski at fullback. Kuhn admitted he expected >t tough game and that the Pioneers will have to be geared high to beat the Broncos. The New Mexicans have a t ough f o r w a r ct wall, work at the tackles and ends for their offen• ~lve gainers and throw a lot to ends Duncan Ward (6-4, 210) and Dave Shearer (6-3, 206J. !iii ary Insti• t ute. boasting a

Ray Sveitcl, an Diego team capt.'Iln, , ·ill be moved from center to left end Saturday when the Pio- neers close th eir first football season again st Arizona State o! FlagstaH in Balboa Stadium. Speitel , who has played all the previous ames at center, in for ll ng Larry Tcs- sary. Tessary incurred a brain concussion in a scrimmage last week with Naval Training Cen- ter. Speitel played end at Chula Vista High. The Flagstaff club, whi ch has Jost clo;;e decisions to Pep- P e r ct i n e (14-12) and Long Beach Slate (7·6J, figures to be the toughest opponent on th e Pioneer s'chedule since the Air ! Foree Academy. 1 I Cosimo Cutri Jr., assistant coach to Gil Kuhn, reporte d yesterday that the Pioneers probably would start Speitel and Billy Franklin at ends, Pete,Junger and either Charles I Frartklin or Paul Ekberg at t~eklcs, Tony Procopio and Bill B an a g'a at gu a r ds, Ronnie Raya at ce nter, Joe McNa- mara at quarterback, Tom Kelly and Clarence Masca ri at halves a nd Duane Rt1d l i11 at fullback.

October 26, 1956

1413 Gen'I, Admission $1.00 U.S.D. vs ARIZONA H.ov. 17, 1956 Balboa Sladlum 2 P.M. ------- --- -------



Expecfe day for USD Game New , lex1co Military InstJ lute 's football team is expecte,:J tQ arrive In town today for its ame with the University of San Diego tomorrow night In Balboa ·tndium. The Bronc.os arc expected to operate lrom a split-T forma- tion. Heading the attack will bo quarterback Rich Mayo. The invading co11cglans will he light but fast. Mayo weighs 163, halves Freddie Sander and Steve Bate$ are 14S ilnd 170, respectively, and Don Bl a ck < l78> at fullback. The to winjm military I be Dun a 6-4 210-pounder ! :'\fonica. Coach Gil have h rt ates. hi 1;1 re h cd last eek h ooting to r their second v1ct ry ol. the Fro h lost to Rcdland The Pioneers will b

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Ot her outstanding performers the end zone.

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Heading the list of playen Ken Leslie, Joe Roth and Charles Thomeczek, Uslle, a six-footer who played tor Johnson when the latter ched Grihalva Motors, won I-American Amateur Athletic nlon basketball honors In Den- ,,.r twice with the local city team d once with Oakland's Bitners. '4. former Naval Training Center ard, Lealle also wM named U-Navy and All-11th Naval Dis- ct. Roth, a m-foot-two forward, ayed two year • with the AJl- arine Qu,mt!eo, Va., quintet. He allO wu a ltar performer in high eehool In Ithaca, N. Y,

played for Mobley, Mo., junior cepted a p college; Dave Washington, 6-1!, yards to p~ All-City honorable mention at and now tn,

and romped 31


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io-1111:.-;swere on

th eir way.

Lincoln High last year; Bob Tur- pin, 6-7, All-Metro forward a.t Helix High; Hector Sanchez, 5-11,

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TIiis weekend they will enjoy & well-deserved re~t.

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Next s 7 who averaged 21! points a game they will travel to Redlands t~ with SL Augustine last year, and meet the R~dlands frosh. Duane Rudinskl, another All• And in USO history, a number Metro six-footer from Helix. Ru• ls forgotten. Happily, the Pio· 1 dinskl Is playing with the foot- neers' new magic number ls "47" ball team. -and that It always will be. Nov. 11-0ceanside Carlsbad IF======;i.===== er

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College, here. Nov. 20-;- Camp , Pendleton, there. Nov. 27-NTC,' there. •ov, BO-Loyola Univer- sity, there (tentative). Dec. 1- Chapman <::ollege, there. Dec. i--

< IIO "' 0

'rhOll')eczek, • lit feet, two, 11 a fonner Oklahoma A&M player Long Beach State, there. Dec. who a1ao hu had tour year • of 8-Whlttler College, here. Dec. experience u an .Army perform- 12-0ceanalde-Carlsbad College, w. Be played two season • with there. De(I. 20-Flag-ataff, Am., the A.ff!ea. State, there (tentative). Dec. 21 The t alle1t memb6P of the elub -Grand Canyon College, there. Dec. 22-Luke Air F orce BaseJ~ t, lllllHI blchea. The lanky cen- at Phoenix. Jq. 4-Cal B11.pt11t play9d one 1e11.10n of fresh- College, ther~. Jan. 8-Long \ man ball at North Dakota. wtn be Ca.rt Hendrlckl!IOn at alx

Pioneers Tackl~ Tough Lumberiacks i Finale


Beach Sta.te, here. Jan, 24-Ma. . rlne Corpa Recruit Depot, t here. J an. 26.-Cal Poly, San Dimas, here. Jan. 29- felee State, ) ther e. Jan. 81--Grand Canyon College, her . Feb. 2-Chapman College, here. Feb. 5--Whlttler College, there. Feb. 11!---CaI Poly San Dlmllll, there, Feb. 18--C&' Ba12t11 here.

