News Scrapbook 1956-1959
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cardina1 Roncolli Of Venice Takes John XXI 1·1 Name Conclave Ends Three-Day Deadlock By Selecting Son Of Poor Peasant Com~lled from The son DltH Union's Wire Servi'cn VATICAN CITY, Oct. 28-Angelo Giuseppe, Cardinal Roncalli of Venice, 76, the son of a poor Italian peasant tonight was elected pope. He took the name Jo~ XXIII.
uare, Churches P al nv DANIEL F. GIL~IORI'~ cfrY, Nov. 4 (UPI)-Pope John t y ascended the throne of St. Peter. and was c_ro ed s p eme pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church m cere- 1 o ic o[ matchless pageantry. nding amid the gold an JOHN XXl/1'S FULL TITLE VATICAN CITY, Oct. 28 (Reuters) - The full title ot the new pope is: "Bishop of Rome, Vicar o! Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apos• ties, Supreme Pontif! o! the Unlversal Church, Pa- triarch of the West, Pri- mate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of t h e Roman Province, Sover- eign ot th~ Vatican City State." The new spiritual leader of the world's halt billion Roman Catholics becomes the 262nd pope. His election ended a three-day deadlock in 'the c o n c l a v e of 51 cardinals sealed in the Sistine Chapel to select a successor to Pius xn, who died Oct. 9. Vatican sf)urces said the new pope probably would be crowned with the triple papal tiara at ceremonies in St. Peter's Basilica on Nov. 9. The selection of Cardinal Roncalli continues the tradi- tion of Italian popes whlch has been unbroken for 436 years. 'TRANSITION POP~' a,rch was given the red hat of d J h a cardinal Jan. 12, 1953, by the • ht S o n late Plus XII regar ome m1g XXIII a~ a "tran~iti~n pope," The first public indication not destined to institute any that a pope had been selected notable changes in church was dramatic and sudden policy. But John XXill, like As dusk fell over Rom; the his celebrated predecessor, milling crowd saw what ap- has been a _diplomat of many peared to be puffs of blacjt years expen~nce. . . smoke lifting from the chap• Though his policies may el's chimney an indication prove conservative, he Is ex• that the con~lave had falled p~cted to f~llow th~ general to reach agreement. The black smoke trailed of! years of Pius XII's reign and and was replaced bv smoke o be a militant defender of o! uncertain color . ·The f(i• the church's Int ere st s in gantic crowd s · enced by world affairs. uncertainty. Suddenly flood- The election ended a con• lights were switched on and clave which had seemed the massive s facade of headed for 11. long deadlock. the basilka and St. Peter'a It is presumed he was elected Square were bathed in light. on the l 2th ballot, although, ANNOUNCEJ'IENT IAD& no announcement was made · ' • of the number ot ballots A murmur spread thro h taken the crowd and ose to a tunm • · tuous cheer when Prince 11(• CROWD SEES SMOKE lismundo Chigi, governor of His election spread joy the conclave, appeared. He throughout Tt,i.Jy. was folloyved by the a'ilmg Some 250,000 persons gath• Nicola Cardinal anal!, 84, ered in St. Peter's Square grand penitentiary of t lie exploded into cheers of "Viva church. ii papa" Oong live the pope) Supported by two prelates, whlle Cardinal Roncalli ap- Cardinal Canali raised h i s peared on the balcony of St. arm for quiet as the crowd, Peter's to impart his first with a roar, anticipated his papal blessing "urbi et orbi" announcem,_.,nt. (to the city and the worldl.j "I announce g;eat .ews," The elderly Venetian patri• (Continued on Page A, Col. 6) direction laid down m the 19 In hi· first appearance after being named head of Roman Catholic Church, Pope John XXIII blesses -'---------...,,,=-===-==----=:--: Millions Watch \ Ceremonies On Television Sets Closeups Bring Air Of Immediacy To West Europe B,•PAUL HOFFMAN Cop~yrlgt:-t, 1'S8, New York Tlmet ROME, :,.;ov. 4-Pope John XXIII was incisive and force- ful as the principal figure in the liturgic action that ell- .maxed with his being crowned before cheering thousands to• day. The 1mpresslve perform• ance was witnessed with more immediacy by a television 1 audience of 30 million West Europeans than by most of those \lhO attended the rite In St. Peter's Basilica or who were standing In the huge square outside. And a wor_ld• wide radio hook-up carried Pope John's voice to the re- motest parts of the earth. Listeners agreed that his was not the voice of an old man. S)IILE NOTED The sheer physical demands of the 76.year.old pope's role in the elaborate ntual that , led to his solemn coronation CARDINALSATTEND appeared formidable In the ~::_:~,:,:..,:.:..;.:::::..:;.;...;,__ _ _ focus of the TV cameras. He\ p "d fl tood up surprisingly well to resf en 5 En oys Are Honored V what must have been a tre- mendous strain on his body From the moment of his be- ing clothed with the compll- cated liturgical robes Pope John was shown at short in• tervals In closeups such as no member of the congregation inside St. Peter's could have got. Most of the time ~he pontiff's face, usually benign looking, was grave. But he did break Into a smile when the cardinals paid their obei• sance. To some of them the pope even whispered friendly remarks, which caused the princes of the church to aJ. Jow themselves a half-sup- pressed chuckle 1n thelr turn. EXCHANGE WARM It was noticed that the pope appeared particularly warm the kiss of peace with Stefan Cardinal Wyszynskl, primate of PO· land and with Gregory Peter the XV Cardinal Agaglanian, patriarch of the Armenians. When Pope John read his Latin horn ly he thrust his spectacles on his prominent nose and underlined the im- portant p a s s a g e s with his right forefinger . Wheneve1· th~ pontiff spoke, the latest addi- tion to the Vatican staff went into action: A papal micro• phone•holder in ecclesiastical garb who made sure the pope's voice would be heard clearly on the a lr. Televiewers were able to read In t he pope's missal when he stood at the altar. and emotions. • 1n exchanging cardin Is one by one to ac•; and tired. Then he rose fll"m- c pt their pledge of splrltual\Jy to his feet and went to the fe lty. microphone. He as led to the adjolningl He raised his arms and Ch ape 1 of St. Gregory to gave the papal blessing "urbi chnngc hls robes for the pontlf·iet orbi" - to the city and !cal m ss on U1e high altar. to the world. At tlie altar, under the 'pre• "Viva ii papa," the cry clous bronze canopy by Bern!•·from the crowd \Vas like a nl, the pope ascended n red clap of tnunder: "Viva ll and gold carpet to the mag- papa." niticent papal throne rn the;;;~====-=-=-==---' psc. A er meditation, he mounte the i;tcps and began hls solcmu mass, bareheaded and with his ring removed. Th£> chotr ang. Trumpets ROME, Nov. 4 (UPI) President Eisenhower's rep· resentatives at the corona• tlon o! Pope John XXIII lunched today with the two American cardinals at the villa of the U.S. ambassa• dor here. Francis Cardinal Spell- man archbishop of N e w York, and James Francis Cardinal Mclntrye, arch· bishop of Los Angeles, at• tended the lunch at the Vil- la Taverna, residence of Ambassador James Zeller- bach and his wife. Honored guests were La- bor Secy. James Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell, Robert Murphy, deputy unders~c- retary of state, and h I s daughter, Rosemary, and Mrs. Clare Boothe Lu c e, former American ambassa• dor to Rome and • her hus- band, Henry Luce, publish• er o! 'Iime and Llfe mag• azines. Mitchell, Murphy and Mrs. Luce were present at to• day's coronation ceremon- ies at St. Peter's Basllica as representatives of Pres- ident Eisenhower. signaled the consecration of the m1tss. ln ncnce, the pon• tiff consumed the sacred host which. by church dogma, Is thr. body-or Chri t. "Domin non sum dignus," -"Oh, Lord, I -am not wor• thy," the pope recited. He read his "homlly," oq , -A,socloted Pn~ Radl0Photo ?Urmg ancient coronation ceremonies m St. Peter' , in Vati an City. Pope John XXIII kneels in prayer in Chapel of the Most Holy.Sacrament tonight at the r esidence .of However, du r In g the most French Ambass~dor Ga~ton solemn moments of the mass P alewski and will be Jomed when the pontitl' took holy I by. Ambassador and Mrs. communion the camera rever.l Zellerbach a t a l'.'-ter French The Murphys an t h e Luces will attend a dinner ently swerved off. Embassy reception.
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