Buoyed by a thrilling 14-12 victory over New Mexico MUI- tary Instit ute, the University of 1 San Diego Pioneers are bearing down In drills for Uteir final t est of t heir flrst football season- the clash with the Lumber jacks of Arizona St at e College of Flag- staff at 2 p.m. Sat urday, No- vember 17, In Balboa St adium. A vict ory over the Arizonans- no easy assignment-would give the P ioneers a 3-2 victory edge 1n thelr inaugural camp,algn. J oe McNamara ignited the spark that brought victor y to t he Pioneers in the t hriller with the New Mexico eleven. · He scored both touchdowns, the first com ing on a quar terback sneak t o climax a 29-yard drive In th~ first. quarte r. E nd Larry Tessary booted t he extra point . I The Institut e grtdders took charge In t he second quart er to ar ore twice tor a 12-7 halftime advantage. And the score held up u n t 11 McNamara came through with about two minut e • Jett in the game. He fought otf three tacklers on the 16-yard winning t ouchdown run. T essary agal!' converted, and that wa.a the ball game. The Pioneers will have a tourh job -0n thelr 0 hands trying to ,top the hard-running Lumberjack at- tA.Ck next week. Winning three , of their first four games the Arizonans averaged more than 800 yards per game. Their set- back waa a 14-12 a.ffair With Pepperdlne. They beat the Ft. Huachuca Army t eam, 28-6, smothered Uni- versity of California at River- side, 60-0, and romped over Westminster, 29-0. • The first t eam line averages !05, and the backfield 190 to give them a big , fast starting aggretation.

TH& SOUTH&ftN CROSS, THURSDAY, NOVEMB'l:R 8, 1956 ...,,..,..,.........,..=._...,.,,,..,_,__ _ ~~--------- _ ____

Probable lineups: N~• J\fexlc:o

Sao DJerfll l,arry l'CS!l&rJ' Pete J ungers Tony Procoolo trt lf:!~e,! RT Charles Fr&nlr.Un RE Billy Franklin QB Joe McNamara LH Clarence Ma~cari RH Tom K~lly FB Duane Rudzinski t. I R'& LE

Duncan Ward Tom Wa er .A1 Na.nee Bob Carr Jio.,,·ard Homa.a Jack Metcalf Dave Sherer Rich Mayo F:cddit Sander& Steve Ba.tPS Don Black

Pion,ee rs to Tackle New · Ele en The University of San Diego's P ioneers awing back Into action on the gridiron at 8 p .m. this Friday, November 2, when they clash with New Mexico Military Institute in Balboa. Sta.d!um. The fro h grlddera held the s potlight !Mt week when they tangll!d With e University of Redlands frosh. But they didn't find the going to their liking as · they <'ame out of the tussle on the short end of 11. 27-7 score.

EVENING TRIBUNE b 14 SAN DIEGO. CALIFOBN IA • Friday, :Nov. 16, 1956



For Fi nale With Lumberjacks Universi y of San DiPgo's Mascari and Tom Kelly and me n include tackle Pete J un. football Pioneers , who have fullback Duane Rudzinski , wh0 gers, guards Tony Porcopio shown adde d strength since doubles in brass as one of and Bill Banaga and end Bill they switc ed to the T forma- the top defensive players on Franklin, who will be one of tion midw y through the sea- the squad. the prime targets fo r McNa. son, fare Ariwna State ofl The only other doubtful start- mara's and Bob F ranklin' s Flagstaff tomorrow afternoon er is tackle Paul Ekbert, who shots. at 2 in Balboa Stadium. came out second best in a bout Kuhn's only tatement on Indications are that coach,with the fill. Big Ch a r Ii e "his last game o! the season Gil Kuhn's Pioneers will take Franklin returns to a starting .vas that "we will use our usu. to the air against the Lumber- role in replaci ng Ekberg. al T, but we have some sur- jacks, with Bob Franklin alter- Other ~l.trting Pioneer line- 9rises for them." naling with regular quarter-

The New Mexico grldders may be more to hl\ndle than the Pi• oneera bargained for. They boa.,t several ImpressIve wins, and the P lon~ers will have to stage a. r•peat of their impressive per• tormance agRlnst Edward• Air F orce BB.!le if ey expect to r ecord their second win ot th lnaugural sea.son, The Pioneers llil'tll enjoy an open date neoct ,'!eek, and then wind up the aeai&n In 11. batfle with the. Lumber 11. s of Arizona. State C<,llege of Flagstaff In Balboa Stadium Saturday, , No• vember 17.

bilck Joe McNamara to give the locals a one-two pa sing punch. The loss o! injured end Lar- ry Tessary could hu1 t the Pio- neers' ,1erial game tor he was sh,iping up as one o( the best flankers in this area Regular center Ray Speitel has mo\ ed into the \ acated encl spot an



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